Well I won't try to find out when I last posted here, but I guess it was some time ago :guffaw:No I haven't forgotten about EC, I'm still a Hip Hugger, I still write some EC stories (even though I probably need some kicking for better results

). Today I thought I would give my 5 cts on the matter. So I wanted to say hello to those I know and to all the others
I'm usually hard on Calleigh because she isn't always the best to address personal issues, but after last episode it was Eric I wanted to properly shake. He has been getting increasingly frustrating. Jeez man you have to act from time to time. Wishful thinking will take you nowhere!!!
I know the last two years have been incredibly difficult for him. He had to overcome many problems and readjusting to his life and career has not been a piece of cake (no pun intended

). But the time has come to start living again and take a leap of faith. He gives me the feeling that he is happy or maybe comfortable with his little fantasy about Calleigh. Confronting her about his feelings could be very hurtful if she is not interested.
She actually surprised me on Monday when she told him bluntly she didn't know where they stood. I think she came to a point where she needs to know what is on his mind. If I were in her shoes I would also wonder if it's puppy love born from their friendship and gratitude or if the feelings are a lot deeper.
Her frustration is very understandable. She read his file about wanting a future with her and he basically did nothing about it since. How many times has she told him he could come to her to talk about anything? I doubt he ever did it... So there she stands... not knowing if he'll ever make a move or not, if he means it or if it's just a fancy. Hey what gal can live with that? :lol:
I loved when she rolled her eyes and left. But what I liked even more is how she was standing there in front of the elevator waiting for him. It was like she was reading to confront him. When he took the file, it looked like her courage was suddenly abandoning her. She very obviously didn't want to leave, so she smiled but at that point she hadn't seemed ready to say something. It's only when he talked about their early discussion that suddenly everything came out... Much to his surprise and probably even to hers. I mean they were in the hallway, there were some people around... the setting was far from ideal for a personal discussion. How would she have reacted if he had answered her? So a roll of eyes (yeah I think she did it but I could be wrong) and prompt leaving were just perfect and so very Calleigh

It got him thinking and she certainly felt better after saying it. But now there he stands. He knows he needs to talk or he can kiss any possible future between them goodbye.
I have been thinking a lot (as usual :guffaw

about his inability to talk about his feelings. Calleigh has a unique position in his life, she is his rock in the turmoil he has been in for two years now. I don't think he is ready to face a rejection. He is still on the mend, reconstructing himself and finally finding out what he wants in life. But life goes on and he can't expect her to wait until he is completely ready. He needs to put a little trust in her.
Now at least he should feel a little better. I mean when a girl tells you to speak up it's usually not because she is not interested
His 'I know' was interesting too... Like others I watched that scene several times and thought a lot about every second of it. I didn't sense any frustration or sarcasm in that comment to himself. I liked the few seconds he took to even say it to himself. He knows that he needs to express his feelings. He probably imagined a hundred times how he would go about, what words he would use, how she would react to it... There are times when you are confronted to crucial moments like these. The outcome is so important for your future that you're not sure how to go about it. All of sudden a thousand of 'what if' comes down crashing on you. It feels like stage fright. The worst moment is before you start talking. You look at every detail and every time you have the feeling the moment is not right... Now she made a step his way...
Wow that was long... sorry about that

Now I wish I could write that much in my new story... I guess that's another one I won't finish... *sigh*