Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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Firely was an awesome show. The movie wasn't half bad either.

It almost seems like we are riding Calleigh's emotional rollercoaster with her, not viewing it from external pov. In her head the woman has made up her mind and it is Eric but on the outside she has chosen Jake and is almost like she is sitting back and waiting to see what her making her choice does to those around her. I really think that at some point she wants Eric to be as foward as Jake was in the finale. That could be why her anger lasts....she wants him to just frickin do something about what is going on.
i think that if Eric would make a move then that may just be what Calleigh needs to make her decision. ( I don't count her being with Jake as her decision ) I can totally see that happening, as soon as Eric works up the courage to grab her and have his way with her :devil: :D
Ok, so I saw the promo but I am emploring anyone who has it saved to upload it to youtube or give it to someone who has a youtube is your civic duty as HipHuggers :lol:
I made a You Tube account last night to upload the ET thing but I have no idea how to do it. Does the video need to be in a specific format? I've never uploaded anything to YT.
I haven't uploaded to YT many times, but I'm pretty sure they take all the common formats: WMV, AVI etc.

As for how to upload it, I'm pretty sure there's an upload option right at the top of every page, and you just follow the instructions from there.
Aaaaaaaaaali! Why do you disappear on us?

I'll do it tonight, then. It really is a cute video. They should get a camera crew to follow Adam and Emily around all day.
It's not my fault! It's life, it's keeping me way too busy. Blame it, not me! If it helps, I imagine the personification of my life looks alot like a sneering Ann Donahue. That evil wench.

Trying to catch up on the latest spoilers. H's kid isn't a carrot top? I'm devastated. What's the latest on the E/C front?
Eh, screw life.

The EC spoilers, yeah, you need to go back and read all of that. It's complicated as all fuck. We need your wisdom here.
midnight_tiptoes said:
Eh, screw life.

The EC spoilers, yeah, you need to go back and read all of that. It's complicated as all fuck. We need your wisdom here.
Caro, you are my role model. As much as I'd love to take your advice and say "screw life," my mom would kill! :lol:

As far as spoilers go, there are lots around the boards...all the way up to episode 6, I believe. Plus, I posted a full, detailed review of the promo that CBS aired on Monday...


Luv yall...

K, so I skimmed through, like, the past ten pages or so.

Calleigh is boinking Jake, but running out before he wakes up, and she's pissed off at Eric because he blabbed something to Stetler? That's about it right.

I'm kinda frustrated with what we know so far, because I can't make head nor tail of where they're going with this, but overall, for Miami, they seem to be handling it fairly well.

Calleigh continues to leave me dumbfounded though. I'd love to know what the hell crazy logic she uses to justify the things she does. I'm half expecting her to do something ridiculous, perhaps ala Starbuck in BSG, admit she loves Eric and then marry Jake the next day.

Whatever. Rock on, gun-toting psycho broad. :cool:
Ah! Midnight you are the greatest!! heh They just make like the greatest couple. Seriously we all would like a sex scene. Even Adam and Emily.
That video made me a little verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves. Rhode Island is neither a road, nor an island. Discuss!

I'm feeling melancholic. I just realized I really want Eric and Calleigh together. And dammit, I wanna see them do all the nice couples things, like get ready for work together, seeing them cooking at home, seeing them discussing a case while they get ready for bed, etc. Does that make me lame? I don't care. I WANT THIS! I WANT IT NOW!
Sky I just had to say...I love that word! It's one of my favorite words and I totally know what you mean by the way...the more I think about them, the more I want it NOW...I mean like not tomorrow...not in five minutes...NOW dang it! :p

Caro rock on that you got that vid uploaded, I'm totally off to watch that! :D Smex baby! :devil:
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