Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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After all those s**tty, misleading promos of last season, I swore to myself I wouldn't let me get all wired up again, but...
...I wanna see this promo now DAMN!!!


(Yes, I'm still alive...)
Putting everything together, it seems to me that the Jake/Calleigh relationship must be mostly physical. I don't know, I just can't see it lasting long. For once, they're not gonna keep Johnny around forever. Two, judging by the promo, Eric is still very much in love with Calleigh. They're not gonna drop that now. If they didn't drop it during the summer (they totally could have) they won't halfway through the season. And CBS is giving it a lot of press. It's important to the network, so I've hope.

Anyway, this means less than a month till the season premiere.
Excellent coverage Fading, but from what I remember I don't know if Eric looked sad. Granted, I've only seen it once and was watching with shipper tinted glasses, but it seems like he had this knowing 'yeah, I'll bet' look on his face. And there was a definite challenge underlying their words.

Leela said:
After all those s**tty, misleading promos of last season, I swore to myself I wouldn't let me get all wired up again, but...
...I wanna see this promo now DAMN!!!

Well it won't be long before CBS puts it up or someone uploads it to YouTube. Best thirty seconds of TV I've seen all summer, I swear.

Sept. 24 needs to hurry up and get here.
A Jake vs Eric fight-to-the-death? I wouldn't mind seeing that! I was thinking earlier, though, that something important will happen between these two in episode 6. Why have them working together if that's not the case? Either Eric will find out something about Jake or... something else. And I wonder if Jake knows about E/C. I really, really wanna know.

Hey, Leela. Why do you abandon us so?
WOW I haven't been here in ages!!!!!!!! So many spoiler boxes!!!! I'm to lazy to read them all. As for the new season promo where can I go to see it?? Fading's detailed description is nice but I wanna see it for myself!!

Since I've been MIA for a while here's four HipHugger Pics of The Day





SO CUTE!!!!!!!!! :D
I really need to upload that clip to You Tube, huh? Me = perpetual laziness. I'll try to do it tonight, if I succeed.

Hey, the C2 community at has 41 subscribers. Pretty cool, huh? We need more, though. And more people need to join the fanlisting.
Midnight Please do it sooner!!!!!!! :eek: Please!!!!!!!!! :D

I am dying over here... :rolleyes: H attacking... Oh MY!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Please put it up on you tube for us, Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

HCrazy :D
It's not the season premiere promo that I have, it's an ET video from a few years back in which Adam and Emily say they want Eric and Calleigh to hook up. It's all about Miami romances and it does have some H/Y in it, too.

Sorry, I should've made that clear.
Carol, I would love to see that ET clip from a few years ago. If you're able to upload it to YouTube, that would be much appreciated. :D
Lucy said:
Carol, I would love to see that ET clip from a few years ago. If you're able to upload it to YouTube, that would be much appreciated. :D

Hear! Hear!

I remember watching that clip ages ago! But back then I wasn't really interested (or shall I say 'obsessed') enough to bother and download it... :rolleyes:
I just recall Emily telling Adam that his "chest-implants feel so nice/real"?? ...or something!
Go Caro! I know we have to push you to do that, you lazy ***! NOW GO AND UPLOAD!

Going into the season I figured we get something of Cal/Jake having happened in the off I am prepared for it. And Midnight is right, if they wanted to let the whole storyline go they would have dropped it over the summer and made no mention, as deep as they apparently do, of in the premiere. It is going to be hard to see sad Eric but we need sad Eric for angst. Our time will come. I am more convinced of that as time goes on. Jake's character is a filler right now and once he has served his purpose he will be gone and his purpose for now is to make Cal happy and extend the angst for the E/C ship. There has to conflict between them or the whole scenario/ship would be boring.

Someone needs to put that promo up at youtube...cuz who knows how long it will take CBS to do it.

Midnight you totally need to put that ET clip just begs for it.
:lol: Okay, I'll try. I don't even have a You Tube account. I'll make one now, though.

She does tell him that. It's really funny. It's something like:

Emily: Your chest implants feel very real.
Adam: I've been eating a lot of greens.

Hey, Lucy!
I wonder what Emily and Adam have to say about the developments between E/C and J/C for this season thus far?
Someone sooo needs to interview them about it.
I wish somebody would interview them. Overall, why isn't Miami getting any press this season? It seems so weird. Usually by this point you'd have Donahue doing interviews and such. Come to think of it, I haven't heard from her since last season, when she promised Horatio would get hurt in the finale. Is she still embarrassed for giving us fake spoilers or something?

She gave us the trust line, though, so I think she's on board for E/C. Still, come on, sister, throw us a freaking bone.
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