Lab Technician
I just started watching that show end of last season and all I'm thinking right now is "I missed that! Damn it!" :lol:
First episode I ever saw of "Saving Grace" last season had the most erotic scene I have EVER seen on television, with Grace and whatshisname simulating sex in her kitchen... the actor playing whatshisname was honest-to-God naked (they showed only his butt) and Holly Hunter first had on only boxers, then put a tshirt on... but those boxers were loose enought that it honestly looked like they were having sex.
I remember thinking, now why can't we see Eric & Calleigh doing that!
I agree, it would be very awkward for Emily & Adam, having to be nearly naked in front of someone you consider a good friend... but I know if that was in the script, they would do it justice. Emily did say in that last interview that she's sure that sometime she and Adam would be making out (as Eric and Calleigh of course) and that she was both excited and "very nervous" about it. I imagine so!
I picture the early morning call in scene to be like: We are close up a on a phone on a nightstand either ringing or vibrating (get your heads out of the gutter :deviland then we see Cal reach over, leaning on one elbow snatch up the phone and flip it open....since we know from "Power Trip" that they get text messages...once she is done reading the message she closes the phone and rolls onto her back staring up at the ceiling clearing away the morning cobwebs. Then from off to the side we a hand come across her mid section and Eric rolls over to nuzzle her neck and ask her what the call was about.
Now that is my idea of a wake up call. :devil:
I just thought of this, I don't know how many Without a Trace fans there are in here but that scene between Sam and Martin in the season premiere a few years ago was....I mean even the media was shocked at how graphic it was. For those of you who don't remember that; the season before ended with Sam asking Martin if he wanted to share a cab and then in the opener we seem them in bed but actually in the act of having sex!
First episode I ever saw of "Saving Grace" last season had the most erotic scene I have EVER seen on television, with Grace and whatshisname simulating sex in her kitchen... the actor playing whatshisname was honest-to-God naked (they showed only his butt) and Holly Hunter first had on only boxers, then put a tshirt on... but those boxers were loose enought that it honestly looked like they were having sex.
To be back on topic: I wouldn't mind seeing them in the act of having sex. But imagine how awkward that is for the actors. I mean, yeah, they are both very attractive people, but still, they are friends. Imagine having to do a sex scene with your friend...
I agree, it would be very awkward for Emily & Adam, having to be nearly naked in front of someone you consider a good friend... but I know if that was in the script, they would do it justice. Emily did say in that last interview that she's sure that sometime she and Adam would be making out (as Eric and Calleigh of course) and that she was both excited and "very nervous" about it. I imagine so!