Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

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Oh hey, I don't know if Feb. 14 is a big deal anywhere else in the world, but folks in America go all gooey and lovey-dovey. Like you really need one day to tell the one you love how you feel. Seems so contrived. Anyway, in the spirit of Valentine's Day: Yes, I wrote it and I thought folks here would like to read it. Leave reviews or chocolates. No throwing of vegitation, please.:lol:

That was really good!! I left you a review! ;)
Happy Valentine's Day to all you Hip Huggers!

Well, I took a few days off and come back to FIVE new pages of posts. Y'all have been so busy! Welcome to all of our new members.

I am really excited about the press release. I hope that "taking things to the next level" involves some sort of kissing (or more).

I can't wait to see how the scenes outside the detention center and inside the cold storage play out between Eric and Calleigh. I hope that we get a declaration from Calleigh as to the extent of her feelings for Eric, but since she is one to keep her feelings close to the chest I think it will take some major event to get her to admit them. Eric knows her so well that he's going to know how she feels without her saying too much.

Just an opinion...:p
Happy Valentine's Day to all you Hip Huggers!

Well, I took a few days off and come back to FIVE new pages of posts. Y'all have been so busy! Welcome to all of our new members.

I am really excited about the press release. I hope that "taking things to the next level" involves some sort of kissing (or more).

I can't wait to see how the scenes outside the detention center and inside the cold storage play out between Eric and Calleigh. I hope that we get a declaration from Calleigh as to the extent of her feelings for Eric, but since she is one to keep her feelings close to the chest I think it will take some major event to get her to admit them. Eric knows her so well that he's going to know how she feels without her saying too much.

Just an opinion...:p

Amen :thumbsup:

Cal has always played her cards close to her chest and she is not one to blurt things out. Eric knows her and he knows this. He will know exactly what her actions, which always speak louder than words, will mean. Now that she knows what Eric wants, Cal is willing to open up and give them a chance.
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Happy Valentine's Day to all you Hip Huggers!

Well, I took a few days off and come back to FIVE new pages of posts. Y'all have been so busy! Welcome to all of our new members.

I am really excited about the press release. I hope that "taking things to the next level" involves some sort of kissing (or more).

I can't wait to see how the scenes outside the detention center and inside the cold storage play out between Eric and Calleigh. I hope that we get a declaration from Calleigh as to the extent of her feelings for Eric, but since she is one to keep her feelings close to the chest I think it will take some major event to get her to admit them. Eric knows her so well that he's going to know how she feels without her saying too much.

Just an opinion...:p

Amen :thumbsup:

Cal has always played her cards close to her chest and she is not one to blurt things out. Eric knows her and he knows this. He will know exactly what her actions, which always speak louder than words, will mean.

Yeah, Calleigh tends to play close to her chest, but I still hope she'll make some kind of declaration. It doesn't have to be an "I love you". I can imagine her saying "You know how I feel about you" to Eric when they talk in the cold storage. And he could smile and nod his head, so that we would know that they talked about it at home... It would be cute and very in character for Calleigh, IMO.

Okay, I'm gonna say something that was really funny to me, but that's because I speak Serbian. I'm gonna try to explain, though. In Serbian the colloquial word we use for French kissing is the same as the one we use for chewing gum (don't ask why), so, in 7.14 when Cal asked Eric for a gum, I laughed my a** off and I was like "Yeah, that's what I'm talking about", but then I realized that it's not same in English. Anyway... I guess it's not so funny outside of my dirty brain, but I just had the need to say it.
I'm really wondering about 7.16...we have so long to wait :p

We could all write how we wanted it to go, but non of ours would be the same. If we asked a writer to do the same thing, theirs would also be different, thats the problem! :lol:...No matter how much we want to know whats going to happen, its always going to be different!
I'm SO excited though! I just hope we get something so sweet, that we have call in to work or school the next day, and just stay home and watch the episode and blog about it and cry the entire day because it was such ana amazing episode :lol: It could happen at the detention center, afterwards, at one of their houses:devil:, or anywhere. I'm hoping that it starts at the detention center, and continues somewhere after calleigh goes and picks eric up

I've pictured a E/C wedding, and little calleigh and erics before :D

Maybe like during the very last season of miami? idk, but id love it! i dont care when it is, as long as maybe like a wedding or something. a child would be amazing. i can picture calleigh being pregnant, and eric being like this overprotective man, caring for her and everything she does :)
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Hey Guys Happy Valentines Day to all the Hiphuggers, and welcome to all the new people in the room.

If you hadn't seen my earlier post I need Pictures for our Myspace hiphuggers page. Please send some with cute captions on them that would be great. I also need 10 songs that define our couple pretty well for the music in the room. If you will send those thing to me at . I am almost done getting the room set up enough to let people in.

I can defanitly see them getting married and having kids but the only way I see it happening is they will do it on the very last show ever and maby have all the original cast come back in some way for the wedding! thats the only way I can see that playing out. But it a great Idea.
Hey Guys Happy Valentines Day to all the Hiphuggers, and welcome to all the new people in the room.

If you hadn't seen my earlier post I need Pictures for our Myspace hiphuggers page. Please send some with cute captions on them that would be great. I also need 10 songs that define our couple pretty well for the music in the room. If you will send those thing to me at . I am almost done getting the room set up enough to let people in.

I can defanitly see them getting married and having kids but the only way I see it happening is they will do it on the very last show ever and maby have all the original cast come back in some way for the wedding! thats the only way I can see that playing out. But it a great Idea.

CSISDFlash--I just sent you an email on some song ideas.

I would really hate to have to wait until the last episode ever to see them get married but then again hopefully we could end on a happy note. I like it when shows end on a happy note.

I am really hoping that we get some kind of declaration from Calleigh first. As others have said her actions speak usually speak a lot louder than her words. But if/when they are in the cold storage room and he confronts her about the pictures with her & the trainer I am really hoping that she says that she only wants to be with him and the past is the past. That, IMO says a lot about how she feels about him.

Her asking him to stay in 7.14 was a huge step for her in letting him into her heart.
I know that Adam and Emily are great friends in real life, so I'm sure they're having fun starting this whole relationship thing, I can only imagine what it's like on set...everyone joking about it; they really ought to do an interview soon! :thumbsup:

I know that things do happen, for instance, eva la rues recently called off wedding. Even if you do love someone, it doesnt always last.

But I think--no, i know:D--that once this relationship really does (hopefully) take off, it'll last. If that means marriage, or a child, that just is a bonus! Calleigh really is sketchy on this whole thing. Her life has really been a living hell for the most part, and to find someone who honestly doesnt care about that, and just wants to be there for her is probably a big thing for her to take in.

I just hope that Calleigh really does commit, and eventually tell eric how she feels. They really have created a perfect couple on this show!

(PS, who else is praying for an interview with E/A on 716?;);))
Okay, I'm gonna say something that was really funny to me, but that's because I speak Serbian. I'm gonna try to explain, though. In Serbian the colloquial word we use for French kissing is the same as the one we use for chewing gum (don't ask why), so, in 7.14 when Cal asked Eric for a gum, I laughed my a** off and I was like "Yeah, that's what I'm talking about", but then I realized that it's not same in English. Anyway... I guess it's not so funny outside of my dirty brain, but I just had the need to say it.

This really made me laugh :lol:

I know that there's little probability of this happening but I would really like to hear from Cal exactly when she started having deeper feelings for Eric. We know that the shooting made Eric realize how much he cares for Cal and we can say that's the "official" moment he saw her differently (cause we all know it's since season 1 ;), but anyway...:p). So when was Calleigh's? I wished they would let us know somewhere down the road.

Happy Valentine's everyone :)
You know, with all the hype that 7.14 was getting, I was pretty surprised that we didn't get more than one interview, and a brief one at that. I would have thought that there would have been a little more. Now with the rest of the season coming up, and knowing stuff from the spoilers, I'm hoping for more than one interview.

Just as a wierd aside: I know I've seen blooper clips from CSI but noe of Miami or NY. Anyone know if those even exist?
I don't think their are any bloopers out, Hey, if you haven't been over and read the CSI Miami blooper thread you should go and read it! It is so funny! Everyone just made up their own bloopers, and they are probably funnier than what really happens on the set. I couldn't stop laughing. I wish it was still active.

I think calleigh's moment was when Eric was talking to her while she was out and then she woke up and relised that she wasn't really dreaming! That he did say those things and he does care for her! You can kinda read it in her face after she looks at his watch. Well thats my Opinon any how.

Oh and if you haven't read Speed/Cochranes Roadtrip story that goes on forever! Go and read it! she just posted 2 new chapters, I'm still laughing at the image she has put in my head! Great Story very very Funny!!!!! Great Writer!!!!

By the way we are up to 401 on the post now! Woot!!!
You know, with all the hype that 7.14 was getting, I was pretty surprised that we didn't get more than one interview, and a brief one at that. I would have thought that there would have been a little more. Now with the rest of the season coming up, and knowing stuff from the spoilers, I'm hoping for more than one interview.

Just as a wierd aside: I know I've seen blooper clips from CSI but noe of Miami or NY. Anyone know if those even exist?

Yeah I would have thought given that ep that there would have been more attention given to them....TV Guide had those two Monday's in a row where they put out the articles with interviews from them about them starting a relationship. Granted TV Guide was WRONG both times ;) but still they gave it attention.

Since then, there has been nada from ANYONE!! I find it odd....however, since CBS literally mentions their relationship status in their release for the ep, I am willing to bet someone is going to either interview them or put out a new bulletin about it....They HAVE to....literally mentioning it in your PRESS RELEASE makes it a little hard to ignore b/c that release is what is going to be used to describe the ep everywhere!!

God, I am sooo excited for this!! :D :D

Emily often says how funny it is on their set and how much of a prankster Adam tends to be but no, I have never seen any blooper reels for either Miami or NY. If they are out there though, someone please do share :D

Somebody give this show some LOVE ;)

This thread is so going to be over by March 3rd!!! :lol:
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I think calleigh's moment was when Eric was talking to her while she was out and then she woke up and relised that she wasn't really dreaming! That he did say those things and he does care for her! You can kinda read it in her face after she looks at his watch. Well thats my Opinon any how.

Yeah her face showed a lot of emotion :). Still I feel like her moment of realization must have been before that. In 7.12 when Eric got off the elevator and she gave him the file she just stood there like waiting for him to say something since their converstion had been interrupted by Frank. Then she asked him what he wanted and said that he was going to have to tell her which IMO you don't do if you don't care to know the answer. I think that at this point she had already realized she felt something more and wanted him to finally talk to her about what's going on between them. She was waiting for him to take that first step. So, for me, somewhere before 7.12 she had that moment. I would really like to know when it was.
I think calleigh's moment was when Eric was talking to her while she was out and then she woke up and relised that she wasn't really dreaming! That he did say those things and he does care for her! You can kinda read it in her face after she looks at his watch. Well thats my Opinon any how.

Yeah her face showed a lot of emotion :). Still I feel like her moment of realization must have been before that. In 7.12 when Eric got off the elevator and she gave him the file she just stood there like waiting for him to say something since their converstion had been interrupted by Frank. Then she asked him what he wanted and said that he was going to have to tell her which IMO you don't do if you don't care to know the answer. I think that at this point she had already realized she felt something more and wanted him to finally talk to her about what's going on between them. She was waiting for him to take that first step. So, for me, somewhere before 7.12 she had that moment. I would really like to know when it was.

Oh totally! :D

The reason she wanted to know how he felt was b/c she didn't want to lay her heart on the line until she knew for sure how he felt. We have all said repeatedly that Cal plays her emotional cards close to her chest so she didn't want to take that leap off the cliff until she knew that what he was feeling was something substantial and deep.

But you are right, you don't ask a question like that unless you want to know the answer and want the answer to confirm that you are both on the same page and are in fact feeling romantic feelings for each other. For Cal, imo, she took a big risk. She basically told him "if you tell me you want me, then I am yours but you have to say something."

I think what CSISDFLASH meant was that when she woke up in the hospital and saw his watch on her wrist it was at that moment that she realized that what she heard him say was real and she didn't dream it. That is why she told him that it was "like a dream," she wanted him to confirm that he actually said what he said. She wanted him to own up to it. And he did :D Just my opinion on that.....CSISDFLASH, if that is not what you meant, feel free to correct me :D
Definitely, when she saw that watch she was sure of how Eric felt about her and made her comfortable enough to ask him to stay later on :).

Here's my theory on Calleigh's feelings:

When Eric got shot her ground was really shaken up and something woke up inside of her. Hence Just Murdered with the kiss and Burned with the whispered Eric (which I will say a 1000 times is not the way you say the name of a guy who is just your friend ;)). Then she just shut down, walls came up, we got that crap about them working together and off she went to Jake, easy way out. Ok so, I think that throughout all that time she wasn't sure exactly what Eric felt towards her until she read the file and saw that maybe this was not some small thing he wanted since he had actually mentioned her to his therapist. So I think that at that moment everything just surfaced again, stronger than before. Hence the little hint of girls like flowers and, of course, later on the conversation in 7.12.

Whew! Ok that's my opinion folks :).
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