Episode #419 'Driven' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

SOJ = Sunglasses of Justice. They are basically the sole source of Horatio's powers. They are also the best character on the show.
midnight_tiptoes said:
SOJ = Sunglasses of Justice. They are basically the sole source of Horatio's powers. They are also the best character on the show.

Sorry Carol, but I would have to say that the best character on the show would have to be the Hummer.

ooops! I put 'Shades' instead of 'Sunglasses'. :lol: I guess that's b/c I always call my sunglasses, 'my shades'.

I also meant to mention I thought Aaron's comment to Eric about it taking him a long time to get the trace from the victim was a bit odd. :confused:
I'm still a newbie here. Was so surprised to read that Boa Vista in real life was once married to John O'Hurley.
well, i'm probably not going to see this ep for months and months, but i've been reading these posts, and it sounds ridiculous...Horatio and Marisol actually want to have a baby? i heard many a rumour that she was accidently going to get pregnant, but this, this is just ugh...are they even dating? or what...?
sorry, if my facts are a little off, we're only up to episode 4 here...
BittenByTheWolfe said:
Oh man, that's a scary thought. Millions of little HoCaines out there in the world. *Shudder*
:lol: i almost sprayed juice all over my computer screen :lol:

Btw, i'd have to agree, the two best (inanimate) characters are the SOJ and the Hummer :lol:
Okay, this eppy was just pathetic. If it weren't for EP, I would have stoppped watching this show a long time ago.

Was it just me, or should there have been some sappy violin music in the background while Marisol was making her little speech??? "I've been fighting this cancer." "I've been trying not to die." Yeah right. What TPTB should have done with her character was introduce her without the leukemia, have her and Horatio get into the relationship, have her get pregnant, and then have her get run over by a bus or something. That would have been so much more believable than the bulls**t that they're shoving down our throats.

I agree with Carol upthread...Aaron is so the mole. All of the scenes that implicate Maxine have been red herrings. Although, I could still see TPTB dragging a beloved character through the mud and making Maxine the mole.

Snake Lady is TOTALLY useless. TPTB should have shown the "confrontation" between Mr. Nipples and Snake Lady so that the scene in the DNA Lab (and since when does Snake Lady work in the DNA Lab??? Doesn't she have her own "lair"...or whatever it is snakes make their home in???) didn't seem like it came completely out of left field.

And let's move onto Mr. Wolfe. Ryan freezes, and Horatio just happens to catch it and kills the guy with the shotgun. Okay, let me get this straight...the dude comes out and just cocks the shotgun, and he DOES NOT point it at anyone. Wolfe freezes, and Super Horatio proves himself to be the hero AGAIN and kills the guy. This is the second time that Horatio shoots and kills a guy without actually having to kill him.


can anyone tell me what Marisol says in the last scene?...i've been hearing bits and pieces, but i'm not sure which are credible and which are poking fun at the writers
Carly...This is what they both say:

Marisol: You know...it's funny, I've been fighting this stupid cancer, and I don't know, I guess I never really thought about things.

Horatio: Like what things?

Marisol: Like what I'd be missing. This morning that woman...she was shot right in front of me. Sometimes I think I've been trying so hard not to die, that I forget to live. There's so much I've never done...I've never traveled, really travled.

Horatio: You can do those things now.

Marisol: I've never had a baby.

Horatio: It's not too late.

Marisol: What did you say?

Horatio: I said it's not too late.

Marisol: When you say that, I believe you.

Horatio: That's because it's true.

That's probably not exact, I was typing and listening at the same time. :lol: I probably missed something.
Oh, they're credible. It only seems like we're poking fun because the speech was that dreadful.

Marisol: The incident this morning made me realize I've been so into fighting this cancer I've stopped living my life. I never got to travel.
Horatio: We can still do that.
Marisol: Woe is me, blah blah blah. I never got to have a baby.
Horatio: We can still do that.
Marisol: What are you saying?
Horatio: Let's have a baby.
Marisol: When you say that, I believe you.
Horatio: Because it's true.

They smile at each other, turn around, and watch the pretty little birds fly by. That's not verbatim, but it's pretty close. Basically they plan a trip to Hershey, PA, and decide to have a baby with the same amount of enthusiasm.

I get that having cancer sucks, but Marisol complaining about the fact that she doesn't get to enjoy her life? If hanging out in a luxurious spa all day in your tiny bikini is not enjoying your life then damn, someone should check my pulse, because with 298,583 jobs all I can settle for is a 10 minute shower every night. Now where's my freaking baby?

Jen, maybe we should run off to Vegas together tonight.
oh. my. god... wtf? horatio is PURPOSELY getting marisol pregnant?

why the hell do i still watch this show?! i really really wonder...