Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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HipHugger Pic of The Day

Oooo! That is my favorite episode of that season! It is just so cute and I love how Eric is there for her. I wish they could give more storylines like that. :(

Oh yeah, and I am sure we will have scenes too.
Wow, how did we go from being all jazzed about possible E/C spoilers to worrying about no E/C scenes and the writers blowing them off? How did we make that jump? :eek:
I am still giving the writers the benefit of the doubt and believing they are not stupid enough to just blow off E/C after all the build up they gave them this last season! If I'm proven wrong I will be the first to jump on the picket line...but I dno't want to panic about it yet! ;) Besides the lack of spoilers could be a good thing, that they are trying to keep it secret to "surprise" us?! :D

Nice pic of the day! Check out her ass much E? :lol:
Moriel's right! :D The writers have 24 episodes in which to make something happen. To me, it'd seem kinda foolish to play all their EC cards at the beginning of the season. Granted, I'd love to see Eric and Calleigh kiss and make up by the end of episode three, but I wouldn't want their entire story to play out in those three episodes.

And sure, it wouldn't make sense to just ignore the cliffhanger, but they don't need to do anything extravagantly EC at the beginning of the season. I think a few longing, angsty, I-love-you looks from both of them would be sufficient in the beginning. :D Give this thing with Cal and Jake time enough to run its course, and then give Cal enough time to get over whatever residual doubts/guilt/feelings are left from that. We all know very well that Calleigh needs that time and space before she starts something with Eric.

But if February sweeps comes around, and Calleigh still hasn't grabbed him and pushed him into a supply closet somewhere and had her way with him, then I'll be mad. :lol:
I'm with Jessica. After the years of building their relationship to this point, all those great moments, it would be anticlimactic to have it all culminate right at the beginning of the new season. What would be the fun in that?
I think what we will see is Jake disappear in the first few eps and then more than likely nothing significant of E/C until later. But the big first thing I could see happening early is Jake making an exit.

On the other hand, they could keep Jake around but have J/C come to an end and work on E/C...that would make things even more angsty!! But at the same time it would be too soap operaish if they did that.
They should buid it up liek they did with D/L cause we saw them get together towards the end of the season and not literally in the beginning. But then all of us want them to jump each other already. :D
Jessica said:
And sure, it wouldn't make sense to just ignore the cliffhanger, but they don't need to do anything extravagantly EC at the beginning of the season
I agree. I don’t expect that in the first episode of the season Calleigh will drag him under the desk…okay, something like this would make us happy, but I prefer to see that at the end of the season, when probably their relationship will be grown step by step. Otherwise, I’ll see my family falling from the chairs for the surprise. :lol:

delkolover said:
I think what we will see is Jake disappear in the first few eps and then more than likely nothing significant of E/C until later.
I think that we’ll see something like this. I remember that in the last season nothing important happened between Eric and Calleigh until Man Down. When I saw that episode I was totally dumbfounded, I didn’t expect that. I think that we’ll see something important in the last episodes of the season. ;)
I don't think anyone would expect the first episode to be all E/C. But remember guys, we are still two months away from the season opener which means anything could happen. What I mean is that they sometimes talk about a storyline and then we find that it doesn't really happen and I'm not just talking about E/C, I'm talking about other things in general. So we have basically just been given synopsis of the first few eps, we don't know exactly what is going to happen other than that. And I know that the writers won't forget, but like I said they would seem to have brain damage or something if they did and I don't think they do, so everything will be fine.
midnight_tiptoes said:
They probably kept screwing it up on purpose, like Emily "accidentally" kissing him on the lips and Adam "accidentally" taking her shirt off.

Can't blame her for messing up!! LOL Such a sexy cuban, eric is!
this has probably been talked about before, but I'm new to Talk CSI! Did Anyone want to scream at Calleigh to get off the elevator in the season finale???

I want those blooper reels.
Welcome newbie! Yeah, Cal should have got off that elevator and I do wish that there could be blooper reels for the show. I want to see the brighter side.
Thanks! I love your sig xanessa!!! I think as much as Calleigh cares for Eric she is also afraid to act on them! the girl loves her control, and with Eric she can loose that. She needs to understand that not being in control all the time can be good!!
Well you know, in past conversations we have said that Calleigh's past relationships were never so great. So she probably needed some control to feel a little better. That's one feel I get from her. They didn't work out so well so I can understand why she wants to control her feelings so much. But I hope that when she gets with Eric that he can show her that she can let her guard down with him. That she can trust him. And even though she has told him that she trusts him with her life(Very powerful by the way) she still needs a little convincing on the relationship part. You know what I mean?

I have to give HHL credit on the sig. By the way, HHL what was your name again. Hehe...
Oh I know Calleigh hasnt been lucky when it comes to the love department. I think Eric will be able to get her to let her guard down. When they get together I hope writters do it carefully! As much as I like for them to really kiss and so forth, it would back fire if its rushed! It just so frustrating, b/c like so many others I want them together!! That and it breaks my heart thinking of Eric's expression right b4 Calleigh got on the elevator!!
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