Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

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I personally don't think we will have to wait that long!! :lol: At least I hope not!! When I said what I said....I was talking about it happening at some point in ep 715 not in general! ;)

If we don't get confirmation in the next ep then I definately think we will get confirmation in 716...if not before, then right at the scene where she picks him up at the detention center.

I hope so!!! I can't wait for next week!!

Where can I see the post/spoiler on Calleigh picking him at the detention center??

You can go back a few pages and find one of Delkolover's posts. She's our spoiler queen. By the way, you have 24 hours to edit your post so as not to double post, it could be considered spamming. Oh my god... I'm on this forum so often that I know mod's sentences by heart. :rolleyes:

Anyway, back on topic...

"The next level" probably means that they will be together, because, officially, they are still not together. It surprised me that they put EC relationship in press release, I hope that means that it's gonna be big. I can imagine them hugging or maybe even kissing when she goes to give him his Cuban snack... Maybe they will only hug, and when she goes to pick him up they'll kiss... I guess we'll have to wait for episode to air to find that out. Or, of course, if Delkolover finds some new spoilers.
So, guys, do you think we'll get something in the promo? I think we might because if they put it in press release...
Thanks Tubbz87, and welcome to the board!

I may need your help with that I have a problem doing FB. I haven't been on it as long. Yes there are a lot of E/C fans on face book and I think we need a Application web page so they can attach it to theie pofile like the ones I seealot on there and I have a CSI Miami and a 24 App. on my profile page, but I am not sure how to set one up.

I also want to link it to this thred so people can get to this thread from there. If you think you can help wit that Please E-mail me at and let me know. I'm sure if you are new here your not allowed to PM untill you have 50 posts I think, but please email me maybe we can get one together.
I hope so!!! I can't wait for next week!!

Where can I see the post/spoiler on Calleigh picking him at the detention center??

You can go back a few pages and find one of Delkolover's posts. She's our spoiler queen. By the way, you have 24 hours to edit your post so as not to double post, it could be considered spamming. Oh my god... I'm on this forum so often that I know mod's sentences by heart. :rolleyes:

Anyway, back on topic...

"The next level" probably means that they will be together, because, officially, they are still not together. It surprised me that they put EC relationship in press release, I hope that means that it's gonna be big. I can imagine them hugging or maybe even kissing when she goes to give him his Cuban snack... Maybe they will only hug, and when she goes to pick him up they'll kiss... I guess we'll have to wait for episode to air to find that out. Or, of course, if Delkolover finds some new spoilers.
So, guys, do you think we'll get something in the promo? I think we might because if they put it in press release...

:lol::lol: That's funny, knowing the mod's sentences by heart. I'm starting to know them too..
Tubbz87, welcome I'd say :).

definately a kiss, when she picks em up and of course holding hands and stuff...The next level..I'm just so excited. My mind is going crazy thinking about all the possible things that could happen...I won't be able to think about something else.
We'll get something in the promo!! I'm sure of it. Maybe the kiss, maybe more :devil:...I can't wait....

CSISDFlash, good idea! I'd love for a page on facebook :)
I just remembered a thing...

This is the episode where Calleigh gets attacked. And we know that by this episode our favorite couple will be together. So, how will Eric react? We've seen him react to Calleigh in danger a lot of times till now, but they weren't together at that point. It won't be anything serious, of course, but still, when Eric hears that she had been attacked, will he be able to hold his distance and not discover to everyone that they are together? Still, Ryan makes a comment about them both in this episode and in 7.20, so that makes me think that he'll see something. Then again, he did ask Calleigh about it in 7.14... Okay, I don't know what to think anymore. March has to come as soon as possible... Good think February only has 28 days.
I just remembered a thing...

This is the episode where Calleigh gets attacked. And we know that by this episode our favorite couple will be together. So, how will Eric react? We've seen him react to Calleigh in danger a lot of times till now, but they weren't together at that point. It won't be anything serious, of course, but still, when Eric hears that she had been attacked, will he be able to hold his distance and not discover to everyone that they are together? Still, Ryan makes a comment about them both in this episode and in 7.20, so that makes me think that he'll see something. Then again, he did ask Calleigh about it in 7.14... Okay, I don't know what to think anymore. March has to come as soon as possible... Good think February only has 28 days.

I haven't even thought about that! I don't think he'll be able to hold his distance...remember with Cooper...He might lose it unless well she isn't going to be hurt right?? Maybe that will prevent him from overreacting( I don't quite know how to put it). I don't know.
And what about Calleigh, how will she react on his reaction? Will she think it's sweet?
Yes!!! March has to come as soon as possible! .
No I see Calleigh Climbing up his butt for being over protective of her! She will tell him she is a big giirl and doesn't need him to take care of her. Plus if he acts like that she will tell him that they want be able to keep their relationship a secret.

On a side note I have the Hiphuggers youtube Group site up an running if anyone wants to go check it out and leave me a comment please! everybody needs to subscribe and get on friends list also. I haven't gotten all the videos up yet,

there are a few of the newest fan videos on the page already. check back offten and put it in your favorites. I will get the my Space page running hopefully sometime this weekend. here is the youtube link!
I just remembered a thing...

This is the episode where Calleigh gets attacked. And we know that by this episode our favorite couple will be together. So, how will Eric react? We've seen him react to Calleigh in danger a lot of times till now, but they weren't together at that point. It won't be anything serious, of course, but still, when Eric hears that she had been attacked, will he be able to hold his distance and not discover to everyone that they are together? Still, Ryan makes a comment about them both in this episode and in 7.20, so that makes me think that he'll see something. Then again, he did ask Calleigh about it in 7.14... Okay, I don't know what to think anymore. March has to come as soon as possible... Good think February only has 28 days.

I haven't even thought about that! I don't think he'll be able to hold his distance...remember with Cooper...He might lose it unless well she isn't going to be hurt right?? Maybe that will prevent him from overreacting( I don't quite know how to put it). I don't know.
And what about Calleigh, how will she react on his reaction? Will she think it's sweet?
Yes!!! March has to come as soon as possible! .

First thing first, I have to say that time zones suck... It's like 3 posts during the day (my day) and 300 during the night...

She isn't hurt, the guy just steals her gun. :guffaw:
Calleigh's reaction can go both ways, IMO. I mean, she could be all "Aww... It's so sweet that you worry" or "Eric, stop fussing over me"... I don't know. Maybe she'll go with something in between. Maybe she'll tell him in a serious tone that she's really glad he cares about her, but that he should hold his distance, because everyone will know about them if he starts fussing over her every single time something like that happens.
I just remembered a thing...

This is the episode where Calleigh gets attacked. And we know that by this episode our favorite couple will be together. So, how will Eric react? We've seen him react to Calleigh in danger a lot of times till now, but they weren't together at that point. It won't be anything serious, of course, but still, when Eric hears that she had been attacked, will he be able to hold his distance and not discover to everyone that they are together? Still, Ryan makes a comment about them both in this episode and in 7.20, so that makes me think that he'll see something. Then again, he did ask Calleigh about it in 7.14... Okay, I don't know what to think anymore. March has to come as soon as possible... Good think February only has 28 days.

I haven't even thought about that! I don't think he'll be able to hold his distance...remember with Cooper...He might lose it unless well she isn't going to be hurt right?? Maybe that will prevent him from overreacting( I don't quite know how to put it). I don't know.
And what about Calleigh, how will she react on his reaction? Will she think it's sweet?
Yes!!! March has to come as soon as possible! .

First thing first, I have to say that time zones suck... It's like 3 posts during the day (my day) and 300 during the night...

She isn't hurt, the guy just steals her gun. :guffaw:
Calleigh's reaction can go both ways, IMO. I mean, she could be all "Aww... It's so sweet that you worry" or "Eric, stop fussing over me"... I don't know. Maybe she'll go with something in between. Maybe she'll tell him in a serious tone that she's really glad he cares about her, but that he should hold his distance, because everyone will know about them if he starts fussing over her every single time something like that happens.
Since she doesn't really get hurt I don't see him making a big fuss about it. However, I can see him taking advantage of a moment where there's only the two of them and looking at her with those serious brown eyes and asking her if she's alright. Since it would be private and him just showing his concern I think she would smile and tell him she's fine, maybe a little pissed about the guy taking her gun but nothing more.

But at the same time maybe we won't see him react at all. In 7.14 I thought that maybe we would see something from him after she got out of the fire and got to the lab but we just saw them directly in interrogation. Which was fine cause there were a lot of other scenes between them throughout the rest of the episode. So I think that a small, private moment between them where he asks if she's alright would be nice but we'll just wait and see what the writers come up with.
I guess this pretty much clears up 720 when they're in the bathroom in the beginning...they're deff. together now that we have this whole "next level thing"...IMO, its gonna be good :D

I really hope their relationship lasts. To start it, and then have something happen to one of them or have them break up would be pure cruelty. In 716, I'm picturing this whole "next level" thing is most likely when she is in the detention center with eric, and then after when she goes to pick him up. It could go SO many ways! They've done this whole E/C waffling thing for so long, so I hope it's something really sweet! I really hope we get to see there first kiss, whenever that may be...(hopefully 716!:thumbsup:)
I haven't even thought about that! I don't think he'll be able to hold his distance...remember with Cooper...He might lose it unless well she isn't going to be hurt right?? Maybe that will prevent him from overreacting( I don't quite know how to put it). I don't know.
And what about Calleigh, how will she react on his reaction? Will she think it's sweet?
Yes!!! March has to come as soon as possible! .

First thing first, I have to say that time zones suck... It's like 3 posts during the day (my day) and 300 during the night...

She isn't hurt, the guy just steals her gun. :guffaw:
Calleigh's reaction can go both ways, IMO. I mean, she could be all "Aww... It's so sweet that you worry" or "Eric, stop fussing over me"... I don't know. Maybe she'll go with something in between. Maybe she'll tell him in a serious tone that she's really glad he cares about her, but that he should hold his distance, because everyone will know about them if he starts fussing over her every single time something like that happens.
Since she doesn't really get hurt I don't see him making a big fuss about it. However, I can see him taking advantage of a moment where there's only the two of them and looking at her with those serious brown eyes and asking her if she's alright. Since it would be private and him just showing his concern I think she would smile and tell him she's fine, maybe a little pissed about the guy taking her gun but nothing more.

But at the same time maybe we won't see him react at all. In 7.14 I thought that maybe we would see something from him after she got out of the fire and got to the lab but we just saw them directly in interrogation. Which was fine cause there were a lot of other scenes between them throughout the rest of the episode. So I think that a small, private moment between them where he asks if she's alright would be nice but we'll just wait and see what the writers come up with.

Yes, that would be much better! Him asking her if she's alright in a private moment. I do agree with the fact that she wouldn't want him to make a big fuss. As I recall, in the past (can't remember which episode) where Eric stood up for her. She thought he was undermining her. It's not really similar but still I think it shows how she is. She doesn't want to be a victim or seen like one. She can handle it.
He steals her gun? Hmm yes I did read that somewhere a while memory...:shifty: sometimes I forget what already happened and what's still to come...

And yes the time zones do suck!! I've got the same problems. Sometimes it's hard to keep up and other times, only few posts a day
Since she doesn't really get hurt I don't see him making a big fuss about it. However, I can see him taking advantage of a moment where there's only the two of them and looking at her with those serious brown eyes and asking her if she's alright. Since it would be private and him just showing his concern I think she would smile and tell him she's fine, maybe a little pissed about the guy taking her gun but nothing more.

But at the same time maybe we won't see him react at all. In 7.14 I thought that maybe we would see something from him after she got out of the fire and got to the lab but we just saw them directly in interrogation. Which was fine cause there were a lot of other scenes between them throughout the rest of the episode. So I think that a small, private moment between them where he asks if she's alright would be nice but we'll just wait and see what the writers come up with.

I like the idea of them having a quiet moment and he asks her if she's okay. I think she'd prefer that much more than him making a big scene where he's all concerned about her. But, I think he's more likely to be amused that she's pissed the dude stole her gun!

Jud said: As I recall, in the past (can't remember which episode) where Eric stood up for her. She thought he was undermining her.

That was "Pro Per", the episode between Speed getting killed and Ryan joining the team. Good scene between them, especially when Calleigh apologized.
Happy Friday hiphugger family. We are only 2 weeks away from the next development in the relationship between our favorite couple.

I am still grinning like a fool...nothing can bring me down. :lol:

I am still holding on to hope that we will see a kiss in 7.16. That's a major development right?

I hope that Eric does talk to Calleigh in private about her gun being stolen. I can see him talking to her in the ballistics lab when no one is around and reassuring her that it happens to everyone and that they will get her gun back.

CSISDFlash--If you want/need help with the myspace page PM and let me know. I'll have a couple of recruits for you...LOL
Happy Friday hiphugger family. We are only 2 weeks away from the next development in the relationship between our favorite couple.

I am still grinning like a fool...nothing can bring me down. :lol:

I am still holding on to hope that we will see a kiss in 7.16. That's a major development right?

I hope that Eric does talk to Calleigh in private about her gun being stolen. I can see him talking to her in the ballistics lab when no one is around and reassuring her that it happens to everyone and that they will get her gun back.

CSISDFlash--If you want/need help with the myspace page PM and let me know. I'll have a couple of recruits for you...LOL

The "next level" has got to refer to them starting to date....what other level is there at this point with them?? They are already emtionally tied to each other so the only other thing it could be is them beginning a romantic relationship :D Of course, to go along with that "next level" would and should be a kiss :D

I don't know what if anything (although I'm sure he will have something to say) Eric says to Cal about her gun going missing.....All I was able to discern was that she was pissed and determined to get it back! The last thing you steal is Bullet Girl's gun!!! It is like taking a woman's chocloate on Valentines Day :lol:
Hey, will there be any mention of any lasting effects after the smoke inhalation? I did a Google search on what Alexx told Horatio Calleigh had (adult respiritory distress syndrome) and it's really, really serious. Most folks that present with it die from it. I think that there had to be several weeks between 7.14 and 7.15 because Calleigh would have been hospitalized for at least a week or longer, depending on her recovery rate. Here's the link to the web page I found the information on:
I hope so!!! I can't wait for next week!!

Where can I see the post/spoiler on Calleigh picking him at the detention center??

You can go back a few pages and find one of Delkolover's posts. She's our spoiler queen. By the way, you have 24 hours to edit your post so as not to double post, it could be considered spamming. Oh my god... I'm on this forum so often that I know mod's sentences by heart. :rolleyes:

Anyway, back on topic...

"The next level" probably means that they will be together, because, officially, they are still not together. It surprised me that they put EC relationship in press release, I hope that means that it's gonna be big. I can imagine them hugging or maybe even kissing when she goes to give him his Cuban snack... Maybe they will only hug, and when she goes to pick him up they'll kiss... I guess we'll have to wait for episode to air to find that out. Or, of course, if Delkolover finds some new spoilers.
So, guys, do you think we'll get something in the promo? I think we might because if they put it in press release...
thanks for the heads up. i didn't find it, but will keep looking.
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