Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

If Speed is Eric's hallucination, though, how would he help him with Calleigh? It would mean that Speed is essentially a part of Eric's subconscious, and it would be a little hard to pull off, and would also mean that Eric really IS going crazy. I could see it happening if Speed were a ghost, but I don't think he will be.

I think the situation might bring them closer, but not Speed. I think it would be a little too fanfic-y if they had Speed playing Eric's Cyrano de Bergerac. I will say that if Eric is hallucinating, he needs some serious medical help, possibly even a brain operation (he might be bleeding and that might cause a stroke). I think the storyline has potential.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Whether Speed is Eric's head playing with him(which would be more reasonable imo) or he is a ghost, we all know he is going to be talking to Calleigh about it. So she is definetly going to have some concern over him. I hope we get her taking him in all to herself. What I mean is that she feels that she should help him since it concerns both him and her for similar reasons. Does any of that make sense?
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

People often use their suconscious to work out problems and work through things. While his hallucination of Speed might be helping him in some way it could also be an indication that something is seriously wrong. what that is who knows? I definately think whatever happens to make him hallucinate is probably a consequence of him diving in the season premiere. Ya know pressurization and all.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Spoiler boxes!! :lol:
we do know now that Eric talks to Calleigh about his "seeing" Speed? Well heck at least we get some E/C for sure that way! :D And of course Cal will be concerned...I mean he's seeing "Speed" but at the same time somehow I see her "getting" it too and not freaking out on him about it! I do hope the PTB use it as a catalyst for E/C getting together! Heck I'll take them using anything as a catalyst to getting together! :lol:
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I think that Eric’s hallucination would make their relationship stronger. I don’t think that it would be harmful. Surely, an hallucination isn’t an unimportant thing, but it doesn’t mean that Eric is crazy and he and Calleigh can’t get together. I can’t see him in a strait-jacket, that would be totally senseless. I’m sure that Eric’s problems would make Calleigh worried and she’d be there for him, so they will be more close.

Hip hugger pic of the day:

Our favourite pic from Burned!!!
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I think that if Speed is a hallucination he'll be acting largely in a "this is your subconscious talking" kind of way and if that's the case I can see halluci-Speed bringing up Calleigh and the whole Cal/Jake situation. Especially since his appearances will probably be really random. For whatever reason I see something like Eric sees Jake and Calleigh together, and Speed pops up and tells him something like: “Green is definitely not your color. Why don't you just say something?" The wording is not quite Speed's style, but you get the idea.

It was the spoiler for ep 2 that said he'd tell Calleigh that he thought he'd seen Speed on the beach, right? But I'm thinking that doesn’t mean he's going to tell her when he starts seeing Speed on a regular basis, at least not right away. His ability to do his job has been a sensitive issue, and though I think she'll definitely be the first person he tells, I see him trying to work it out himself at first. Maybe even Cal finds out by accident and the implications scare her since, as Caro mentioned, hallucinations are usually a bad sign when you’ve have severe head trauma.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I really just cant see Calleigh thinking that Eric is crazy. I do however think that she will be anxious to help him through it and as a by product bring them together. When you spend time with someone you are bound to get closer. And by being that close they are going to have to work out the whole Jake issue and all of the rest. Speed coming back may be just what we needed for this couple.

by the way always i LOVE ur sig!!! :lol:
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

alwayswrite05 said:

But I'm thinking that doesn’t mean he's going to tell her when he starts seeing Speed on a regular basis, at least not right away. His ability to do his job has been a sensitive issue, and though I think she'll definitely be the first person he tells, I see him trying to work it out himself at first. Maybe even Cal finds out by accident and the implications scare her since, as Caro mentioned, hallucinations are usually a bad sign when you’ve have severe head trauma.

That's exactly what I've been thinking. I don't think he's going to willingly tell anybody when Speed starts visiting him, if Speed is in fact a hallucination. Calleigh included. I do not think he's going to go to her and just be all, "yeah, so I talked to my Speed-hallucination today." When and if he decides to open up to Calleigh about it, I think it's going to have to be Calleigh that initiates it, once she notices that something's going on. Eric's job is kind of on shaky ground right now, what with the head injury and all, and I think he knows that, and bringing any kind of attention to that isn't going to be something he wants to do. I agree, I do think he's going to want to keep this to himself for as long as he can, but if there's anybody he's going to open up to about this, I don't see it being anybody but Calleigh.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

There's a new interview with Rory int he main page and he said he's only going to be in one episode. My guess episode 2. So apparently it's just a one episode thing. Kinda sucks. I really wanted the writers to play with Eric's injury a while longer. Still, we know he tells Calleigh about it. Hopefully at least we'll get one nice scene out of it.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Did you all read Rory's interview?

It sounds like there will be the hallucinations. It seems like it. And he only knows that he will be back for one episode. But it only makes sense to me that he'd be back for a little more. And I don't think that Eric will right away tell Calleigh about his seeing Speed, but she will automatically know something is up since he told her he thought he saw Speed. So I hope we get some cute scenes with her checking up on him. :D
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I read the interview and think it sucks that he is only going to be in one ep. That is sooo not enough time for Eric to hallucinate and then be fine. I mean even if he doesn't hallucinate Speed all the time the notion that he is hallucinating is something that can be played out over at least 2 eps. This show tends to wrap things up too quickly when in fact it has the potential to continue on for a while.

All the reports said that Roray was going to be in several or at least more than one ep this season. How long ago was that interview taken? Maybe so far it is only one ep with the opportunity for him to do more. It is possible that Rory has only one confirmed ep but I thought it odd that he didn't even know how the answer!!
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I always hate in when in the summer they talk about all of this storyline crap and then it only happens to be one episode. That's probably one of my main reasons why I am glad that E/C hasn't been mentioned yet. They could change it so quickly and make our heads want to explode. I think the Speed storyline could be played out real well.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

That certainly doesn't give us much material. Rory didn't sound too enthusiastic, either. If it's only one episode, and he does in fact talk to Eric, then my guess now is ghost. I think if it was a hallucination they would tie it to Eric's head injury and keep it going for at least two more episodes. But just one? Come on. Give us something here.

Although ghost could still mean screwy brain, but I'm starting to think TPTB forgot about Eric's head injury just like they forgot about him getting shot in his leg.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

The TPTB seem to forget a lot of things when it comes to this show!!
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Like how to deliver a well written script? No, they have no clue at all.

I'd like to know if there's something going on with Calleigh this season. As much as I like E/C, I really don't want to see her become "Eric's girlfriend." I want her to be an independent character with her own storylines.
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