Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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Is Broken Home the one where Eric messes up? That was so sad. But I'm glad it was Calleigh there with him and not someone else. I don't know why she gave Eric the we work together excuse. Obviously they can put their personal stuff aside and do their jobs well, in an unbiased way.

Except when she lied to Stetler, but we all agree Stetler is a dillywally and Calleigh just loves Eric too much.
I loved it in Broken Home when she she tells Eric that they can't do without him or something like that. So cute!!!!!
now there is a promo? And not only that, but in said promo it shows Jake :p and Calleigh happy and making out? (double :p ) *gag!* Dang it...I SOOO need to see this promo! I have no idea how I've missed seeing it, gah I need to see this promo dang it! And now I am freaking out about E/C! I mean I agree like y'all have said...E/C WILL happen, but if we have to sit through more of Eric being sad and Jake gloating as he kisses Calleigh I may have to join y'all in watching these with a few drinks already in me! :lol:
I missed it too Moriel21!!!:( I just want the season to start!!! And E/C will happen, i just I swear the writters LOVE to torture us!!!
I haven't seen it either. I don't watch reruns, so I didn't know. Oh well. I don't have to see it, I just want the season to start.

God, the writers love to torture us. Is there a bigger torture than season 4? At least now we know we're headed somewhere. Back then it was just like, freaking nothing. Months would go by without us getting a single scene. It was depressing.
Okay so I had the weirdest dream and it was about E/C. I don't know if its a good sign but my mom always says if you dream about something then its good. Well anyways it went something like this. Calleigh was like in a hotel balcony and she was talking to Eric on the phone I guess about their relationship and she was talking about how their realtionship is and such. And then I see Eric/Adam with a shirt that has the picture of him and Calleigh when she kisses him in 'Just Murdered' and it said "E/C" on the top and "Hip Huggers" on the bottom. Well thats was like my first E/C dream and it was...weird.
That is really weird. Does that mean they're gonna be like those couples who wear shirts with pictures of themselves on them? Cause if that happens I would have to beat them.

Unless they wore porn. That would be fine. I'm okay with pornwear.
^urgh..definately. Those t-shirts are sooo lame. The dream was weird but it could be a sign of good things to come. Look only the writers know how things are going to play out but the waiting is definately killing me and making me over think everything!

This whole ship has been in the making since season 1 like Midnight said and Adam and Emily want it so I highly doubt they will let the writers get away with dropping the storyline; they will totally make a stink if that happens.
I dvr'd the promo and watched it like 20 times already and the couple kissing doesn't look like Jake or Calleigh. The guy kissing had a short hair cut, Jake has longer hair and a different cut. I've like slow motioned that scene over and over again. I REALLY don't think it's Jake. Anyone try watching it in slow mo and know what I'm trying to say?
I was pretty sure what I saw but then again these promos are always soooo way off about what is truly going to happen in an ep. For all we know it could be H flashing back to his moment with Kyle's mother but of course the people who made the damn promo felt the need to inject it right then to screw with us.B/c from the promo you can tell that Kyle does indeed have blonde hair and not red.
Just remember how awful season 4 was. We got through that, more or less with our sanity intact. More or less. Also, where are the damn promo pictures?

Meanwhile I'll be getting intoxicated a lot. Let's all do the same and throw a party.
Oh I know, NY and LV have promo pics out...what the hell makes us soo damn special that we have to wait?

I can barely type now as it want me to type drunk too?! That will be highly unintelligable. But what hell? Party On Ted! :lol:
I haven't seen the new promo yet. Is it up at I'm popping back in to say hi and I'm still around. I've just been discovering a few new fandoms (Firefly and Bones) and I've been in a Harry Potter fic reading frenzy for some reason. Anyway, I'm excited/anxious for the new season! I can't wait to see what the writers/producers have in store for us! I just really hope it's good and well written and not too soapish. I have my fill of that stuff with Days of our Lives. ;)
Firefly is awesome! I love that show. I was so pissed when it was canceled. Fox ruins everything.

I know we're all going crazy, but as Sky said upthread, would the writers really make Eric even more miserable than he already is? And no matter what anyone says, Calleigh has exhibited signs of wanting to be with Eric, and pretty much told him the only thing holding her back is her job. For her to suddenly do a 180 would be just stupid and would make Calleigh look really bad, and the writers like her too much to do that. There's also the fact that Horatio and Eric don't like Jake, and even Calleigh doesn't trust him implicitly. I'm sure it'll turn out okay.
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