Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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Eric's expression was pretty heart breaking, but I don't know about Calleigh's. I agree with you though. As much as I want to see them just jump each other and makeout, its best that they take things slow for now. I want to see the chemistry build up and their sexual tension increase. And its entirely possible since this show loves angst.
Well when the whole thing that make Eric expression so sad I think Calleigh wasnt liking/ feeling "it" or maybe its just me b/c its too painful to even think about!!! I just want the next season to start!!!! All the poss. that I have become aware of have made me so impatient!!! LOL
The names Gina sweety!!! That scene with Eric just broke my heart so much I wanted to give him a hug(and a kiss :devil:). I just can't wait till the season starts. September's taking a while to get here!!! Jeeze :rolleyes:!!!!
I want the season to start too but when I think about it, it starts when my life starts to suck again. So sad. Why don't any good shows come on during the summer? I can't decipher Calleigh's expression, but at least I know something will happen next season.

Gina. Yes, Gina! Gina is the creator of my hilarious sig.
Yes! I want September to come soon too! But then I start school:p. Aww Eric looked so sad when Cal was kissing that jerk!
I felt sooo bad for Eric in that scene. :(

As for Calleigh she looked shocked and then when she saw that Eric had seen the whole thing and then when they made eye contact you could see a littl guilt and sadness on her face as well. Like part of her knew she was in the wrong while the other part may have been slightly turned on by the kiss. The whole scene definately left her with a lot to think about. But I definately saw guilt on her face.
Awww that pic of Eric is SO totally tugs on my heart and makes me want to just hold him! Poor baby! And yeah Jackie I definitely agree, Cal totally had a look of guilt on her face...stupid Jake! :p Lol!
I like the latest pic...Cal's hair is SOOO gorgeous all curly like that! Love it! Speaking of Call's hair...which way do you think Eric likes it best? And which do y'all like it best?
I think Eric likes it both ways. First its all nice and straight and then, when he gets done with her, it's all messy and curly. See where I'm getting?
Lol, I do see where you're gettin' hon! ;) And I love it, cuz that is pretty much what I was thinking too! That or that he doesn't care, straight or curly as long as it's sliding over his body! :devil:
Lol, you guys are too funny! Cal looks beautiful anyway that she has her hair but of course Eric could care less how her hair looks, if you know what I mean! :devil: :lol:
(They should have an evil laughing smiley)
Lol, I agree Leynette (can I call you Leyn??)
about the evil laughing smiley ;) and I think Eric doesn't reall care how she wears her hair...well as long as it's down and free flowing! ;) I think I prefer it curly or wavy though...but that's just me! :D
Yea sure you can call me Leyn, Leyley! :) I really love Cal's hair in the pic. I wish my hair would curl like that but all I get is waves. :(
Can I call you Moriel or Mo?
Sweet deal....mmmm, Leyley is totally cute! :D And you can call me Mo, Moriel, either's cool with me! :D

And yeah, I would kill to have Call's hair, oh my word! I have blonde hair but that's where the similairities pretty much stop! Mine won't grow that long or lay that well, as much as I'd like it to! :p
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