Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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omg always there was defintaly an underlying threat there and in his stare too. A don't mess with my girl kind of thing. But was it Jake and Calleigh kissing?? I really need to watch it again!!!! Please someone post it!!! I'm DIEING here!!!!!

please upload the ET clip!! i would love to see it.

and they really need to interview them!!! i wanna know what they think about the whole story line.

im just really glad that E/C is going to be taking a more active role this season, even from last season. They defintaly havent dropped the story line. I am confident however that the will put Eric and Calleigh together in the end.
I definately think they will pull them together at some point. Corey said there would be complications surrounding their storyline this season. Why have complications at all if you weren't going to do something?? Try and remember that every season starts one way by the end of Feb sweeps things are going in a totally different direction and everything can change in one ep. I mean all it took to send us into a flury about E/C last year was Man Down and in 5 or 6 eps we had something there is a whole season ahead of us and a lot of time. Either way, I am totally psyched.

And I do find it odd that Miami hasn't gotten like no press this summer. I mean LV got press b/c of Jorja and the cliff hanger but NY and Miami have been very quiet on the media front.

If I was Donahue I would feel embarassed about the stuff she said a few months was pretty bad. Don't say anything then. I mean I would rather you stay tight lipped about it then say something that doesn't even happen in the ep!!

I think she is coming around to our side though. Like Midnight said she gave us the trust line and the storyline is apparently continuing. So we will see where she and other writers take us
Things would be much different if Steve Maeda was around, cause he was such a hardcore Hip Hugger. He wrote the best old school E/C episodes. We loved him so. He has a great eye for ships. If he was still around, I wouldn't worry at all.

My only worry is that they'll turn Jake into the poster boyfriend from heaven or something. They'll either do that, or go to the other extreme and have him cheat on Calleigh or something. I really, really think something is going down in episode 6, that Eric will find out something about Jake but he won't tell Calleigh because she's mad at him and he knows she won't believe him.
Now that you mention it, I saw Jake and Eric working together as a little wierd. B/C how I saw them, they were being oddly nice to eachother, ya know no rudeness or being standoffish...but I could see what you are saying Midnight....we just have to keep our eyes open
I can't believe we still have a month to go. This is torture. Don't they know we need to know now?

I'm gonna have to watch the first batch of episodes drunk, though. Cause watching Calleigh making out with Jake isn't my idea of happy, good times. At least it's not Hagen, but still. Jake/Calleigh = ay, ay, ay, no me gusta!
They are banking on us wanting to know...that is probably why they aren't saying anything.

Drunk would be a good idea but then if I see the scenes I will blow chunks everywhere...which I would do if I were sober at that moment anyway. Things are going to get messy
I once had to do some work with my WORST enemy and you'd think we'd be pulling out each others hair but instead we were being so nice and sweet to each other. We'd hold open doors for one another and offer each other a snacks, but deep down inside we both know that we just wanted to knock our brains out. So what I am trying to say is that something will certainly happen if Eric and Jake start acting like friends. Usually the worst things happen in thos kinds of situations.

So I was just giving you my opinion on that Jackie. And of course everyone else.
I agree they wouldn't start arguing at work. They're too mature for that. I still think something important will happen between them in this episode, though, otherwise: why have them working together, and why have Calleigh still mad at Eric? Like I said earlier, I can see Eric finding something out about Jake and yet not being able to tell Calleigh because she's mad at him. Calleigh's anger has to lead somewhere, otherwise it's just a waste of time.
If Cal wasn't angry then I'd say nothing is going to happen b/c she would just shrug it off and go back to being happy happy with Jake but the fact that Eric is getting to her and she is mad shows is a good sign. Emotion toward Eric is good. Right now Cal is forasking what is true for what is easy and for her it is easier to be mad at Eric than show him how she truly feels.

I am a little nervous about all this not /c of Jake but b/c with Miami writers ya never know what the hell they are going to do. They could do a 360 in heart beat. But even after all this time and everything they have and probably will put us together I am confident that at some point E/C will happen. Just nervous on how long it is going to frickin take :lol:
That's my worry, that the writers will suddenly do a 360. But, Adam said this storyline has been in the works since season 1 and that they ever talked about it openly during season 2. Adam and Emily want it to happen. The writers finally put the wheels in motion, too. I think it's the only storyline that's always been on the back of the writer's mind. Even HY, which was dropped so abruptly, was never a plan until the end of season 1. So I don't think they will. The fan reaction has been good and CBS is really promotioning the hell out of it. So I'm optimistic. That doesn't mean that the whole Jake thing won't hurt.

They can't hook Eric and Calleigh up too quickly, because the show still has a few years left to go. Them being together too soon, and then they would have to deal with relationship stuff and marriage and possibly kids. So the timing has to be right.

In the meantime, how in the hell do I upload videos on You Tube?
Wow, lots of people are worried all of a sudden. I'm kinda not. I know things will work out in our favor. I mean, think about it. If EC doesn't happen, then that means Calleigh has been playing with Eric's heart all along. Everyone will think she's a bitch for ignoring the good guy and going for the jerk. And Eric hasn't had ONE GOOD THING happen to him in YEARS! And now losing the love of his life to another guy? I just can't see it. EC not happening will make both characters look bad, Calleigh a bitch and Eric a doormat. It'll end E/C, I know it. Johnny W. is not joining the show, he's only temporary. So after he's gone, my guess is they'll wait a bit and then get E/C together :)
Ok I saw the promo and it was totally Jake and Calleigh that they flash to when Eric asks about Antigua. Part of me thinks though that Eric already knew when he asked the question that Jake and Cal went together. Oooooh bring on the tension and the angst baby! I says all this now but have no doubt that I will probably be crying like a baby when I see the premiere. :lol:

God, this season needs to start like RIGHT NOW!!! I can't take the waiting anymore
YAY...Jackie saw the promo! :D

You definitely won't be the only one crying like a baby when the premiere is aired. As I've said, I'm not an angst whore, but the angst now will only bring them closer together, in the long run! I just hope that they don't wait too long!

I'm apologizing like right now for not posting the promo clip! I recorded the show last night and I can rewind the clip over and over again, but I don't have time to record it on a disc to upload on the computer. Plus, I don't have a YouTube I'm so sorry that I'm not sharing it, I want to, though! If no one uploads the promo by Monday and CBS doesn't show it, which I doubt, I'll upload the clip then...cause I'll have time over Labor Day!

Season 6 needs to start seriously! I can't wait for Sept. 24 to come! It is just taking too long, seriously.


Luv yall...

I just saw this video on You Tube. It's sooooo good! And that song is perfect for EC, and for this ship in general. Remember when other ships used to say we should give up? And look at us now.

Yeah, baby!

ETA: this video is also very awesome. It's so sad, and the song is great. This is the videomaker's explanation:

Eric is seriously hurt in an explosion and is in a coma.
The video shows calleigh talking to eric about all their times together. Hoping that he will wake up.
Those videos are awesome!

Btw guys I saw broken home last night. I squealed my head off everytime there was an e/c scene and my parents were giving me strange looks. It was quite funny actually. But I loved it!

If it's ok with you guys I'd like to add a letter to the thing we're sending. Who should I give it to? Who's making it?
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