Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

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Yeah, I think thats right, I think she wasn't A-1 clarified on it until he said what he said to her in the hospital and she woke up to find his watch on her arm and then when she said it was like a dream and he told her it was real I think then she knew that he was really serious about her!

I'm mean come on! Look at all the time they've wasted the last seven years. She should have gotten the picture in SYG when he told her he did't know what he would do if something happen to her!

Jeeeez! Calleigh needs to get her head screwed back on straight.. I would have gotten the message then! Christ did she miss that 4th of July celebration imulating from his body! Well maybe she did see it and chose to ignore it agan!

If it had been me, there would have been know way that man would have left my place without a smile on his face thats for sure!!!!

Can I get a Amen,, and a Hell ya!!!!
The reason she wanted to know how he felt was b/c she didn't want to lay her heart on the line until she knew for sure how he felt. We have all said repeatedly that Cal plays her emotional cards close to her chest so she didn't want to take that leap off the cliff until she knew that what he was feeling was something substantial and deep.

But you are right, you don't ask a question like that unless you want to know the answer and want the answer to confirm that you are both on the same page and are in fact feeling romantic feelings for each other. For Cal, imo, she took a big risk. She basically told him "if you tell me you want me, then I am yours but you have to say something."

I think what CSISDFLASH meant was that when she woke up in the hospital and saw his watch on her wrist it was at that moment that she realized that what she heard him say was real and she didn't dream it. That is why she told him that it was "like a dream," she wanted him to confirm that he actually said what he said. She wanted him to own up to it. And he did :D Just my opinion on that.....CSISDFLASH, if that is not what you meant, feel free to correct me :D

I think y'all have absolutely nailed it. Damn, we know Calleigh too well!

I'm watching 714 AGAIN :hugegrin: and here's what I've noticed:

While visiting her in the hospital after she'd been stabilized, Eric leaned in, all smiles and encouragement, to say that he couldn't imagine going to work without her, and then a split second later his facial expression shifted dramatically. He looked TERRIFIED. I could almost hear his heart thumping 10 times louder. He looked scared enough to start hyperventilating.

He was summoning up the courage to tell her what he should have told her at the end of "All In", or when Calleigh read his file in 703, or outside of that elevator in "Head Case", or dozens of times before.

Did anyone else notice that he looked terrified for a few seconds there?

Anyhow, I think that, while it was a genuine and heartfelt confession, it was also kind of a "trial run". He could wear his heart on his sleeve (his pink, pink sleeve) without fear of rejection, and then, once he's made sure that he's capable of owning up to his feelings, he would tell her the same thing once she woke up.

Then again, he didn't expect her to have heard him while she was asleep.

I'm SO proud of him for manning up and admitting that he really had confessed his love to her (in so many words) while she slept. Thank goodness, right?

By the by, did everyone just LOVE the "this is the happiest I've ever been in my entire life" smile that he had on his face near the end of the episode after she'd woken up and greeted him? And did everyone notice that Calleigh didn't stop smiling once, not once, during the entire last hospital scene?

So... I guess my point is that I was very impressed with the high-context facial expressions during the E/C scenes (impressed with the actors for being able to convey so much without a word).
CSICDFlash said:
I'm mean come on! Look at all the time they've wasted the last seven years. She should have gotten the picture in SYG when he told her he did't know what he would do if something happen to her!

Actually, that was in 'All In', but I get your point. ;)

I have no idea when Calleigh fell in love with Eric, because up until somewhere around 7.12 she had been sending mixed signals... I think she realized her feelings were more then just friendly somewhere around the time he got shot, but then she got scared and ran to Jake. Anyway, after what happened in 'All In' the writers wanted to drag that storyline a bit more (one year to be exact) so I guess that's the reason our favorite couple is getting some love this season.

I still have a silly smile on my face when I think about this one. Spoilers say that Cal and Eric share a mirror while she finishes her make up. Someone once told me that a man who watches his girlfriend/wife putt her make up on is honestly in love. Not that we don't know that Eric is in love with Calleigh but still, it's nice to get a confirmation over and over again. I just hope for some kind of confirmation from Calleigh. Maybe she'll be touchy when she squeezes next to him in the bathroom. Some eye sex would be great, given the fact that that's all the sex we are going to see between them (I'm still hoping for a bed scene, but I must admit it's not likely).
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I think she always had a feelings for him and he for her, but it wasn't the right time for them to get together. He was young and immature and probably they weren't ready to create a serious relationship back then. So they hid their feelings deep inside and just became friends.;)
I don't know when exactly she strarted to realize that she feels something strong for him, but I guess it could be when she read his files. In my opinion that was the first time she allowed the thought of them getting together. And the final step was after her staying at hospital. I guess she unerstood finally that life is too short and it's high time to just be happy and she can be really happy only with him.
I think Calleigh always felt something for Eric, but it wasn't enough to tell him and we all know how Calleigh is, she plays her emotional cards close to her chest, like everyone said, and when she asked Eric "What do you want? You are gonna have to tell me b/c until I actualy hear you saying the words, IDk if you believe in yourself" was a BIG step for her and she gave to understand she needed to hear Eric saying his feelings... And then, yes, say what he feels for her.
In 714, we can say some moments that he had a expression like "Oh my god, she lye down there, she can not wake anymore and I never told her what I feel"
Then, when Eric was saying what he feel for her and all that sweetest things, she thought she was dreaming b/c what she needed to hear was that and I think she couldn't believe, and when she woke up, she saw the watch and she realized that she didn't dream about it, it was purelly truth :)
All that smiles still killing me :luvlove: In that moment they never stop smiling each other :hugegrin:
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While visiting her in the hospital after she'd been stabilized, Eric leaned in, all smiles and encouragement, to say that he couldn't imagine going to work without her, and then a split second later his facial expression shifted dramatically. He looked TERRIFIED. I could almost hear his heart thumping 10 times louder. He looked scared enough to start hyperventilating.

He was summoning up the courage to tell her what he should have told her at the end of "All In", or when Calleigh read his file in 703, or outside of that elevator in "Head Case", or dozens of times before.

Did anyone else notice that he looked terrified for a few seconds there?


By the by, did everyone just LOVE the "this is the happiest I've ever been in my entire life" smile that he had on his face near the end of the episode after she'd woken up and greeted him? And did everyone notice that Calleigh didn't stop smiling once, not once, during the entire last hospital scene?

So... I guess my point is that I was very impressed with the high-context facial expressions during the E/C scenes (impressed with the actors for being able to convey so much without a word).

Oh yeah, I noticed all that too. That's why I loved this episode so very much... the facial expressions just said it all. From Eric's smile as he spoke to her, then the smile left and was replaced with fear, fear of not being able to live is life with her in it. And then at the end with the huge smiles on both their faces, the entire time. And the part before that where Calleigh woke up, seemingly distressed, and it wasn't until she saw his watch on her wrist that she settled back, calmed. That was beautiful.
Oh, I noticed those never ending smiles. I even could see that Calleigh was letting it all go, walls down, nothing held back in the way she was looking at Eric. Granted, she was on heavy meds, but I don't think the writers wold pull that kind of stunt. Calleigh let Eric see what he meant to her. In my eyes, it was her official declaration without words. Calleigh always was more demonstrative than verbal, anyway.
I think as much as she was thrilled that what she thought she heard him say was real, her actually asking him to stay with her was waaay more important! ;)

Cal is always saying she is fine and in "All In" was ready to drive herself home until he said he wasn't ok...that was what made her give in to him driving her home. So her asking him to stay was a HUGE step for her in admitting she was afraid and that she needs him....not just physically, but emotionally as well.

It was a victory for both of them. He finally said what she wanted to hear and she opened the door for him, emotionally. She finally let him in ;)
You know all this time Calleigh always says she's fine. But in episode:Wrecking Crew, Eric asked her if she was okay after the slap and she said no. And the way how it played out on screen was wonderful, especially when she said 'no' there was some change and stuff on the screen. This shows she's capable of letting her feelings out to him.

There's a story I just wrote. Since everyone has there own opinion on how 716 is going to go down and

'the next level'

is driving everyone crazy, I'd ease some your pain. It's a one shot on the episode's ending.

EDIT: Somehow I can't get the right link. But the story is called 'First Time' and it's on (CSI Miami)
CSICDFlash said:
I'm mean come on! Look at all the time they've wasted the last seven years. She should have gotten the picture in SYG when he told her he did't know what he would do if something happen to her!

Actually, that was in 'All In', but I get your point. ;)

I have no idea when Calleigh fell in love with Eric, because up until somewhere around 7.12 she had been sending mixed signals... I think she realized her feelings were more then just friendly somewhere around the time he got shot, but then she got scared and ran to Jake. Anyway, after what happened in 'All In' the writers wanted to drag that storyline a bit more (one year to be exact) so I guess that's the reason our favorite couple is getting some love this season.

I still have a silly smile on my face when I think about this one. Spoilers say that Cal and Eric share a mirror while she finishes her make up. Someone once told me that a man who watches his girlfriend/wife putt her make up on is honestly in love. Not that we don't know that Eric is in love with Calleigh but still, it's nice to get a confirmation over and over again. I just hope for some kind of confirmation from Calleigh. Maybe she'll be touchy when she squeezes next to him in the bathroom. Some eye sex would be great, given the fact that that's all the sex we are going to see between them (I'm still hoping for a bed scene, but I must admit it's not likely).

I'm hoping for a bed scene too! I keep playing the last scene in this episode over and over in my mind and I keep seeing that its late, Ryan is walking to his car and then we get a flash of Eric and Calleigh in a bedroom standing facing each other and the room is dark (all you can see is them and the window in the background) with Calleigh's hands on his hip (hiphugger moment complete ;)) and then back to Ryan..a car swerves right in front of him before he reaches his car - He gets kidnapped and thrown in the car..then back to Calleigh and Eric kissing so sweetly, Calleigh unbuttons his shirt and it falls to the ground. Then we go back to Ryan and hes in a warehouse bound and gagged with a blindfold and a man walks up to him while there are two more behind him. We go back to Eric and he's already taken off her shirt, touching her, caressing her, kissing her neck, then they fall to the bed...the only light coming in is that of the window. Now all you see is their silhouette on the bed...then flash to Ryan getting beat up, then E/C in bed still kissing...all you see is Eric hovering over Calleigh, the light hits his back..starts kissing her again. Ryan's back and they throw him out of the same car onto the street where they picked him up. He's in pain on the ground, then looks up at the screen with blood on his face....then it ends. So what do you all think?

The bathroom scene will make me fall off my chair!! Calleigh needs her mornings so for her to be able to share a bathroom with Eric is Big! I am so excited to see their uneasiness around Ryan in the beginning when he and Eric walk into the building where Calleigh is waiting. When Calleigh says hello to Delko (not really paying attention to Ryan) and Delko can't hide that beautiful smile of his. Hiding this will be difficult especially for how they feel about each other.
I'm hoping for a bed scene too! I keep playing the last scene in this episode over and over in my mind and I keep seeing that its late, Ryan is walking to his car and then we get a flash of Eric and Calleigh in a bedroom standing facing each other and the room is dark (all you can see is them and the window in the background) with Calleigh's hands on his hip (hiphugger moment complete ;)) and then back to Ryan..a car swerves right in front of him before he reaches his car - He gets kidnapped and thrown in the car..then back to Calleigh and Eric kissing so sweetly, Calleigh unbuttons his shirt and it falls to the ground. Then we go back to Ryan and hes in a warehouse bound and gagged with a blindfold and a man walks up to him while there are two more behind him. We go back to Eric and he's already taken off her shirt, touching her, caressing her, kissing her neck, then they fall to the bed...the only light coming in is that of the window. Now all you see is their silhouette on the bed...then flash to Ryan getting beat up, then E/C in bed still kissing...all you see is Eric hovering over Calleigh, the light hits his back..starts kissing her again. Ryan's back and they throw him out of the same car onto the street where they picked him up. He's in pain on the ground, then looks up at the screen with blood on his face....then it ends. So what do you all think?

I love your idea, I really wish something like that would happen.

On the whole scene where Calleigh is in the hospital, what I noticed the most was how she always had a smile on her face, always. I really loved that and I agree with what you guys have been saying. Now, we have to wait two more weeks to actually see them finally after seven years together... can't wait!!

Oh, by the way, if you guys are in need of some EC, I just finished making a video and it's up on youtube, it's called Looking Through the Eyes of Love Eric/Calleigh.
CSICDFlash said:
I'm mean come on! Look at all the time they've wasted the last seven years. She should have gotten the picture in SYG when he told her he did't know what he would do if something happen to her!

Actually, that was in 'All In', but I get your point. ;)

I have no idea when Calleigh fell in love with Eric, because up until somewhere around 7.12 she had been sending mixed signals... I think she realized her feelings were more then just friendly somewhere around the time he got shot, but then she got scared and ran to Jake. Anyway, after what happened in 'All In' the writers wanted to drag that storyline a bit more (one year to be exact) so I guess that's the reason our favorite couple is getting some love this season.

I still have a silly smile on my face when I think about this one. Spoilers say that Cal and Eric share a mirror while she finishes her make up. Someone once told me that a man who watches his girlfriend/wife putt her make up on is honestly in love. Not that we don't know that Eric is in love with Calleigh but still, it's nice to get a confirmation over and over again. I just hope for some kind of confirmation from Calleigh. Maybe she'll be touchy when she squeezes next to him in the bathroom. Some eye sex would be great, given the fact that that's all the sex we are going to see between them (I'm still hoping for a bed scene, but I must admit it's not likely).

I'm hoping for a bed scene too! I keep playing the last scene in this episode over and over in my mind and I keep seeing that its late, Ryan is walking to his car and then we get a flash of Eric and Calleigh in a bedroom standing facing each other and the room is dark (all you can see is them and the window in the background) with Calleigh's hands on his hip (hiphugger moment complete ;)) and then back to Ryan..a car swerves right in front of him before he reaches his car - He gets kidnapped and thrown in the car..then back to Calleigh and Eric kissing so sweetly, Calleigh unbuttons his shirt and it falls to the ground. Then we go back to Ryan and hes in a warehouse bound and gagged with a blindfold and a man walks up to him while there are two more behind him. We go back to Eric and he's already taken off her shirt, touching her, caressing her, kissing her neck, then they fall to the bed...the only light coming in is that of the window. Now all you see is their silhouette on the bed...then flash to Ryan getting beat up, then E/C in bed still kissing...all you see is Eric hovering over Calleigh, the light hits his back..starts kissing her again. Ryan's back and they throw him out of the same car onto the street where they picked him up. He's in pain on the ground, then looks up at the screen with blood on his face....then it ends. So what do you all think?

The bathroom scene will make me fall off my chair!! Calleigh needs her mornings so for her to be able to share a bathroom with Eric is Big! I am so excited to see their uneasiness around Ryan in the beginning when he and Eric walk into the building where Calleigh is waiting. When Calleigh says hello to Delko (not really paying attention to Ryan) and Delko can't hide that beautiful smile of his. Hiding this will be difficult especially for how they feel about each other.

VirGodess1923: I love your idea too!

I love the scene in the hospital. I think I have watched it at least 100 times. The never ending smiles between the both of them speaks volumes about their feelings for each other. Two weeks in going to be torture :scream:

IMO, I think that Calleigh began to realize her feelings for Eric at the end of season 5 where she compared the relationship that she had with Eric to the one she had with Jake. She justified hiding behind her feelings by saying that they worked together everyday. Eric proved his loyalty to Calleigh even when Jake didn't. Things like that didn't go unnoticed by Calleigh. It just took her a little while (or way too long) for her to realize it. I am just thankful that they didn't throw Eric into a relationship with some girl for Calleigh to realize that she loves him.
I want Calleigh to be like "no wait, its my turn to talk" and then let her heart out on how she feels. calleigh never really has had a guy feel like this and really want to commit to her fully and actually care how she feels. 714 was deff a realization with that whole "it felt like a dream" statement
I think that the cutest thing in 7.14 was when Calleigh woke up and stretched the moment Eric walked in the room. She was adorable, and he had the look on his face that said that he wanted to see her wake up every morning right next to his side. :adore:

VirGodess1923, I like your idea for 7.19 and I think it's very possible. I'd really like to see that.

Two weeks is way to long, but I think we'd all feel better if we concentrated on the promo that we'll get in a week.
I think that the cutest thing in 7.14 was when Calleigh woke up and stretched the moment Eric walked in the room. She was adorable, and he had the look on his face that said that he wanted to see her wake up every morning right next to his side. :adore:

VirGodess1923, I like your idea for 7.19 and I think it's very possible. I'd really like to see that.

Two weeks is way to long, but I think we'd all feel better if we concentrated on the promo that we'll get in a week.

I am soooo looking forward to that promo! And hopefully an extended promo! Oh, and hopefully a sneak peak a few days before the episode! :D

The official episode is in 15 days, but...

the two replays are YMNKTB and AHDTMYK...both major hiphugger episodes!!!!!!!

So, I'm excited that theyre doing that; preparing us for 716 ;)

I've played this episode so many times in my needs to have so much! An admittance from calleigh, a kiss, a hug, a holding of hands..etc...:thumbsup::devil:
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