Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

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So, uh, here's my input...

I wish I could get as psyched as everyone else about this "next level" quote, but I'm such a cynic that I keep thinking it's gonna turn out to be nothing but a cruel tease, and that "next level" actually means more of the same - longing gazes and subtle hints and no actual progression.

I really really really wanna be proven wrong, though. REALLY.

Well, Ginna I really, really, really believe you, so no worries kay?:)

I also believe you will be proven wrong. What can I say?*shrugs* I'm optimistic.*bouces up and down* And on a HipHugger high, so don't kill my happy buzz! (LOL, just kidding, kinda:lol:)

On another note I am introducing a new topic.

Can you see kids for E/C in the future(probably faaarrrrr future)

I can, but I think it will not be on the show. Although it kinda depends on how long the show runs. Maybe we will see little Erics or Calleighs. I hope so!

What are yall's thoughts?
Here's my thought on 7.16...

alright, thats all i got. im trying to picture there first kiss, but with E/C, they should be on a beach, all alone, with waves crashing in the moonlight as fireworks go off in the distance and a dolphin jumps out of the water :D...i think after this much time, they deserve at least that much :guffaw:

:lol: That's great!
Geez as much as I can come up with in my limited-creativity guy can come up with so much more.
Just waiting here though trying not to obsess sooo much about it and just bide my time.
Well, Ginna I really, really, really believe you, so no worries kay?:)

I also believe you will be proven wrong. What can I say?*shrugs* I'm optimistic.*bouces up and down* And on a HipHugger high, so don't kill my happy buzz! (LOL, just kidding, kinda:lol:)

On another note I am introducing a new topic.

Can you see kids for E/C in the future(probably faaarrrrr future)

I can, but I think it will not be on the show. Although it kinda depends on how long the show runs. Maybe we will see little Erics or Calleighs. I hope so!

What are yall's thoughts?

I want your enthusiasm! Gimme!

Speaking of being on a hiphugger high, I watched the E/C scenes from 714 about 5 times. :adore: I just can't bring myself to delete the episode from my DVR... even though we could use the space (the stupid cable company provides far less space than TiVo).

And as for the new topic... uh, doy, of course I see children in their future! I can just imagine the cute little kids running around, using the toy guns that they got from their mom (after a lengthy lecture on gun safety). They will of course have beautiful kids since they're both so fricken beautiful themselves.

Despite his "irresponsible" past, I think Eric wants children and will be a great dad. Obviously he's very protective and can be very gentle and caring. I think he'd actually be MORE interested in parenthood than Calleigh... though she'd take to motherhood very well and very quickly.

Not that I've thought about it or anything. :p
Well, Ginna I really, really, really believe you, so no worries kay?:)

I also believe you will be proven wrong. What can I say?*shrugs* I'm optimistic.*bouces up and down* And on a HipHugger high, so don't kill my happy buzz! (LOL, just kidding, kinda:lol:)

On another note I am introducing a new topic.

Can you see kids for E/C in the future(probably faaarrrrr future)

I can, but I think it will not be on the show. Although it kinda depends on how long the show runs. Maybe we will see little Erics or Calleighs. I hope so!

What are yall's thoughts?

I want your enthusiasm! Gimme!

Speaking of being on a hiphugger high, I watched the E/C scenes from 714 about 5 times. :adore: I just can't bring myself to delete the episode from my DVR... even though we could use the space (the stupid cable company provides far less space than TiVo).

And as for the new topic... uh, doy, of course I see children in their future! I can just imagine the cute little kids running around, using the toy guns that they got from their mom (after a lengthy lecture on gun safety). They will of course have beautiful kids since they're both so fricken beautiful themselves.

Despite his "irresponsible" past, I think Eric wants children and will be a great dad. Obviously he's very protective and can be very gentle and caring. I think he'd actually be MORE interested in parenthood than Calleigh... though she'd take to motherhood very well and very quickly.

Not that I've thought about it or anything. :p

5 times!! That's it? ;) I think I have worn their sceens into my computer screen I have watched it sooo many times :lol:

Hey, something has to get me through to March 2nd!! :lol:

Eric definately wants children....he told that in "My Nanny." He threw in the "right girl" comment just for her and she picked up on it....that little smirk on her face said it all!! ;)

I would love to see kids in the future but right now I will settle for a wedding ;)
I want your enthusiasm! Gimme!

Speaking of being on a hiphugger high, I watched the E/C scenes from 714 about 5 times. :adore: I just can't bring myself to delete the episode from my DVR... even though we could use the space (the stupid cable company provides far less space than TiVo).

And as for the new topic... uh, doy, of course I see children in their future! I can just imagine the cute little kids running around, using the toy guns that they got from their mom (after a lengthy lecture on gun safety). They will of course have beautiful kids since they're both so fricken beautiful themselves.

Despite his "irresponsible" past, I think Eric wants children and will be a great dad. Obviously he's very protective and can be very gentle and caring. I think he'd actually be MORE interested in parenthood than Calleigh... though she'd take to motherhood very well and very quickly.

Not that I've thought about it or anything. :p

5 times!! That's it? ;) I think I have worn their sceens into my computer screen I have watched it sooo many times :lol:

Hey, something has to get me through to March 2nd!! :lol:

Eric definately wants children....he told that in "My Nanny." He threw in the "right girl" comment just for her and she picked up on it....that little smirk on her face said it all!! ;)

I would love to see kids in the future but right now I will settle for a wedding ;)

Well, maybe a few more than 5 times. :p

Ah yes, how could I forget "My Nanny"? I've seen that scene a few times too. I loved the look on her face when he mused about "the right girl".

A wedding would be great! But at this point, I'd settle for anything more than what we've seen so far - a peck on the cheek and the holding of hands. Let's kick it into gear, people! It's smooch time! :luvlove:
Hey Guys, just wanted to let you know the statis of the new Hiphuggers pages that are in Youtube and Myspace!

Ok I have the youtube page open and I still have alot of videos to down load to the page so bare with me. I am try to get the Episodes down loaded but it is a slow prosess also please go and sign up on the friends list in both rooms please so maybe we can get a count on the fans that we have that are viewing the pages.

I do have the My Space page up and I am currently putting pictures and differant things on their so if you have a picture you want posted please send it to me at this E-mail adress and I will post it for you.
I would like to have some with some cute quoates on them.

Also If you see something on the youtube page that needs to be done please let me know it is still a work in progress also. The Video screens that appear on both pages will be diplaying all the Fan videos that I can gather from youtube so flip through and check them out! they will hold 200 videos each so when the second one gets filled I will be adding another screen.

Also I hope to have a screen with the Episodes of the Seasons 1-7 if Youtube and My Space don't come and take me to jail first for copy rights violations! Lol! You'll notice thay have been nailing our videos lately and we have to replace some of the audio with public domain songs and they kinda suck! Any who as soon as I get the My Space set up I will post the address for you guys to check it out!

Please leave me some love in the comments sections and tell me what you like or don't like, or maybe what you would like to see and I'll try to do it for you.

Don't forget to send me those pictures to post also! I can do videos if you want to send those, or if you send me the link I will capture them and put them on the pages!

Also One of the other Hiphuggers is going to try and set up a page in Facebook so we will be posting that also as soon as its completed. All these pages have links to this thread and hopefully we will be hosting alot of new Hiphuggers in the room.

Have fun with the new pages! Hear is the youtube page again please bookmark it. I will have MySpace link soon!
On the topic of Eric and Calleigh being parents.. I just don't know. I just can't grasp the idea of Calleigh being a parent. I have no idea why, it's just weird.
Of course, I can see Eric being a dad. He seems like he really wants kids. It's adorable.
I just want Eric and Calleigh to have their first kiss.. then we can focus on all the marriage and kid stuff..:lol:
Hey, guys! Welcome to all new members, I think I've seen some now faces (okay, not faces, but signatures :rolleyes::lol:). Anyway, welcome, I hope you have great time here, just as the rest of us do.

I must say I'm optimistic about this episode, because, up until now, we've never had information about personal things in press release. Plus, we have Delkolover's spoilers. I think we're good to go. This ship is going to sail, and we'll be on board!

Anyway, what I can't wait to see is Calleigh's face when she finds out Eric is in detention center. I hope they show her when she finds out, but I doubt it. I don't know what are the rules in American detention centers, but I doubt they can touch each other very much, so when she goes to give him his snack, I hope for a quick hug or maybe hands holding, and later when she picks him up, I really, really, really hope for a kiss.

So... Emily? Adam? Any interviews? I especially hope for Emily's interview, because she's always so funny. Adam can be funny too, though... Well, they can just have interview together, right?

Speaking of interviews, do you remember that one where Emily was like "Today, I'll be working with Eric Delko, my partner... and my partner"?

I laughed so hard on that one, she's hilarious.
Oh yes the interview with both of them would be great. I hope we get something, though it's so important episode.:)
I think that next level must means something important like them kissing, touching, hugging. I don't know, but it surely should be something physical. They are very close now, but more in emotional way then physical, so I guess now with that next level thing it can be something about their physical connection. :adore:
As for them being parents, I'm sure both of them would be great. He's so sensitive and she cares about people she loves, so she would be great mother.
About E/C beeing parents...
I think Calleigh would be a great mom, she would be very very protective, I mean, she didn't have a very good childhood with her parents so I think she don't want her children's childhood like her :) She'd learn to be a mom very quickly ;)
I think Eric would be a GREAT dad. He's just adorable and sweet :luvlove:
So, yeah I can absolutelly imagine them with their children, 2 children, a blonde girl and a dark-skinned boy, walking in the park or in the beach with a beautiful dog and Calleigh & Eric holding hands and kissing, but if this will happen, will be very faaaar wayyyy :lol:

Originally Posted by Marija_Magdalena
Speaking of interviews, do you remember that one where Emily was like "Today, I'll be working with Eric Delko, my partner... and my partner"?

I laughed so hard on that one, she's hilarious.

Yeahh I remember, I already watch it like 1000 times and I still laugh :lol:
ANd that part when she says "It spent years, Are we together?! But Calleigh never says that, she's goes shut up, I'm gonna shoot you" :guffaw:
She's too hilarious :lol:
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I cant see Calleigh being pregnant either although she would be a great mom i just cant see it, she loves her job to much but i think one day they would have kids, just amagine what the kids would look like, they would be gorgeous! :)

Anyway Im so siked about 716!! I cant stop thinking about it :lol:

I keep thinking of all the diferent ways its gonna go and its driving me nuts. Anyway this hole "Next Level" thing has to include a kiss right? b/c its all i can think about,I cant stop smiling:hugegrin:

2 weeks seems so far away :(

Thanks for the vid csifann1, Emily just cracks me up, shes so adorable and funny :lol:
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Anyway Im so siked about 716!! I cant stop thinking about it :lol:

I keep thinking of all the diferent ways its gonna go and its driving me nuts. Anyway this hole "Next Level" thing has to include a kiss right? b/c its all i can think about,I cant stop smiling:hugegrin:

I think all of us can't stop think about it and can't stop smiling :lol:
This is just a thing that make us soo freakin' addicted, it's crazy :guffaw: but I love it :D

When will we have some promo pics?! LV and NY already have a lot, damn :scream:

Originally Posted by Bulletgirl

Thanks for the vid csifann1, Emily just cracks me up, shes so adorable and funny :lol:

You're welcome :)
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