Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

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I personally feel that a great way to end this thread is by someone - ANYONE - posting the interview from TV Guide. I know you tried Joanna, and I know we all appreciate it (more than you know) but if someone - ANYONE - scans and post that article before this thread is over, I will be eternally grateful!

As far as the new thread, I vote for: Eric and Calleigh #34: Heating up Miami

"Eric..." :drool:
I wouldn't be surprised if the CBS promo didn't have anything either, just so they can torture us until the extended promo comes out. Surely that one would have E/C moments in it.

What's up with stupid Dude, they suck. If no one can log in, there won't be any fanfic updates! Those inspired by the photo cannot post fics based on it.

ladyd10, there are haters in this world, people so miserable they can't help but spew misery. Emily is a beautiful woman with great acting skills, and Jesus, no agenda. People like that make me roll my eyes in disgust.
Here are some of the thread titles I have so far. Give me more...

Taking it to the next level
She's The Right Girl
He Can't Imagine Life Without Her
At Last!
Here are some of the thread titles I have so far. Give me more...

Taking it to the next level
She's The Right Girl
He Can't Imagine Life Without Her
At Last!

True love lasts forever
Not even a horse can come between them
Shhhh...don't tell Valera
My vote DEFINITELY goes to either:

Eric and Calleigh #34: Heating Up Miami


Eric and Calleigh #34: The Next Level

Then again, I'm going to visit the new thread no matter what we name it. We could name it "Marshmallow Dingoes" and I'd be there!

[[edit]] Or... hehe... we could just name it:

Eric and Calleigh #34: GOING CANON, BABY!
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Has anyone gone to the TVGuide site and found the Miami thread? I did and there are some really angry fans out there. The venom that's getting spewed about Emily and her "agenda" and her acting skills just creeps me out. I know that I have a healkthy respect for her talent and ability because Miami is not the only thing she's ever been in and I've seen her other work. She has an amazing range. Nuff said.

As far as babies....well, I'm not all into that.

Okay, we all know this is what we want, but I know one friend of mine that says he'll actually stop watching the show if Eric and Calleigh get together because he thinks it'll been too soap opera-ish. I keep saying that the writers will only give us moments, not whole episodes.

I don't think it'll be soap opera-ish, Calleigh and Eric are professionals and won't let their personal life interfere with their work. Sure they'll have their moments but I doubt there'll be much change.
My vote too goes to Eric and Calleigh #34 : Heating Up Miami ...

I'm so anxious to see the promo ... i hope it will be better than the CTV promo .
My vote DEFINITELY goes to either:

Eric and Calleigh #34: Heating Up Miami


Eric and Calleigh #34: The Next Level

Then again, I'm going to visit the new thread no matter what we name it. We could name it "Marshmallow Dingoes" and I'd be there!

[[edit]] Or... hehe... we could just name it:

Eric and Calleigh #34: GOING CANON, BABY!

Eric and Calleigh #34: GOING CANON, BABY! :lol: i loveee this

Everyone is having GREAT ideias, for me any of these is amazing, but this one just made me like "hahahhahha PERFECT"

Eric and Calleigh #34: GOING CANON, BABY!

aaaww no E/C on the promo? Lets hope CBS puts something.
Okay, here are the ideas I'm putting in the poll...

Taking It To The Next Level
She's The Right Girl
He Can't Imagine Life Without Her
At Last!
Miami Heat
Heating up Miami
True love lasts forever
Not even a horse can come between them
Even Nuns Want To See Some Action
Going Canon, Baby!
And now we're past 1000...

Congrats, all you crazy Hiphuggers out there!

New thread, here we come!

Hooray, E/C canon!
How about:Racehorses Can't Keep Them Apart

Okay, so I'm being fascetious.

I agree, there are haters and their just sucking lemons 'cause thier ship isn't going canon.
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