Geez - this was pretty lame. The murder was more compelling and interesting, but it was like they were trying to copy Season 2 and failed miserably.
I mean, you had H w/the kid, but that scene was way too short - the kid wouldn't talk to anyone, but in 2 secs he's talkin' to H? C'mon, guys.
Then you've got the whole kidnapped kid thing - that's been done very well in Seasons 1 & 2 - but this was kind of a last minute adreneline rush type thing. Eh.
The whole Calleigh/Eric/Jake thing is getting real old real fast. Jake kissing Calleigh, Calleigh looking all weird at the end at Eric - yuck! Bring back the strong, assertive bullet girl I know - who would've told Jake off if this were Season 2.
Wow, and our man H - more "superhuman" than ever. That last shot typifies what this show has become - disjointed. H is so far aloof from his team, it's sickening. And the fact that he didn't come close to getting even paper cut - can we be a bit more creative? I for one thought it was gonna harken back to "Rio" where he stabbed Riaz, but instead, this time H would get stabbed - now there's coming full-circle. See, even I can do better (IMHO). Think CSI:Miami would be looking for a young, inexperienced upstart writer for Season 6?
I'm really disappointed H didn't get hurt. I love H, but c'mon, he's not even human anymore, he's a charicature of his old self. And don't get me started on the fact that he hasn't had a scene with Calleigh since December for god's sake! (yep, still not countin' "Man Down" - that scene was like 2 secs long).
But on the bright side, H & C not workin' together could be an omen — Calleigh said to Eric that she couldn't see him b/c they work together "day and night," but Cal hardly ever works with Horatio, so...
Seriously, on a positive note, I saw some promising stuff for Cal, family-wise, for next year, if the writer's picked up on the brilliant way Emily Procter played those last scenes. I seriously think she had something happen in her family - involving a brother or brothers (I think at some point her bio mentioned she had brothers, but it's not on the CBS site anymore).
So - are we willing to hang in there for Season 6? Do you think TPTB will actually listen to our clamouring over the summer hiatus?
I for one will watch the premiere - but I've given this show way too much of my time and attention already. If the premiere isn't stellar, I'm done. So, see you in September