Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Calleigh's breakdown is long overdue...that being an understatement. The rpoducers' lack of continuity has made Calleigh seem quite indifferent...but we all know she isn't. It seems like they're forcibly making her "as cold as ice. :cool:" (Quoting one of Horatio's one liners. *He puts on his sunglasses*)

Oh yeah, I love the pic of the day Abby. A staring Calleigh is always a great Calleigh.

---Short story for pic of the day.
Eric bends over the table.

Calleigh stares down and thinks, "I wonder how that feels?" she accidentally asks out loud.

The suspect, not knowing she was dreaming, answers her, "I wouldn't know because I didn't kill him."

Calleigh, once again lost in her thoughts says, "Butt...."

*Eric turns around and looks at Calleigh. She was in her own world and now she was staring at his crotch. Eric, amused, caught her, yet she didn‘t hold back."

The suspect once again opens his mouth and Eric turns back to him, “But what?”

Calleigh snaps out of her daydream and blurted out, “You’re free to go.”

Eric glances at Calleigh, who looked flustered, and let the suspect walk. He immediately said, “Don’t go far!”

Calleigh thinks, lost again, and says, “I’m not going anywhere and neither are you.”

Eric, shocked, shakes Calleigh, but she wouldn‘t snap out of her fantasy. “Are you okay?” he asked, concerned, yet shy, as he was blushing.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She answered, staying where she was. “You know, it is Spring Break and I don’t want all this time to go to waste.” She added with a husky voice, still running thoughts in her now lust-filled mind.

Eric wanting to tease her, turns back around and slowly bends over, reaching for the file on the table. Calleigh couldn’t help herself and she was staring back down, again. Eric was amazed and he quickly jumped when he felt Calleigh grab him. Her movements amused the other officer in the room and he left, although not wanting to, so he can tell the lab of the recent events.

Calleigh, suddenly embarrassed, started for the door when Eric grabs her, kisses her, and she just kissed him back. The kiss lasted for awhile, until the need for air arouse, along with their sexual tension. Calleigh opens her mouth and says, “I‘m gonna need you to do that again sometime, so don‘t go far!”

Eric replied with a huge grin on his face, “I’m not going anywhere and neither are you.”

Calleigh giggled, remembering what she had said earlier. Eric grabbed her once again and pinned her to the table, not caring that they were in an interrogation room. “I wonder how that feels?” Calleigh said, seductively, glancing from Eric down to his hips.

Eric chuckled and said, “A little time with me and you’ll find out.” Now, they were reversed in positions…he was the one staring at her and she was teasing him.

Oh xanessa, if you watched one of our news clips, read our morning paper, and walked around in this city, you'd know that New Orleans is topping the charts. It sickens me. Oh well, I'm alive and am very happy...thanks to our favorite Hip-Huggers.


Luv yall…
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Haha sexy!

I am sure that New Orleans has high crime and I am glad you are alive too, but my grandmother lives in Dayton and the crime is pretty bad too. Terrible! You stay safe. ;)

Calleigh used to be really outgoing and sweet and its not that she isn't anymore, but you barely see it. Season 5 Calleigh was better than season 4 Calleigh. At least she opened up some more in 5. Back in season 4 she seemed REALLY robotic and like she didn't have any emotions what so ever. So I think this upcoming season Calleigh might get something that will shake her. And who else better than Eric to be comforted by?
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Well I think that in season 4 we didn't see a lot of Calleigh's emotions because it was mostly centered around Horatio(when isn't it around Horatio?). Love that short story Anne! In s6 we should at least see Eric asking Calleigh out for a beer or something but as friends(even though we don't want it that way! :rolleyes: ) But at least that we know that they still hang out together and that just because Calleigh is going out with Jerk, (I mean Jake :D ) that they still hang out! And do normal co-worker things!
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Welcome, Anne.

I agree with delkolover that hurting Duke is way too cliche. Actually, having to deal with anything from her past, unless it's absolutely fabulously written, would reek of fanfic. But I still wanna see Calleigh get emotional. I want her to be more alive.

By the way, Caro, wherever you are, I'm impatiently awaiting an update on The Chicken or the Egg!
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

that_girl1 said:
Love that short story Anne!
Thanks, since the whole POTD thing I've always thought that it'd be nice if they were accompanied by short stories...especially with our lack of fanfics everywhere.

*Coughs severely*

Y'all get the hint! ;) :D

(Don't worry, I'm working on typing and posting my fics. Requests are always welcome and I never turn down a challenge...even if it takes me a year to finally post...I hate school :mad:...wastes my E/C fanfic time!)

that_girl1 said:
that just because Calleigh is going out with Jerk, (I mean Jake :D )
You were right the first time, it's Jerk. :devil:

_____Skylar said:
By the way, Caro, wherever you are, I'm impatiently awaiting an update on The Chicken or the Egg!
Thanks a bunch for the warm welcomes y'all!

I'm the most patient person in the world, but for the sake of E/C, I agree...times a wasting so someone get writing. By the way I love the fic. :)


Luv yall...
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

By the way, Caro, wherever you are, I'm impatiently awaiting an update on The Chicken or the Egg!

Yeah, I second that! :D

Season 5 Calleigh was better than season 4 Calleigh.

Ugh, S4 Calleigh wasn't even Calleigh. Except for Jealous Calleigh - now there's the one point where the real Calleigh did come through in S4. :D

Compared to S5, nothing happened to Cal in S4. But in S5, her life started to slowly spiral out of her control ("Going Under," Jake, falling for Eric, nearly losing Eric, Jake vs Eric, etc), and I know she can't just stand there and stare all that down with a defiant look in her eyes. Some of it, yeah. But not all of it. It's got to be wearing her down.

If they do give Calleigh her emotional breakdown, I definitely want it to be something along those lines. I agree - I don't want Duke to be at the center of it, we've seen that. I want it to be something different.

And of course I want Eric to be there with her when it happens. I still think it would be the ultimate display of her trust in Eric - she doesn't want anybody else to think she's "less than squared away," or however it was she put it, but with Eric, she can give in and let go, and let him catch her. Aw.

Welcome, Anne. :)
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Jessica237 said:
Ugh, S4 Calleigh wasn't even Calleigh. Except for Jealous Calleigh - now there's the one point where the real Calleigh did come through in S4. :D
Seriously, Cal, in season 4, was just another CSI...except jealous Calleigh...I miss her! :(

Now we have jealous Eric...can't wait for that!!! :devil:

In CSI: Miami's world, wasn't "Born to Kill" set in May? :confused:

And Jess sorry about the screem name thing, hope you read why it's what I use for everything!


Luv yall...
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Eric is always jealous. I love it! :lol: :D Although, I have to say I preferred him being jealous over Hagen than over Jake. With Hagen, his jealousy was more playful. Obviously he didn't like Hagen, but with Calleigh, he could still tease and laugh with her. Speaking of which, in TBD, when Duke sneaks up on Eric and Calleigh, and Duke starts going on about "putting his [Hagen's] feet to the fire," I love how the camera pans to Eric's face, and he kinda smirks. Heh.

But with Jake... Eric's jealousy was obviously a lot more serious. You could tell that this time, he was really, seriously hurt. :( Poor baby.

No worries about the s/n, Anne. :) It's only my fic LJ that I use it for, and I just took it from a song since I lack any kind of creativity of my own, lol.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Oh my, I loved Eric's jealousy in Death Grip. I didn't think we could ever get anything like that again, but I remember the season finale this year. I remember the scene when they were in that park or whatever the hell it was and Eric asked her why she wasn't at the hospital with Jake yet and everyone in my house was like "This is what you want! He's jealous!" Jealous Eric is just so sexy. :devil:
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

It will be interesting to see how jealous Eric interacts with Cal. Really jealous Eric has got to be different than the jealous Eric we saw in Death Grip and when Hagen was around.

Good god I can just imagine the angsty goodness now :devil:
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

The jealous Eric was saw in Born To Kill was very different. He was really sarcastic and bitter. Probably because he's really serious about being with Calleigh now. I can't imagine Eric is used to rejection, so what he's feeling is new. He just seemed really angry at the idea of Calleigh seeing Jake. Very realistic, though.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Jus thought I would drop this for those of us who are on the edge of our frickin seats waiting for the season premiere: there are exactly 9 weeks(counting today) til the new season premieres!! :D
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Cool! Can't wait! When school starts (which by the way I don't want it too!) Then I know that we are going to be closer to the premiere and it's gonna be exciting for me cause its gonna be my first time watching the entire Miami season from the beginning and I wanna see more angsty E/C!
I wanted to say before that maybe Cal breaking down would be goos and then she would collapse into Eric's arms. But then she probably doesn't want people to think that she's really vulnerable and that she gives up easily. :rolleyes:
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Xanessa you're right jealous Eric is so sexy...but Eric himself, jealous or not,...WOW!!! :D (That's all I can manage to get out!)

Jealous Eric when Hagen was around was really playful :), chuckling to himself seeing Calleigh in pigtails playful, making fun of Speed's knowledge of "last resort" clubs playful, joking around when called "hot stuff" playful, grinning somewhat victoriously when Calleigh asked to ride to a scene together playful. (As seen on the show...sort of!)

Jealous Eric in the finale was really intense, knots tied in your stomach so tight you can't breathe intense, kiss so passionately given you lose yourself intense, eyes gazing on each other deeply your heart beats faster and faster intense (so intense you had to ruin the moment…!Eric!…by talking about evidence instead of jumping each other), someone else looks at the one you love you want to kill him intense. (All but the kiss has happened between E/C! :()

If we get jealous Eric, Calleigh better see it instead of being hell bent of hiding emotions. You know jealous Eric could become angry Eric and angry Eric could beat Jerk up. :devil: :devil: God I hope I see that somewhere on screen. Anyway, when Eric’s all tensed up, he tightens up his body, and wouldn't that be a view!!! :D

I however know that there is one thing better than all that, a shirtless Eric :devil:…like really shirtless Eric, unlike the little access we’ve been given over the years. A jealous, angry, shirtless Eric :devil:…*snaps out of it*

Part of me really feels like Eric and Calleigh can start getting on with their relationship, you know getting on each other, on the first second of S6...don’t care about development anymore. I’ll just tell myself that something happened in the four months between “Born to Kill” and “Ep. 601” Hey they can always do flashbacks…

But since the producers will probably elongate always...Eric jealousy, J/C angst (We all need a bit of angst here and there.), E/J fight, and E/C love is perfect with me. :D


Luv yall...
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Only 56 days 2 hours and 15 minutes until the season premiere! :lol:
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