Episode #512 'Internal Affairs' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

MacsGirlMel said:
DragonflyDreamer said:
I haven't seen the whole episdode yet, I just got a bit of it when my sister switched the TV on. But I have to say, did anyone else feel that H was being extremely hypocritical when he said the case was a conflict of interest?

I'm confused, what was hypocritical about it?

I think maybe they are talking about Marisol.

Not just Marisol. There was also his brother, Raymond, and let's not forget the time he was suspected of killing his girlfriend, and yet his team still worked the case :rolleyes:
Well.......at least this time they were smart & his team didn't work it. That really would've been a conflict of interest but, I do understand what's being said. Maybe he's finally learned his lesson. At least there was no interference from Horatio as Jake & the night crew worked the case (except for Eric telling the girl to check the bushes) H even stayed out of it even though I thought he was gonna give Jake a what for a few times LOL Just my opinion. Recorded it so I can watch it again so if I see anything different will let ya know. LOL
midnight_tiptoes said:
Okay, I did NOT just go "aww" at that Horatio/Natalia scene.

I did not do that. I did not, because if I did... the world may have just come to an end.

The end is night, folks. Run for it! But goddamn it, it was kind of adorable. Damn it. Stop it, Caro, stop!

I know why you did it. Since all H's girlfriends end up dead, inner-you hopes that they'd date and it would mean Snake would die.


Anyways...to the episode! Oh come on, who Jake tries to impress? :rolleyes: Irritated me so much! Wanted to punch him! Then laughed when H made himlook at the evidence.

Valera-involved story. Great.

Ok... how on earth they didn't see any mark on back of the skull when they found Nick (sorry for bad grammar) If you hit someone so hard that it leaves a toolmark to your SKULL, I swear there should be some kind of cut and blood with that kind of object. And shaved head - even easier. My friend slipped on ice once, hit his head to the ground and got four stitches to his head. Back of his skull.

Seriously. Are they blind? And the hair.. I mean.. Alexx next to body - hair hanging here and there and we all know how much humans lose hairs and *cries* Alexx's hair would be all over the body! (ok fine, they have to look "good" and no one looks good with that hat on or whatever.. i should find a screencap and show what our crime show CSIs wear on crime scene :rolleyes: )

Calligh. Too little. ANd the episode so needed Stetler. So needed Stetler. I mean, a little hint someone in the lab may have committed a crime - Stetler is there.

:( *iz disappointed*

But I think, considering this season, was quite ok episode :D And hopefully ends Snakedrama for this season!
I fineally got to see the ep, had to tape it on West coast channel cause I watched Florida slap Ohio State in football lol.

Okay on to the ep.
Skyline perfect as usual, though I could do without so much of the dancing on the beach, beach shots usually are good but too many people this time.

-Alexx loved seeing her, and loved her shock when asked about the puncture wounds and the imprint and she says how she didn't know what it was all along with "Would you believe"? :lol:
-Frank, the suit dude tell me you didn't see what you were doing when you got dressed lol not a good look for you. But you did great on the line, Murdoch: Are you serious? -- Frank: As a triple bypass. What made it so good was that don't mess with me I got the wrong suit on lol.
-Calleigh, While I agree more of her would have been better I am satisfied with what she got, could be worse not at all. But she is subtle in the print lab as a sledge hammer. I think the writers took out her suspions cause on her case she totally didn't act like she suspected Lauren.

-Ryan, dude wore white to a crime scene I have seen this often but it seems its only certain characters who get nailed (no pun intended) for wearing something like that, Calleigh (heels, & white), Nat (heals and dressy clothes) but thats neither here nor there, But the dude was so itching to get that DNA swab from alexx and knew he couldn't. He also seemed hmm nice to Natalia, makes me suspious.
-Eric, Well now I see those therapy sessions are working for your internal anger, preaching at Nick about credibility and then allowing to be baited into a fight.
-Jake, Someone needs to send this guy back to the police academy cause someone forgot to teach him techniques of umm everything. Geez an undercover cop becomes a Homicide Dect. and he doesn't know the meaning of following the evidence not to mention being an idiot or rather a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

-Valera, its always the quiet ones, "I like dangerous" hmm and then when you think she is just sweet hello took nick down in so much she thought she killed him.
-Natalia, kudo's to ELR she did great. I loved the friendship between her an Maxine, she warned her, she watched out for her and then she kept her mouth shut even if it meant her going to jail to protect her.
-Horatio, loved how he managed to keep far enough back but at the sametime teaching Jake about what his job is suppost to be lol. "Jake: So I'm off the case? H: in so many words". and H telling him to listen to Maxine not interrogate her, and then the end with natalia was sweet.

Overall ep, we all knew nick was an abusive jerk, we knew he couldn't be trusted, and we knew that if he were real there would be alot of suspects. I was surprised that Nat slept with him, but at the same time it brought back around that Attraction problem, but I think it was probably a one time thing (unless I missed something). Did Jake really think (Wait he probably did) that he could get away with charging both Maxine and Natalia? give me a break, While Valera looked hurt, about Nat and Nick, I think she filed it away and forgot about it.

Delko and Calleigh couldn't say anything to Natalia, Eric was already ducking the fact that he had that fight, he had a personal relationship with her and she was apart of their team and they were told no no don't even. As I was saying about H & Nat at the end, I have to agree with Horatio there were some good parts of her life with nick, or I doubt she would have married him, I don't think his concern for her was relationship friendly but rather just a boss who is a friend at a time when one of your team is at a low point. I loved the part at the end when they were sitting there and you could tell she was tired that she just leaned and put her head on his shoulder, I think he gives other strength and that is what draws them to trust him so much.

The cases, LMFAO how many times does a person honestly fall in the same spot one time thought to be dead, second time dead, not to mention facing the sameway and with the same look on their face. It looks like the show is attempting a small amount of Continuity, Nats attraction to danger problem, Eric's anger problem, Calleigh happy and snoopy lol, though Alexx not knowing something okay that wasn't natural. :D

I would say over all I give this ep a 9/10 just because the night shift (all two of them) were shamucks, I think they all attended the same what not to do but will anyway, as Jake did. But the show managed all the character, the two cases and made connections.
Hankster said:
ClarkF1 said:
Jake Busey is getting more and more like his dad each time I see him in something.

Actually, Jake Busey does NOT talk to his dad and can't stand his because of his overall psycho repuation. Jake Busey is taller than his dad, in better shape, doesn't abuse booze or drugs and is more laid back than his dad as well. He's also played some really funny roles in Tomcats, Starship Troopers and as Dennnis (yep, with 3 N's) on the sitcom Shasta McNasty.

However, Jake also has to pay the bills as well, so he has to sometimes take bit parts on shows in order to do that. It's unfortunate that TPTB want to put him into roles that make you think of his psycho dad. That sucks for him, because Jake's really a great guy.

Where did you hear that??

There's a photo here of him with his dad at a premiere of one of his dad's films
If they put Horatio and Natalia together I'm going to loose more than my eye sight.

If they won't give us Yelina/Horatio I'd rather see Horatio with Calleigh at least it would make somse sort of sense.
I think Horatio was just giving her the same support he would give any of his team in a situation like that. I doubt they are going to get them together...just check out his body language in the scene where she puts her head on his schoulders....it screams big brother cares not romantic feelings. He just being there for her, letting her cry out her sadness.
I hope I don't offend but hey maybe if they put H and Natalia together, she'll die or leave and we'll be rid of her lol. Sorry, I just couldn't pass that up...no offense to any Natalia fans out there.
That's actually a good point, Speedslady I've never seen a Homicide Detective wear a labcoat before.
Annissa said:
I would like to comment on Horatio’s comments to Natalia at the end. As someone who was hit once by my ex-fiancé, you experience a lot of self doubt at your choice, after the fact. Why didn’t I see that coming? Why didn’t I expect that? This can cause you to second guess any future choices you make in regard to the guys you choose to date. If left alone, the doubt can lead to fear – fear you’ll make another bad choice. To avoid this, you choose not to date at all because it’s just going to turn out the same. Abuse starts slow. Now I’m speaking as someone who was hit once. However, when I reflected back over the time I spent with him I realize the writing was on the wall. I think I’m smarter now and would be able to recognize it. Yet, I’m not ashamed to say there were good times and I’m not ashamed to have enjoyed those. I think H was giving her that same permission which took me years to.

Also, H was not about to lecture her when she was feeling down already.

Well said as that is what I got out of that message too.

I kinda liked the episode as it was done out well.

I have to say I liked when Horatio kicked Jake off the case, as I think he realized that he is not a good dective.
I was really wondering about that Jake business. He's supposed to be a savvy intelligent experienced guy with a bit of an attiture, at least that's what I thought.

And here he is, acting like a premie newbie nazi, disregarding the first rule of imperial science ( follow the evidence, don't let the evidence follow you) and is rude and unconcerned about his collegues at that.

What's up? It he the new bad guy?

And what's with Calleigh breaking the girl friend rule? SO Nat told her in a heated moment she'd like to kill Nick.
You don't go off telling the police that after the guy's dead?
(handsup all the girls on here who ever felt like throwing their husbands out the window. I'm first. And we're still going strong after 12 years, and we've never ever laid hands on each other.)

And then what's really up with all these Calleigh - less eps? And she's wearing discreet black colors all the time, and is the only one wearing a suit. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
She's either being given a rest before taking over after H,

or else EP has asked to work less or something.

ANd then what's with Eric always and eternally being a dork?

First he gets into a fight with Nick in the middle of the lab, and then he tells all on Natalia.

Maybe that was the point. To show that in certain situations, no one keeps quiet.

I've seen that more than once, and it's in the human nature, but still, it's soooooooo depressing.

And then Ryan was more or less a disaparecido, no?

Alexx was really pretty in this ep-

I love the end scene, the one with H and Natalia. That was nice.

*end of rant*
ELR is such a great actress. I loved her performance, even if I don't agree with a lot of the content.

Missing said:
I have to say I liked when Horatio kicked Jake off the case, as I think he realized that he is not a good dective.

Hey, who wasn't? I love it when Horatio shows off his authority. I would of done the exact same to Jake. He just doesn't have that 'touch' of being a detective.