Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

That is a pretty good theory b/c every other way of getting these two together would be kind of streotypical and this tends to do the opposite. So while Jake can be and is a jerk I think that if Calleigh starts cancelling dates etc in order to help Eric he is going to not necessarily say she should be with Eric out right but say something to the affect that will end things between them and sort of open Cal's eyes a little more and hopefully realize some things.

So umm when are we going to see those porn fic a thon fics???? ;) Anybody...Bueller...Bueller?!! ;)
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I like that theory. I was thinking a while, what if Eric has a seizure in the middle of the lab? That might make for some good drama and we all love concerned Calleigh. I love that for once, it's the man who's in distress and not the woman. Love it. Calleigh makes an awesome knight in shining armor.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

_____Skylar said:
I like that theory. I was thinking a while, what if Eric has a seizure in the middle of the lab? That might make for some good drama and we all love concerned Calleigh. I love that for once, it's the man who's in distress and not the woman. Love it. Calleigh makes an awesome knight in shining armor.

Well I hope it doesnt happen exactly like that but really anything to get these 2 together, I'll be happy with!!!
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Well, Eric hurt again? I don't think thats how we want them together even though that will bring Calleigh closer to him I guess. :rolleyes:
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

True, it shouldnt come to that. Hopefully it will just be a brief set back, and nothing more!
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

that_girl, that sig is awesome! I am laughing my ass off right now.

Well if a seizure brings them together, so be it(isn't that one word?), but I don't like the idea of Eric getting hurt again either, but with these writers I am sure that suggestion will get far. Very far.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I know I said earlier that I think some physical injury could bring these two closer but I think they've hurt poor Eric enough. I highly doubt he wants his character to be defined by injuries. Although it is nice at times to see Cal playing the knight in shining armor ;)

I do think that the hallucinations Eric is going to have are going to bring them closer. Cal is going to feel the need to be protective of him and watch over him.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

will be the inly one talking to Speed and Speed was pretty much his best friend before, so I would guess that Eric would talk to Speed about his problems and maybe he will help him! I still like that thought.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

That would be a good think. I’m sure that Speed would help Eric and for this reason I hope that we’ll see him in the flesh. I think that he’d be more efficient alive than as a ghost. :lol:

And now… hip hugger pic of the day!
from Rampage
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Thanks xanessa! It was Hip_hugga_lovah who made it.
Love the Hip Hugger POTD! Eric's eyes look so gorgeous in that pic.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

A seizure is not an injury, though. It's simply a byproduct of a head injury. It's not uncommon for people who've had their brains blown out. Maybe I just love Eric angst.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

You're right. With Eric having bullet fragments still lodged in his brain it’s not completely out of the question that he could have one. So long as the seizure is not a grand mal or anything he should be fine. A few years back I used to have moderate seizures on a pretty regular basis and they usually only knocked me out of commission for a day or two. I’d be tired as hell but usually I didn’t even have to go to the doctor (granted my mother was an EMT so that may have played a part).

Eric having a seizure would sure as hell scare the crap out of Calleigh and I’m up for anything that’ll make that woman get over her issues.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I think its okay, but I hope they don't do anything like that too soon. I mean, then this would be drama, drama!

always, glad you don't have those seizures anymore.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I want to see Cal get over her issues but I get sad when they hurt Eric :( so if they could manage to get her over her issues w/o hurting him too bad...that would be great! :lol:

Who knows...maybe something will happen to Cal that will make her re-evaluate things. We keep discussing that it will be Eric's injury that will propel them together but maybe something happens to her that makes her take a step back and relaize life is too short etc.

That would be something out of the ordinary for the wrtiers to do b/c we won't expect it...b/c we all seem to expect it to be Eric's injury that will get them together.

Damn...who knows? :lol: Is it September yet?
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