Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I would just be happy if anything went on with Calleigh this season. She tends to get thrown by the wayside a lot or is all business. She never makes a mistake and is always right.

I don't want her to simply be defined as "Eric's girlfriend" either. That is not how I picture her character to be when in a relationship and she is too independent to be defined like that.

But I would like to see the writers give her some sort of story arc that does not involve the dating, death or idiocy of the men in her life.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I soooooo want the new season to start NOW!!!! The spoilers are going to drive me nuts!!! I'll be ok if somehow spoilers make Cal. worry and these 2 get together!!!
Basically, I'd want Cal. lips to land smack right on Delko's lips!!! ;) Just use Delkolover's sig. as a visual!!!!!! LOL
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

You know, one ship that avoided all of that was Doug and Carol on ER. They had their independent storylines and then they had their romance. Doug would deal with some things on his own and so would Carol and sometimes they dealt with things together. it was really well developed.

Sadly, the Miami writers aren't that good. Hopefully they won't turn this ship into a crappy teenybopper drama.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I completely agree with you all on them both having separate storylines so they can be recongnized as different people but let's talk about the dating scene.

We have discussed this before, but there are a lot of good storylines they could use with these two and still make their characters stronger. What do you all have in mind about a storyline revolved around their relationship? What do you all think would be a good storyline and what do you think the writers will actually do?
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

She never makes a mistake

Except that she has. She's lied for Eric, she's tampered with evidence for her dad, and everything always turns out peachy for her. Nothing ever has repercussions for her. I don't know; maybe she's lucky (but you'd think if she were that lucky, she'd already be in bed with Eric :devil: ), but it's slightly unrealistic. I still want to see her make a mistake, any mistake, that would have some kind, any kind of ramifications for her.

Of course, I'd want everything to be okay in the end, but some kind of Calleigh drama that lasted for more than ten seconds would be nice. She's not perfect.

And of course, it would give her lots of chances to talk to Eric about it -- about doubts that come up as a result of her mistake, whatever. And Eric could reassure her, like she's always done for him. Aw. :D But then on the flipside, that could also lead to her being stereotyped as simply Eric's girlfriend, and I agree - I don't want that either.

It's like the writers don't know what to do with her. She either fades quietly into the background, or she becomes defined by who she's with. :rolleyes:
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

^^That is exactly what I meant by she never makes a mistake. She never makes a mistake that, like you said, has repercussions for her. Good god, for a while there Eric was IAB's favorite chew toy.

Calleigh needs a storyline that will shake her. Even if it doesn't lead to anything physical with Eric she needs something that has nothing to do with a boyfriend happen to her. Whether it is a mistake or trauma something needs to be done to make Calleigh less perfect and less of a robot.

You can only be lucky for so long and have everything come out roses in the end. She is due for a breakdown. People can only continue to go on the way she has for so long before it all snow balls. But it is the "something" that will make her breakdown that needs to be interesting. We all expect her at some point to crack; it is was is going to make her crack the most interesting thing to see.

Did any of that make sense? :lol:

I posted the spoilers for ep 604. No juicy E/C stuff but they are working the case together. What makes me happy is it seems they have been working every case together since the premiere.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Is it okay for me to be excited to learn that they will be working together? I am so glad that we will get a load of E/C time for the first few episodes.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I'm glad they're working together so much. Gets the tension going, I guess.

I'd love to see Calleigh screw up. The problem is that Calleigh's so hard on herself, it might be too hard to watch. But seriously, even Horatio makes mistakes sometimes (or am I thinking of fanfic?)
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

It is at least nice to know that they aren't avoiding each other but are working together. That is always a positive sign. That and Jake is no where to be seen, except the first ep!! :lol: But that doesn't mean anything b/c I don't know what happens, if anything, to him in the first ep. It is just a nice plus to know that E/C will be sharing screen time.

I am all for whatever gets the tension going
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

You can only be lucky for so long and have everything come out roses in the end. She is due for a breakdown. People can only continue to go on the way she has for so long before it all snow balls. But it is the "something" that will make her breakdown that needs to be interesting. We all expect her at some point to crack; it is was is going to make her crack the most interesting thing to see.

Did any of that make sense?
Yeah Jackie that made a lot of sense actually! And I agree...the girl does need to prove she has chinks in that "armor" of hers...and I for one cannot wait to see what it is that gets under her skin and causes that combustion that will bust open her armor and lead her straight to Eric's arms...finally! ;)

Yay for the spoilers...Wohoo! :D :D And can I just say...I've been watching a bunch of Miami reruns lately and SOOO many of them E/C are working together! The more and more I see of these reruns, the more I see just how much these two are together and feel for eachother! It's awesome! :D
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I get the feeling there'll be a lot of tension next season. As great as Eric is, he can be pretty passive aggressive. He's such a woman. He'll try, I bet, but the jealousy is gonna drive him crazy.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Yeah I think I have to agree with you Caro which is not so fun...since I am not a angst/tension fan...well at least not without a healthy dose of fluff to follow! ;)

Eric's a woman... :lol: That cracked me up! But it's SOOOO true! :lol: The jealousy is gonna eat at him until he confronts her...if only I had control of that scene! He'd confront her in the locker jealous and pissed he can't see straight...he starts attacking her verbally (cuz he's hurt and wants to lash out) and she of course reacts (really reacts) and lashes out back at him...until they are both nose to nose (or nose to chest since Cal's a bit shorter ;) ), chest's heaving, breath mixing...until they realize how close they are to the other...and how freakishly turned on they both are...and suddenly they start making out right there in the locker there's no tomorrow!! :devil:
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Can you imagine Eric pregnant? Oh, God, cry fest. It's a good thing he can't. I can even see him getting the flu and crying to Calleigh that he's dying, and Calleigh sitting there, rolling her eyes but tending to him cause she loves him so much. And then she gets the flu and doesn't bat an eyelash, and he'd have to drag her out of the lab and get her into bed.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

and he'd have to drag her out of the lab and get her into bed.

Is there any way we can make him do that anyway? Except, maybe without the flu and the hormones, as well as all their clothes? :devil: :D
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I get the feeling that once they get together that'll be a common occurrence, anyway.

Calleigh sick would be like when Monica got sick on Friends, and insisted she wasn't sick even though she clearly was. I'd feel bad for poor Eric, trying to get her to rest and give her medicine while Calleigh tries to sneak out of the apartment to go back to work.
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