Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Well I don't think they should give him a seizure in Septemember. :rolleyes: maybe next season, because then it would seem to much for poor Eric. But I remember in another thread we got to discussing how Calleigh doesn't get enough storylines, so it could fit her. I wouldn't mind seeing either one of them save each other.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Mmmmmm, yeah I agree...I kinda don't want them to have to hurt Eric to make Call get over her issues...poor guy! That said I would like to see something happen (not REALLY bad mind you!) to one of them that will shake them both up enough to make them realize that this really is what they want. And yeah I think Call needs a good storyline...maybe an eppy or two where she gets kidnapped by pro's and she realizes that she can't get herself out of this, and while she's waiting to be rescued (because she knows Eric will save her!) she realizes that if she gets out of this she will face her fears and tell him how she really feels! I would love that!! :D Then we could see a hot rescue smex scene! :devil: Ohhhhhhh yeah! :devil:
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

It's not really hurting him, or at least I don't see it that way. It's just a byproduct of his injury, which was handled so poorly that it would be a breath of fresh air to see some continuity regarding that. I was so pissed off that they totally ignored the fact that he got shot in his leg. They acted like the whole thing was no big deal, physically.

I don't know. I like worried Calleigh, cause those are the moments when you truly see her for who she is. Other times she's like a robot.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Mmmm, yeah I guess that's true...some continuity with him getting hurt would be nice to see! And I agree, concerned Calleigh is very nice to see! And when she's concerned for Eric, I think that's when she allows herself to feel the most and probably when she really realizes that she cannot suppress this love for him anymore! And that would definitely be nice to see! :D
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

It is true that Cal shows the most emotion when it comes to Eric. Which is nice b/c it shows, like someone mentioned, that she is not a robot.

I would, however like to see them give her an emotional storyline. Something that goes deeper than her father's issues. Her character has so much potential and I feel like they squander it sometimes. We are still learning about her ya know?

What I mean is, she is always there for Eric during emotional times; I would just like to see things swtiched around for once bc/ he is the only one who really gets through to her.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Yeah Jackie I definitely agree! I think Eric and Call are the only ones who really truly get eachother...They can see things about the other and read eachother better than anyone else can. And you're right I think in a lot of ways we're still just getting to know Call, and I would definitely LOVE to see Eric be the one who is there for Call when she has a meltdown...a real meltdown where she cannot hold it together no matter how hard she tries, and so she falls apart on Eric and like only he can he is there for her to pick up the pieces and comfort her...that I would definitely like to see!!
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

And it's about time for Calleigh to have one of those monumental meltdowns. She can't be Super Calleigh all the time. Seriously, there was all the Hagen drama, there were all Eric's issues before he got shot, there was her Hummer getting run into the canal, then Eric getting shot, and all this sudden Jake drama...damn, I want to know how exactly she's managing to hold together after all that, lol.

My point is, if she's not a robot (which we can tell during her scenes with Eric :D ), she's got to be close to the breaking point. And Eric knows her too well to not see this. I'd love to see him be there for her when it happens, but what I'd love more is for Calleigh to let herself fall apart on Eric. I'd love to see her realize that Eric is always going to be there for her; that he's not going to think any less of her if she lets herself feel.

We know she trusts him with her life. But I want to see her trust him enough to just let go.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Yeah, it would be really nice to see the roles reverse. Like the Hagen thing but bigger. As devoted as Calleigh is to Eric and as much as she trusts him, she really hasn't let him see her during a time of emotional upheaval. I'd say that if that happened, it would be a huge leap forward for the both of them and a great catalyst for Calleigh to finally let go of her inhibitions and be with Eric.

What I wouldn't like is for Calleigh to be in physical danger and have Eric rescue her. I know it happens, but it's a bit cliched and shallow. I'd much rather see an emotional arc for her.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

She can't be Super Calleigh all the time....but what I'd love more is for Calleigh to let herself fall apart on Eric....But I want to see her trust him enough to just let go.
Yeah Jess I couldn't agree more! She has had SO much happen to her over the last what 5 years and she's shed maybe a tear or two? The woman is WAY over due for a massive breakdown! You know she is strung so tight that she has to snap...and I would definitely like to see Eric be there to handle that...but yeah like you said, I would almost rather have it not be something that Eric "stumbles" on, but instead be Calleigh proving that she does indeed trust him as much as she says and then opening up and letting him help her deal with all the crap she is holding inside. I know we said we didn't want it to have to be with Duke...but what if it was like Duke dying, and that was her final straw? That'd be an emotional arc like you wanted Sky! What do y'all think?
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

WARNING!!! Really long post ahead…skip if necessary!!! :)

Calleigh needs one more push...either physical or emotional. Eric already had that happen for him...near-death experience :(, uh yeah! What happened has affected Calleigh immensely, but something needs to happen to her herself, something that will help push her over the edge...I'll push her if I had the chance :devil:... and the only way out is the truth...she's in love with Eric! :D ;)

She needs to brush away the remnants of her loose-ended past...her relationships with her parents and family, relationships with past boyfriends, Speed's death, Hagen's suicide, Jake's unfortunate and unwelcome :mad: return (<--- At least, for me it is!), and the possibility of losing Eric when he was shot at. :( (Yeah, that's in the past because it ain't right now. By the way ain’t is a word, it's in the dictionary. Look it up yourself. I'm from the South. :))

She just has to burn that pattern within her…that pattern being the constant thought of letting someone in and he/she leaves or dies. :( Calleigh needs to ignite a new fire and establish a new constant...being with Eric the past pattern doesn't come back and repeat itself continuously.

People consider those who bottle their emotions as some type of robot, I however think that they’re a ticking bomb. That being said, Calleigh is one of those bombs and we all hope she explodes to Eric, full of emotion…anger, pride, calm, hate, lust, guilt, pity, shame, peace, envy, disgust, yearning, vulnerability, shock, jealousy, worry, surprise, happiness, angst, pain, confidence, embarrassment, hope, loneliness, love, and more love :D. Did I say love? ;) Yeah, that’s right LOVE. :D (I must’ve just named all the emotions I could think of for now :lol:…especially love!)

God, I’m hopeless. *Prays a little* Okay, back to business.

As for the possibility of Eric suffering from seizures, I wouldn’t be surprised whatsoever if it happens. People who receive a bullet through the head are bound to suffer from some type of aftereffect, especially since the bullet is still lodged in Eric’s head. :( My uncle is in the force and was shot in the head. :( He lived to tell, but for about a two years, he suffered from seizures. At first it was every other day, which receded to once a week, then once a month, to a few here and there, and now he’s back to normal :)…as normal as you could be with the knowledge of being shot and losing your life, always in the back of your head.

Eric knows that Calleigh knows that he knows that he has feelings for her. :confused: Hopefully, Calleigh learns to know that she has the same feelings for him. (Please don't process these sentences...if you're confused because i know I am.)

Likes, no
Eric for
Giving her his
Heart! -- Always...


Calleigh's! -- Really...

I really am hopeless. :lol: *Sighs* But seriously, I just love people, real or fictional, especially when they love me too or I know they belong together.

Not exactly E/C related, it just can’t all fit in my bio. So once again, skip if necessary. :)

I am a newbie to this site…sort of. I have been going on CSI Files and Talk CSI for years. I just didn’t create an account until now. Everything y’all are saying are just things that have been running in my mind and I finally decided to reply to things…not just to myself or my friends reading the same posts, but to all y’all, especially since E/C are bound to get hot and heavy :devil: this coming season.

I’m from the beautiful islands of the Philippines :) and moved here in 2001. I reside in Murder Capital, USA :(…that’s New Orleans for those who don’t know. So since this is LA, shouldn’t CSI: Miami (or just Eric and Calleigh) fly over here and solve some cases? I will gladly lend the cast and crew my brothers and sister to play murder victims…if they have to play it :devil::lol::devil:…just joking…I hope…that’s if they don’t kill me first. I choose E/C to solve my case…but if they spend one minute questioning my siblings they’ll know they did it immediately...a blind/deaf person will know it was them after a minute. :) Yes, they really are that bad and annoying. *Cries a little inside* I love them immensely, I just don’t like them. After all, isn’t Calleigh from LA? Unfortunately for me, LA stands for Louisiana and not Los Angeles. *Sighs*

Now, I’m a high school student and hoping to become a pediatrician :). I love kids…just as long as they aren’t my brothers or sister. I’m involved in lots of school activities…cheerleading :), student council, cross country, track, etc. I tend to talk a lot about friends trusts me with their secrets and I know when to shut my mouth…but if it isn’t something to hide, I “blab my mouth” continuously.

I get told to be quiet in class several times and pass tons of notes around :)…but since my teachers like me, I smile and they tell me to just not do it again :devil:…which I don’t listen to. The entire class was throwing notes around to people and my math teacher got hit in the head with a note I threw…which he blamed it on someone :lol:. His name is Darell and he started telling the teacher, who was yelling at him, that it wasn’t him and it was me…very true :lol:. The teacher turned to me, I smiled and gave him a pout and a shrug while saying that I was sorry :devil:…my punishment, if you could call it that, was him telling me, that's right telling not yelling, that throwing things is bad because it could hurt people and that I shouldn’t do what I did again. *Laughing and thinking that I’m really lucky*

Anyway, I love to do a lot of activities. I have been bungee jumping, deep sea diving, hang gliding, cliff diving, mountain climbing, etc :cool:. Oh yeah, I’ve been on a couple of volcanoes, when I was in the Philippines. I enjoy a lot of running and want to participate in marathons…although my friends say that the only marathon I should compete in is one that involves my mouth :lol:. My dad plans to take me sky diving next summer :) and I can’t wait…I find the idea of jumping out of a plane very exciting when it’s done for fun. My mom and my siblings are too scared to do any of these things…too bad for them. Best experiences of my life!

I’m not yet a citizen of the U.S, so once again, my parents have pushed our plans to go vacation in Europe this winter…so my dad and I could ski in the Alps.

I’m severely chipper…it’s contagious :D. I am a very happy person and sure I have days here and there, but who doesn’t? I’m not a person that hates people…except for this one girl at school :mad:…uh, yeah, there’s always an exception.

Currently…listening to Jon McLaughlin’s Beautiful Disaster on my iPod, talking (as always) to a few friends that are still awake in my living room, watching those friends trying to play twister and watch Pirates of the Caribbean, finishing this ridiculously long post, and eating some ice cream. :)

I am really hyper…must be the ice cream. After all it’s my favorite…chocolate and strawberry ice cream with chopped peanuts, chocolate chips, fresh strawberries and fresh cherries, which is topped with chocolate syrup, strawberry syrup, white chocolate syrup, and whipped cream. :devil: Sounds delicious…doesn’t it?

It’s now 5:30 am here and I haven’t slept since my nap…about 37.5 hours ago, but I feel great. The summer is almost over and I’m conflicted. :confused: No to summer means yes to school. :( I have no problem with my school, I just don’t like school. Anyway, no to summer means yes to the new season of CSI: Miami :)…where the best lies for our favorite Hip-Huggers…hopefully.

Please don’t hate me for this extremely long post. *Laughing a little inside* Call me crazy, but I think I am. Well, if anyone is here and replies I’ll continue “blabbing my mouth,” as my friends say, but if everyone here is normal and are actually sleeping, I’ll be back soon…I won’t be home until tonight. I have plans that I have to be ready for in like 5 hours.

Oh by the way, you can call me anne/annabelle/lily instead of fadingintherain.

Oh yeah, I believe that is Jessica237’s LJ is also fadingintherain…so sorry Jess :(. That is the screen name that I use for everything…here’s the story with it. My aunt had cancer :( and when it was raining we were outside and she said, “I never even had the chance to get married and have a family. And now, every time it rains, I feel as if I’m fading away. *Turns to me* Make sure you love every moment of your life and don’t take it for granted. I don’t ever want to hear from your mother that you ever feel like you’re fading away without making the most of your life.” I still remember that day by heart and I will never forget it. She’s currently healthy, cancer-free and I know have another great uncle…added to the hundred I already have because my family is huge (One of you could be related to me and I wouldn't know it.) :lol:…and more cousins :).

Anyway, I promise y’all I don’t do drugs, drink alcohol, smoke, (No offense to anyone, I just can't take smoke. After all, it is bad for your I'm starting to sound like Ryan :lol:. I do feel like I have OCD every now and then, but I don't.), or do anything bad. :) I’m just really hyper and happy…that’s why I have this really long post. I promise it won’t happen again…unless I’m babbling about E/C. :)

*Hoping no one in this thread kills me*

*Sighs of relief, remembering something* I did warn everyone that this would be long and that y’all can skip it. Sorry, I just am a very precocious, curious, and talkative teenager…it’s in my DNA. Love me or hate me…

If I have repeated anything in this post over and over again, I’m sorry.

Well, that’s all. From the bottom of my heart, I deeply apologize for this extremely long post once again. Sorry…I also tend to apologize a lot…sorry! :)

Oh yeah, I also get confused alot :confused:..cheerleaders...figures :lol:, and I say "like" "laters" and "seriously," so Grey's Anatomy :) of me, like all the time. I edited practically most of them out because it got annoying.


Luv yall…
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Yay! New hip huggers! Welcome aboard Anne and luvincisi! :)
Anne , about your long post, don’t worry, is not a problem! ;)
Your theory about E/C sounds interesting. I agree especially about Calleigh’s behaviour. She had a lot of grief and worries and especially in the end of season 5 a lot of things happened to her, so I wouldn’t be surprised if suddenly her emotions explode. She’s kept them inside her for too long, because she doesn’t like when her emotions get the better of her and she always want to keep the control of the situation. Jake proves it, because Calleigh’s relationship with him is only an attempt to run away from Eric.

Btw, now it’s time to post the hip hugger pic of the day:

Calleigh’s glance is really meaningful…Lucky woman! :D :devil:
I’m sorry, but I don’t remember which episode it comes from… :rolleyes:
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Welcome fadingintherain! I don't mind the long post. I agree with you. Its about time Calleigh had an emotional breakdown. By the way, I thought Dayton was the murder capital?

Love the picture. It's good to catch Calleigh starting for once.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

You guys have valid points about Eric and Calleigh!! Although I think if Eric gets hurt again Cal would be really concerned about him I don't wanna see him hurt again. I remember the first time I saw Man Down I almost had a heart attack!!! :( It wouldn't suprise me if they went that route though.
I think the hallucinations should be enough for Eric though. Prefer a mental breakdown over a physical one.

Great POTD Abby!!! It's from Spring Break!!! Welcome to all of the newbies!!! :D
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I think that something happening to Calleigh would probably be the thing needed to bring her and Eric together. If she had to go through a really emotional experience then Eric could be there to help her through it and there fore her realizing how much she loves him!!!!!!!

And Eric is the only person that Calleigh shows any emotion around well except maybe anger around ryan or annoyance. But with Eric she does allow herself to be a little vulnerable and show some of what she is feeling. She just needs to open up a little more!!!
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I would love to see Cal have the emotional breakdown but I don't want it to be about her father. We've been there; we've done that. I want it to be something new and fresh.
This woman is on the verge of some sort of breakdown, all she needs is a push and while I think something happening to Eric again might do it. I think something happening to her would be more realistic and hard hitting.
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