Episode #419 'Driven' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Yeah, its deffinately the story line i dont like that much. I think Marisol seems sweet and shes got the prettiness about her....
but it just dont play right with her and H.....
Just doesnt work for me...
I don't mainly cause there's no history there. With Yelina at least there was. Even though they were related they still had a history there. Same thing with his other love interests. I've watched all three seasons and have yet to understand the writers. Ok explain Under Suspicion. Is that not the one where Resden was framing H in the murder of his girlfriend? If so I didn't know he was seeing someone til that ep. Takes away from the show. I don't dislike Marisol just the storyline. It's too fakish.
katpin31791, no problem! Glad I could help refresh your memory! Also, I think I remember when Valera asked that.

That is true for me Lucy. I don't necessarily mind Marisol being a character on the show, I just don't like that her and Horatio are 'involved'.
I hope this will be a good episode for Ryan/Jon. I love the guy and hope they will at least give him some good stories since they seem to have left Eric and Calleigh out to dry.

I love Marisol and I'm glad she is in this one. I think H likes her because she looks like Yelina. That's what I keep telling myself anyway! :lol:
I am seriously excited for this episode. I don't even know why. Well actually I know why, I just prefter not to share. I'M SO EXCITED!! Hehe. This should be a very good episode.
I'm a HoYay shipper, and at first i didnt like Marisol. Now? I'm warming to her. Sadly she doesn't last long in the show.

I hope we see some good emotional Horatio, I'm quite excited also about this episode.
This is so ridiculous.

Frank: Horatio, there's something wrong.
Horatio: What happened?
Frank: ... Marisol has a boo boo on her forehead.
Horatio: Oh, noes!
Eric: Hey, guys.
Frank: Oh, hi, Eric.
Eric: What's going on?
Frank: Hmm... nothing that concerns you, really. Just some shootout or something.
Horatio: Is Marisol okay?
Eric: Wait, what?
Frank: It probably hurts a lot.
Eric: Marisol? My sister Marisol?
Frank: She's with a paramedic.
Horatio: She has no family...
Eric: ...I'M family!
Frank: I know. She's so weak and defenseless. Good thing you're banging her or the poor girl would be all lost.
Eric: What the hell happened to my sister?!
Horatio: I'm gonna check on her.
Eric: No, I need to see her.
Horatio: Listen to me, Eric. You're her brother, so here's what we're gonna do: stay here, all alone and without any type of information regarding your sister's health, and I will go to the hospital with her. I know she could be dying and all, but yeah, both fingers AND toes crossed. I think. These shoes are tighty, anyway. Also, um, you wanna start working on the scene? I can't, just moisturized. Okay, toodles!

Please. Eric is her brother, and he doesn't even deserve to see her. But Horatio, the guy who JUST met her, has the right to go with her and get all the information before Eric? Bullturds.

Oh, that dude was on CSI: New York.

Heh. Flirty Calleigh gets some info. Reminds me of season 2 *yearns*.

Oh, Stetler is just pissed because Ryan put Horatio's life in danger. "Dammit, Wolfe, I am having a baby with that man. Do NOT BS me around!"

Last week Eric and Ryan were both wearing orange, this week they're both wearing purple. Did they start a club or something? Do they have a treehouse?

Oh, Natalia is so fucking useless. She's even more useless than the antiquated equipment they have around the lab, because at least the equipment looks all nice and decorative, Natalia just makes me wonder when Willy Wonka is gonna come rolling into the scene. Could she be more useless? No she couldn't. Please, please get rid of her. PLEASE!
I hope Eric confronts Horatio about his sister. When he told Eric to stay at the scene while he went with Marisol I was pissed.
Okay, no wonder Eric is broke. Did you see the size of Marisol's house? Holy crap, man!

Oh my God, this show is so bogus. Did you see the picture of Marisol and Eric on her table? He was wearing the same purple shirt. DUDE! Like the director suddenly remembered he needed to get a picture in there and went to get Adam without letting him change his shirt. So obviously taken the same day. And how come she doesn't have pictures of the rest of the family? Did they even survive the trip from Havana? Cause at this point I'm thinking they're all dead.
Why would Marisol go stay at H's place instead of Eric's? Does H not think that Eric can protect his own sister? That he can do a better job?

This is a bit insane!
Oh my God, guys, I'm laughing SO HARD!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Marisol: I... never... had a... baby!
Horatio: We can do that now.
Marisol: OMGz, when u say that, I beliv you!!
Horatio: Cuz its true!

[Cue Horatio and Marisol looking into the fake, fake Miami horizon.]

So it's not an accident. They're TRYING to have a baby? He wants to have a baby with a woman he doesn't love and will die soon? *facepalm* Also, yes, people, that is how you decide to bring a human being into this world. You don't talk about the economical strains, you don't talk about the consequences, you don't talk, period. One person brings it up, and the other person says yes without even thinking about it. That is the mature, responsible way. Way to go, Horatio!

This fucking show... ugh, whatever. Family Guy makes more sense and it's a CARTOON!
AAAAGH, except for Natalia, and many parts of the Marisol story, it was a perfectly good episode, and I could have forgiven those, except for the damn ending. NOOOOOOOOOOOO! (and yes I screamed this at the computer when that scene was going on).

Poor Ryan. I loved how caring Calleigh was for him though. Can she be my older sister please?
Calleigh putting the blame on herself, that was sad.

And so, we don't get a new ep next week? Darn. Not. (which I hate to say)