Episode #419 'Driven' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

okay, the speech really was that bad...who just goes and offers to have a baby with a woman dying of cancer, just because she says she wants one?
:lol: this sounds like it is starting to sound like 'The Bold and the Beautiful'...maybe my grandma should start watching this :lol:
actually i do seem to recall a point in the bold and the beautiful when one of the guys said something like "lets make a baby" to one of the random characters...hmm, maybe in the next episode, they will reveal that Horatio and Marisol both had memory lapses and have absolutely no idea what they are talking about...
well, by the time i see this full ep, this thread will probably be very inactive, but i will lighten it back up then to give my full input
This epsidoe was truely a case of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

The Good: Calleigh is BACK IN HER GAME! I loved Emily tonight, and I got to see the "Bullet Girl Grin" more than once: Super-H is a happy man.

Also Good: The "Ryan Freezes" plotline. Togo was great tonight and he was blessed with the best material in the episode.

One more Good: One mr. Adam Rodriguez. He was great in his scenes with Hayden and with The Husband. A Lot of insensity, a lot of presurebuilding under him. I love it.

The Bad: Hayden's final scene. The motive was trite and this guy was suddenly transformed into Mr. Snobbypants, which was a point never raised before.

The Very Bad: Boa Vista's little hissy fit. er...Did we miss something? Was th editor asleep at the wheel? Where did this plotline come from?

The Ugly. If there was one thing I never wanted to think about, It was Horatio Caine having sex. Thank you, CSI MIAMI, for making my nightmare a reality.

Also, did anyone notice that one shot where Horatio really looks like the Mummy from the old Universal horror Pictures?
When I was typing that all up I reaized how hokey it all sounded, and why one could believe that some of the posts were overexaggerating for comedic effect. *sigh* I don't know what has happened to this show. :(

midnight_tiptoes said:
Jen, maybe we should run off to Vegas together tonight.

Sounds good to me! I say we go for it. :lol:
SuperH said:
The Ugly. If there was one thing I never wanted to think about, It was Horatio Caine having sex. Thank you, CSI MIAMI, for making my nightmare a reality.
EWWWWWWWWW :eek:...ugh...well, i guess you've never seen the old NYPB Blue eps from season 1...talk about GROSS...at least in CSI they would only insinuate...in NYPD, we weren't so lucky., though David Caruso was younger than he is now, but still... :eek:
but seriously, i think i'm going to need a bucket next to me when i watch this, and if my mum asks why, i'll just say "wait 'til the last scene" :lol:

well, on a lighter note, i should be getting my CSI Miami back either this week or next week...the next episode we are seeing is 'Three-Way' :D...sounds like a good ep..there's nothing in it like in this ep, is there?
again: WTF??????????????????
im here in israel. i have not seen much of s4... they are actually PLANNING to have a baby? someone confirm. now its going soapy...
And to answer someone question's above about H telling Ryan to lie about not having a clean shot... I can only think of his eye and that the lab would automatically think it was his eye troubling him and that they would pull him off cases and stuff while they search into it or try to prove that it was his eye as the problem or that if he frooze they might take away the gun or remove from the field for re-training.. something like that... seems to me H was just trying to protect Ryan because he is aware of lies/truth can be twisted... :)
midnight_tiptoes said:
If hanging out in a luxurious spa all day in your tiny bikini is not enjoying your life then damn, someone should check my pulse, because with 298,583 jobs all I can settle for is a 10 minute shower every night. Now where's my freaking baby?

ROTFLMAO :lol: :lol: :lol: I burst out laughing at that last line.

It'll be ages till S4 over here but this is all so so soooo dreadful. Especially the last scene between H & Mari-Aerosol. I really thought you guys were poking fun at the writers but now that those seem to be things they really said, I'm horrified. :eek: H of all the people said that?! How stupid and immature! H from S1-S3 would never ever say that. And he'd NEVER ask Eric to stay behind while he goes to see Mari-Aerosol. He knows how important family is! Damnit! TPTB's destroying H and I HATE them for that. :mad: :mad: :mad:
I hate the freaking ending to this episode with a passion! Who the heck in their right mind tells a dying woman that she can have a baby if she wants too!?! Not just any woman but a colleagues sister nonetheless. This storyline is so screwed up!

Except for that and Natalia being on there, it was an overall great episode. Ryan in a T-shirt and holding his gun, now that's what I want to see!!!!
First off, this episode sucked. The entire time I was watching it I felt like I was having a nightmare! What happened to the H that we saw in last years season finale? This HCaine is too nutty for words.

Some sucky moments in this episode:

*Ryan and Eric wearing purple. What's with that? Must be wear your favorite color day or something.

*H telling Ryan to lie. What happened to the supposedly fine upstanding H who is truth seeking and too Godly to be human?

*The pic of Eric. Wearing the same shirt he wore in this episode. Newsflash, writers. Your viewers have a higher IQ than you thought when you filmed this episode.

*Ryan freezes?! Understandable maybe if this was associated with his eye.

*Boa Vista. We love to hate her. nuff said.

*Marisol not staying with her brother but with H. A man she hasn't even known very long. And I'm suspecting Horatio didn't buy you that huge house either.

*The H/Marisol baby discussion scene. Can you say: stale? There is NO chemistry between these two. I think the lines were said horribly and it just wasn't believeable. Remember Yelina, H?
What is happening to CSI:M! It's going down the drain I tell ya. Bring back Steve Maeda!
I am not one to get in here and bash CSI Miami episodes. But, I can't help myself this morning. This episode was baaaaaaaadddd. :( Really really bad. Disjointed, forced, unbelievable, bad. :mad:
From the very get go,... oh well see Eric, the producers have this thing between me and Marisol that they're trying to stuff down the viewers throats, so even though you're her brother, I need you here cause I can't touch anything anyway, and I'll go to the hospital with her. Only wait a minute, no I won't, not for a while anyway. And then, oh, did I forget to call and tell you how your sister was doing and how she was? (as Eric was doing an admirable job showing some real emotion as he's running for the elevator). Oh, okay, another walk through the park you say, well, then, let's go (I need my sunnies). Cooper's out for a stroll as Ryan tells him to stay back, I was waiting for this to be the scene that Ryan froze and Cooper got his head blown off. (Dude, why you sliding around corners, ain't it just a lot easier to walk through the doorway and crane your neck around to see who's in there :rolleyes: )
I did love the scenes with Calleigh, and for the most part Eric was believable (the scene with Natalia was contrived out of thin air just to get her >>face>> in there). The shootout, :rolleyes:, come on! See, I like, have this shotgun, and I can see the blonde dude over there aiming at me. Can I shoot yet? No? okay, what am I waiting for? Oh, the dude's boss, he's gotta come from the other side and shoot me instead? okay, I can stand here and pose till that happens... is that right?
The final scene. I knew this was coming, I didn't want this to come. But, darn it, if they were going to make it happen, there needed to be some chemistry there. THERE IS NO CHEMISTRY BETWEEN THOSE TWO. None, nada, doesn't exist. They can't even force it, it's not there!!!! She mighta just as well said, "I want butter pecan instead, I've never had butter pecan" for his equally unintense reaction to be "It's not too late" as they stand at a flipping Dunkin Donuts counter. :eek: And we're supposed to be stupid enough to believe they are going to let this happen, and she's going to pop this thing out 9 months later as she dies in the same breath, and somehow that satisfied her desire.
I have got to tell ya after reading your posts I have never laughed so much. I totally agree with you on the H/Marisol deal. Too fakish as far as I'm concerned. If she does come up pg I just may quit watching it. No chemistry. No history here. H & Yelina were more believable than these two are. You don't even know they're seeing each other really. I figured he would've held her or something after her little speech. Yes, I thought she was terminal also. I have no idea what these writers are thinking about. Oh please don't turn this into a soap opera. :mad:
^ It already is Sharon. It already is. :(

And it'll take the force of the universe to just pop the writer's brains out and replace it with one of ours on TalkCSI. Yeah.
i have lost 42 min form my life...correction 19x 42 min.... this foolishly CSI Miami go more absurdity and more absurdity. don`t have words...afer this 'garbage' from S4 epi 18 i was think that the writer are take theirs lesson and now in the last epi form this S will fix the mess...but they more and more go mud-bound... :(

the beginig of this epi was disgusting...as always H make promise what always will realize...hahah wait a little he can`t save the world, hi si only human not superhero...wher is H form S 1-3...?!?! :confused:

Marisol: Horatio u get them..OK?!
Horatio: I will !!!


WTF is go with this relation H/M...there don`t have even a little chemistry. only she look in love... H is so distance...they to don`t know one other...the thing are make/develop to quickly... :( and from where come this Franc to know for H connections whit Marisol ?!?! this is not tie.. :confused:

and when Delko ask for his sis, H say to him to not worry and to stay in this crime scene he need him here . wow ?! :( H is the one who always put the family in first place.. and now don`t let go Delko to go to the hospital ... :mad:

won`t talk for the moment when R did not shoot ...so bad done scene...H shoot the guy at the right side and hi immediately die .. tc tc tc big joke

but the good news is that Stetler i back. and H at the end show a little interest and protection for his team tell S that R don`t have clean shoot. for only second run over shade fo 'old' H. not like when R was shoot at the eye and H was so uncharitable...

but for me was "laugh" the pic+tattoo moment too. i don`t wan`t to point out, but have some skill for PC and all programs...well this pen and camera can`t make good quality pics..they have a little pix resolution..and in the end in the lab they can see bad guy tatoo wow this is fantastic .. can`t be real...

post by m_t
Marisol: The incident this morning made me realize I've been so into fighting this cancer I've stopped living my life. I never got to travel.
Horatio: We can still do that.
Marisol: Woe is me, blah blah blah. I never got to have a baby.
Horatio: We can still do that.
Marisol: What are you saying?
Horatio: Let's have a baby.
Marisol: When you say that, I believe you.
Horatio: Because it's true.

i was laugh so much, even re watch this 2-3 times.... so unnecessary drama...so unreal H...if shi was ask him to f..c her right now riht there.. hi will make it...M: i believe you. H: Becouse it`s true HAHAHAH :lol: and if he love her can hold her even for 1 min...not only stay aside and look like somebady is eat his diner...

*scream from the side of my monitor*

PS i agree with all ur post guys...here is same disappointment :(
Glad I wasn't the only one who thought that was funny because it was utterly absurd and sounded like a ten yr old wrote the script for them :lol:.