Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

We'd be queens of HBO is what we'd be! Cuz that's the only place they'd be able to air Miami once we were done with them! :devil: Heehee! :lol:

Yeah that is really cute that she said that...joke or not and I like to think there was at least a little truth to it...I mean come on, how could there not be?! ;)
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Adam and Emily are my big crushes, so it wouldn't surprise me. I kinda wanna see more behind the scenes stuff with them. like maybe an interview. I'd loooove to see bloopers, too. I wish the'd put them in the DVDs, nearly every other show does. I also wish they'd gone to celebrity poker showdown together. From what I hear, Emily always beats his ass. Heh.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

_____Skylar said:
Adam and Emily are my big crushes, so it wouldn't surprise me. I kinda wanna see more behind the scenes stuff with them. like maybe an interview. I'd loooove to see bloopers, too. I wish the'd put them in the DVDs, nearly every other show does. I also wish they'd gone to celebrity poker showdown together. From what I hear, Emily always beats his ass. Heh.
Who isn't an Adam and Emily fan??? God they're gorgeous and even better together!!! :D

I'm constantly reminded of them when I'm at church and someone talks of Adam and Eve...their names are close enough...and when I'm watching CSI: Miami on A&E (A&E...Adam and Emily)!!! :)

I, too, want to see behind the scenes stuff with them...I wonder what goes on in their trailers??? ;)

Bloopers are like so needed...they're all so serious when acting as CSIs we so desperately need to see how they are when "accidents" happen...someone forgets his/her lines, someone laughs hysterically and can't stop, Emily taking Adam's shirt off, etc. :devil:

Oh, either Emily's an excellent poker player and Adam sucks or he's letting her win to get some points..."Emily always beats his ass."...if only that were literal. :devil:

After my 48-hour no sleep marathon, I finally crashed at around 5:00 am yesterday and woke up just about 1:30...almost an hour ago. I thought I was just dreaming when my cell phone was vibrating under my pillow, but no apparently someone wanted to talk...ruined my E/C dream just as it was getting to the good part. :mad: Since it was all dark when I fell asleep and still dark when I woke up, I looked at the time and saw 1:30 am. I got creeped out after remembering I fell asleep at 5:00 am, and I thought I traveled back in time...I'm crazy and was still pretty tired. I looked at my phone and realized it was a different day and now I'm hyper.

Anyways, Caro I'm with you on the cramping...when it comes to that time of the month I'm either really emotional, in a bad mood, or overly slutty and from this post, you can tell which one it is. ;)

---Not so short story for Leela's random pic.
Calleigh walks down the hall and sees Eric with a brunette. She and Eric have been dating for nearly 5 months and she was not happy when she saw the scene play out. The woman seemed familiar, but she was too annoyed to try and figure out who she was. She continued her walk down the hall.

Eric didn't know the woman and asked, "May I help you with something, miss?"

The woman replied, "Uh, I don't know what you're playing at, but are you gonna pay me anytime soon? It's been 3 months since I've been waiting for my money"

Eric was clearly confused and Calleigh was now standing close enough, hearing the woman's reply. She hurriedly walked to them and angrily asked, "Eric, may I speak to you for a second? It‘s important!"

Eric was surprised of her tone, and replied, "Uh, sure." He turned back to the woman and told her he would be back in a minute. He thought to himself, "What did I do now?"

Calleigh led him down the hall, enough to where the woman couldn't hear their conversation. She found her voice and finally started, "What the hell is wrong with you? After 5 months, you do this to me?" Her voice became angrier. "I trusted you, Eric, and what do you do, huh? You go and find a slut to have sex with and now she's asking you for her money! I was right, I wasn’t enough for you! I can‘t believe that I actually let myself fall in love with you, when you‘ve been lying to my face for months! This was too good to be true and now everything I was afraid of has been confirmed."

Eric was now amused and couldn't help stifle a laugh. Calleigh didn't know what he was laughing about, but she got angrier and continued her rant. "I can't believe you find this funny. Go to hell, Eric! You sleep around on me for 3 months and you don't seem to care! You break my heart and you laugh at my face!" Calleigh eyes quickly filled with tears and when she blinked, they started to roll down her cheeks.

Eric still found the whole conversation hilarious, yet he felt hurt that Calleigh is accusing him of infidelity. Now wasn’t the time to feel sorry for himself as he was more concerned for Calleigh. He, instead of laughing at her, again, placed a hand of her face and had every intention of wiping tears off of her cheek, until she slapped him. He placed at hand at his now reddening face and replied, sincerely, "Calleigh…”

She cut him off and said, “Save it, Eric! I’ve wasted enough of my time with you, and I don‘t want to listen to you any longer than I have to.” Eric couldn’t believe what she was saying and quickly placed his hands on her shoulders firmly. She wanted to leave, but she, instead, found herself looking into his eyes, as tears continued to roll down her face.

Eric finally said, “Listen, Cal, I don’t even know who she is.”

Thinking the worst thoughts about his statement, Calleigh once again cut him off and said, “Do you really think that makes me feel any better? You sleep with her for months and not even find out her name? Screw you, Eric!” She then maliciously added, “Wait, never mind, every girl in Miami is probably doing that to you already!”

She looked into his eyes and saw that he was genuinely hurt, but at the moment she didn’t care about him or his feelings. She started to look somewhere else and gazed down at the floor. Eric was now feeling worse and hated a part of him for laughing at her earlier.

He then replied, angrily, “I’m not sleeping with her!” She was surprised and found herself listening to him, intently. Lifting her cheek with a finger, so her eyes were fixed upon his, he continued his reply softly, yet firmly, “Look, Cal, I love you and I would never do anything to hurt you. I don’t know that woman, not because I didn’t have the courtesy of getting her name, but because I haven’t met her, at least I don‘t remember meeting her. I don’t know why she’s asking for money and that conversation you walked into was nothing. I’m so sorry for laughing at you earlier. I really am. I just found it amusing that you actually thought that I was sleeping around on you. Trust me you are more than enough for me, more than enough that I sometimes feel as if I'm just dreaming about this whole relationship, because I feel like I don't deserve you, that you deserve better. Trust me when I tell you that I don’t plan on ever leaving you or breaking your heart, ever.”

Calleigh couldn’t believe she let herself get worked up over nothing and she suddenly remembered that woman. “Oh my god, Eric. I’m so sorry. That woman, she…uh…she’s the one suing you. I just remembered who she was. I thought I recognized her, but the very thought of you cheating of me, leaving me for someone else, it hurt me so much that I let myself overreact. I’m so sorry.” She was now rambling and continued, “I love you, Eric, I really do and I trust you with my life. I‘m so sorry for slapping you and for getting angry and for saying those things about you and other women and for thinking anything wrong and for not trusting you and not listening to you when you first tried to explain…”

She was now the one that was cut off when Eric cupped her face and kissed her. They agreed on keeping their relationship out of their job, but after what happened, she didn’t resist her temptations and returned the kiss. The need for air arouse, but they continued their passionate kiss until they broke apart at the same time, breathing heavily, with smiles on their faces.

Eric’s smile suddenly left him, as he started playing with his hand. He then asked her with a serious tone, “ So we’re okay, right?”

She laughed at him, mocking his earlier gesture when she was serious, and his face fell. “Yeah, we’re okay! You and I, we’ll uh, we’ll talk tonight.”

“Yeah, tonight. We’ll be talking.” A mischievous grin on his face.

“You’re never gonna let me live this down, are you?” she asked playfully.

With a chuckle, he immediately answered, “Not a chance, Cal. Not a chance.”

She once again felt angry, but instead, a mischievous smile crept on her face, just as it did Eric’s a few moments ago. “Fine, until you do, I’m cutting you off.” He looked at her questioningly and she added, “No sex until we forget this ever happened.”

Eric suddenly freaked out and quickly said, “I don‘t know what you‘re talking about cause nothing happened!”

“Great! I’ll see you tonight. I’ll talk to that woman about why you don’t remember her.” she replied with a victorious grin after realizing the brunette was still there. She motioned for him to leave down the hall, and he started to move away, when she added, “Eric, I love you.”

He happily and honestly replied, “I love you, too, Cal.”


Luv yall…
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Aww that was so cute! Caro trust me honey I got mines today and its horrible! Adam and Emily should just get together already! They both have the hots for each other and they can't resist each other either. In Entertainment(sp?) Tonite when they were interviewing Emily about the kiss hse said that he is hot! So she definatley has, like Skylar said, a little love for Adam.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

On another forum we were talking about ideal threesomes and so on and I said me with Adam and Emily. I totally am crushing on these two. I don't know what it is but they've got it. It probably is their hots for each other.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

that_girl1 said:
Aww that was so cute!
Thanks!!! I type as much as I can when my head has ideas and most of the time, the stories actually come out pretty well. My 10-minute miracles I take it that since you're reading and responding to the story that it's actually ok if they're posted on this thread??? If I'm wrong, just tell me. :D


You'd be stupid not to see that they like each other in more than a friendly way. No you'd be blind...or both!!! Adam and Emily look so hot together. They probably aren't faking their scenes and every word that comes out that's about these two is know???

I mean...she's like "Eric we can't start a relationship because it'd be complicated because of work. I mean I see you day and night...blah...blah..."...when she's actually saying Adam's name in her head. Makes me wonder...*drifts away* :devil:

*Currently back on Earth* I have to go take a quick friends thought it would be funny to yank me from my computer and throw me in the pool. I have to admit it was I have chlorine in my hair, which totally sucks :( back ASAP...


Luv yall...
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Bye! I really should take a shower too lol. I think that Adam and Emily are terrific actors but sometimes I think they bring themselves out when they are acting. I remember when Emily said they have a genuine like for each other and I am sure it goes a little deeper than just friends.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Eric and Calleigh should take a shower too. Of course, they wouldn't exactly be showering, now would they? :devil:

I still think we need a "Calleigh sneaks up on Eric in the showers at work and he catches her looking" type of scene. Yes, it would be straight out of the realm of fanfic, but who cares? We'd have wet, naked Eric! :devil: :lol: And not even Calleigh could resist that. :D
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Did someone say wet, naked Eric? :lol: :devil:

Even if Cal accidentally saw wet, naked Eric you could be sure that her touching him after that would be no accident
;) I mean I don't care if you accidentally get a peek or not there is no way someone could resist touching a wet, naked Eric....The man is like chocolate; sweet and very addicting. The only thing you don't get with him is the weight gain :lol:
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

It's getting hot in here. I think I'll go take a shower. Wait, that might make things worse. Crap...

I'll be in my bunker.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Boy am I glad that my friends threw me in the pool, as it started the whole shower thing :D...wet, naked Eric :devil:...I'd love that. Damn it, I just took a shower...I'd get right back in there right now if I could!!!

Oh, Eric... :devil: ;) :devil: ;) :devil:

I guess my next story should be about E/C in the shower...wouldn't that boost the ratings...LOL :lol:!!!


Luv yall...
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I'm doing the shower sex fic for the porn-a-thon. You're welcomed to join the community, though. Also, it's best to post fanfic in the fanfic board, because (and nothing personal) it just clutters up this thread and makes it harder to read the posts.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Okay, time for some discussion.

So everybody's leaning towards Speed's appearance being Eric's hallucination for whatever reason. Some disgruntled shippers of the opposite persuasion insinuated Calleigh won't wanna be with Eric if he's "crazy." There's no doubt in my mind that if she finds out he's having problems, she'll step up. But how do you guys think Eric's hallucinations will affect E/C?

I DON'T it would ruin the ship's chances. If anything, it might bring them closer like the shooting did. I do, however, think it might delay things a little bit. Calleigh will probably want Eric to get help and see him recuperate before making the decision to be with him. So I'm starting to think February sweeps or even May sweeps for these two. Jake will probably be given the boot (or bail) while Eric is getting help. I guess it's a matter of time.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Well I obviously think that the hallucination thing will bring them closer. I keep getting the feeling that Eric will tell Speed what has been going on and that he will give him some advice or even help out. I don't know how he will return. If Miami even goes far enough to make Speed a ghost(that would be cool, but it would be even more ridiculous) they'd be able to put him to a lot of scemes. But what I have been wondering about is Jake. We know he will be here on the first episode but no mentions in the rest. Either he already got kicked away(I doubt) or we will just hear some mention of him in episodes but won't actually see him.

But I do want to lean towards the idea that Calleigh will start giving up her time to Eric. Maybe this is what we wanted in order for her to realize her care. Absolutely anything could happen, which means in the end we could get a kiss(I'm dreaming...) . So I am thinking that this is what will bring them closer. After all, it used to be Speed, Calleigh and Eric, that shouldn't change. Calleigh should be the most concerned, the most interested and the first one for Eric to tell about his sightings of Speed.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I think the Speed hallucination will cause Cal to move closer to Eric especially if there might be something wrong with him. i mean why would he be hallucinating in the first place? It might be a cause for concern. So I could see Cal moving closer to Eric and him possibly boraching the subject of them again but her wanting to wait until he gets better.

Speed however, could give Eric the little nudge he needs to sort of stand up to Cal make her break down the walls. Calleigh sometimes does best when she is confronted by what shei s trying to avoid. Asking her is she is ok is only going to get an 'ok' from her but telling her that she is not ok or something to that affect will get her attention and make her confront the issue. So Speed may give Eric that little boost of confidence. But I agree that this development could delay E/C a little...I am sticking to my notion that we will see something signigicant around Feb sweeps. I'm still curious as to how they are going to get rid of Jake
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