Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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I sposted the spoilers for episode 603-"15 Minutes" in the spoiler thread. Unfortunately I didn't see any E/C scenes but that doesn't mean there arent't any ;)

I really think the hallucination of Speed in some shape or form is going to help E/C. I can picture Eric starting to question his mental stability and Cal being there to help him through it. I think it can and might be interesting to see
Welcome Audrey!

I saw it. Looks like the ep may be focused on Ryan but I think we may get a good E/C scene. How could we not when we had that cliffhanger last season!
I can't believe we still don't have any E/C spoilers. I rally hope the writers aren't dropping the storyline just because a few H/C shippers threw a hissy fit. That would piss me off big time.
That wouldn't be neccesary. I think what they wanted most of all was more H/C screen time and maybe the writers just don't want to give out too much info like they did before.
You'd think something would've leaked out by now, though. I mean, 3 episodes and a few press releases. They even interviewed Adam and nobody asked him about E/C. It's frustrating.
Well I think with all the leaks last season and the flak the show got from fans on the false report on the season finale they might be keeping their mouthes shut. And who can blame them? They want some things to be a surprise for us fans.

I am confident that they are going to work E/C towards each other it just a matter of us being patient and waiting it out. God only knows how they plan on making them a couple and how long it is going to take but like I said, I am pretty confident we will see something significant at some point this season.

Personally, I think it will happen, at te very latest, February sweeps. It could happen before then but that is the time frame I am giving the writers to make something happen between these two.

One thing is for sure, it will be ANGSTY!!! :lol:
Angsty, yes! September can not get here fast enough, I swear :rolleyes:.

I don't have firsthand knowledge of any spoilers for this past season but I've heard a few things and it seems there was a lot of disappointment, so Delkolover's appraisal makes sense. Maybe, hopefully, they're just keeping their hand close to the chest. When it comes to on-screen romances it's hit or miss--for the fans and the network--and it seems like the logical thing to do would be to keep expectations from getting too high too soon. Still sucks though.

Has Emily been interviewed at all? I’m dying to hear what she has to say.
Although I am a bit dissapointed that there isn't any spoilers about EC I won't lose hope about them though. The lack of spoilers could be a good thing. Remember back in a interview(I think ET)Emily said she would get 2 boyfriends. The Miami writers do tend to irritate us sometimes but I really doubt they would start something up last season with them and have it go no where! I'm gonna give TPTB the benefit of the doubt and wait it out.
^I was talking about that in another thread a while ago. Wouldn't it be a big blow off for the writers to act like nothing happened last season? That would be too stupid without doing something with it. If the writers really don't do anything with it they might as well have memory loss or brain damage, which makes me think they are not stupid. There has to be something going on, especially in the first episode. If nothing happens, this show would be really dumb.
in reply to alwayswrite05 i love angst as long as it moves to a resolution and they don't leave us suffering forever!!!

i am going to keep an open mind and pray that the writers are not going to drop E/C and that you guys are right and they just don't want too much to get out which makes sense at least.

i am writing a hiphugger fan fiction and i will post it here (title=Love's Long Journey)
The show won't get dumb it will just have made everything they shot last season regarding E/C pointless and seem like a waste of film. If it came to that I would have to say to the writers that all they were doing was filling spce b/c they didn't know what else to do and regardless of the show being the most watched in the world; they would need to reevaluate their writing ability!!

That is what I would tell them. But I really don't think it will come to that. We are not going to see an immediate resolution in the first few eps; it is going to take some time and like I said in previous post I am giving them til Feb sweeps to do that. I mean if they do it after for May sweeps fine but I will be a little disappointed that they dragged something out that long...for to me what would seem to be no other reason than to drag it out that long.

Whew..that was a mouth full huh? :lol: With all that said....Viva La Hip Huggers!!! :D
Well of course I do not think something is going to happen right away. But there has to be scenes with each ep about E/C's passion. How could there not be?
Just b/c I don't see them in the spoilers doesn't mean there won't be any E/C scenes in that ep. I don't get what goes on between the main characters all the time, I only get certain pieces of what is going to happen in the ep.

So just b/c we don't see it written down or hear it be reported on by someone doesn't mean that it isn't going to happen in the ep.

I hope that makes you feel a little bit better ;)
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