I personally liked Jake. (of course this is coming from someone who loves Stetler )
I think his character still has a lot of potential, but I fear the writers are going down the "Big cheese makes big mistake and gets himself killed" route. *shrugs*
But I think that even though he might not be the best detective, he's got a lot of ambition and drive to be good at his job--Even though he's been fumbling at it.
And like Hunter said, I loved how Horatio showed off his authority to the younger, more inexperienced detective. He handled that brilliantly. :devil:
I think his character still has a lot of potential, but I fear the writers are going down the "Big cheese makes big mistake and gets himself killed" route. *shrugs*
But I think that even though he might not be the best detective, he's got a lot of ambition and drive to be good at his job--Even though he's been fumbling at it.
And like Hunter said, I loved how Horatio showed off his authority to the younger, more inexperienced detective. He handled that brilliantly. :devil: