Episode #419 'Driven' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Today's color is purple. Nice matching shirts Ryan and Eric!! :p

midnight_tiptoes said:
Okay, no wonder Eric is broke. Did you see the size of Marisol's house? Holy crap, man!
I was thinking the same thing! and the money she must have spent at the spa?!
And I agree with whoever mentioned the fact that Eric couldn't go see his sister, but H could? I understand that he's the boss and whatnot, but dude, let the guy go see his sister!

Alexx and her Charlie Brown comment :lol:

I did like the little pep talk Calleigh gave Ryan at the end. So it wasn't his eye, he just froze? That could have been a nice *insert comment about Speed here* moment. Not that Speed froze in the shooting, but...yeah, you get my point...right....? :rolleyes: ;)

Last scene= cheese.
I was trying my damn hardest not to break out laughing.. Mom was sitting right there too. o_O;; Could H be any more obvious than saying, "I like you alot, come have a baby with me?" ... sorry.. That part was interesting.. but otherwise, I thought it was a really good epi.
So many questions ...
What does Marisol do for a living that she can hang out at an expensive spa and afford such a beautiful home?
What's the population of Miami? Every crime seems to be six degrees of separation or less between it and H.
It was too easy to figure out the bad guys tonight.
About the only thing I liked was the final scene between Ryan and Calleigh.
I love how they didn't even touch. They just stood there, miles away from each other, agreeing to procreate.

Marisol: I never have a baby.
Horatio: We could have one now.
Marisol: ... Then it shall be.

It was so mechanic and robotic. And then they just turn around and stand there, looking into the horizon? They don't hug? They don't kiss? They don't talk about this baby? They just stand there, looking at some random building?

:lol: I can't stop laughing, seriously. I wish I was making this up, but tears were coming down my face when that scene aired.
A few things:
* How the hell can Marisol afford her house?! The place is HUGE! What the hell does she do for a living?
* Sloppy dialogue
* Blah…. Boa Vista… nuff said there
* Why can’t Marisol stay with her brother…? Weird…
* The stupid ending. I honestly thought that H would have accidentally gotten Marisol pregnant by the season finale but now they want a baby?!?! WHAT IN THE FUCK?!?!?!?! Have the writers and producers of this show truly lost it?
* And once again, there was WAY too much for in this crime to be solved with only one day. I was shaking my head by the end by how unrealistic it was.

This episode: 5/10
I have to wonder if the writer's of this show are losing their minds or if they all have serious drug addictions or what. This just gets more and more insane.

Ryan freezes? WTF? He was a patrol officer, why would he freeze? It had nothing to do with his eye? Then it would have at least made sense.

H tells Eric he needs him on the scene and HE goes to the hospital with Marisol? There is NO WAY that was appropriate and frankly, the Horatio we had in the first seasons would have never said that. He would have SENT ERIC. This just really ticks me off.

Calleigh had a good night and that was the highlight of the show. She was getting back to her old self.

The whole baby thing at the end was completely and totally ridiculous. Out of freaking nowhere..........they make H look like a lovesick moron and they make Marisol look like a glamour girl cancer patient who is terminal but possibly healthy enough to carry a child to term and give birth. What kind of idiots do they think the viewers are?

And one more thing, H covers Ryan's ass without ever asking any questions later??? WHat kind of boss is that??? That was totally out there.........

Natalia? Useless.........wall art..........bad wall art. Why should Valera have to talk over her in order to get her minute of screen time. Makes me sick.....

I realize I went to the bathroom at one point, but did they SHOW Eric snapping at Natalia and I just missed it??? I need to re-watch my tape I guess.

It's all so completely non-relaistic that it's almost amusing. Well, except for the fact that this used to be my favorite show and now I almost don't even want to watch it any more.
They never showed what happened between Eric and Natalia in the first place. My guess is she asked him about Marisol and he told her to STFU, which is freaking awesome. But yeah, that made no sense whatsoever and it shows they only had that scene to give LaRue her glorious screen time. The scene was useless, flat, and totally devoid of energy.

And what a pity that Valera was right there, and totally ignored.

I think Aaron might be the mole, y'all. He's so freaking disgruntled. He's unhappy with the way things are handled at the lab, he doesn't seem to like the people he works with, he's always baffled at how incompetent his co-workers are... I think Aaron represents the audience. He sees everything that is wrong and ridiculous about Miami.

If I worked at that lab I'd be disgruntled, too. He releases his bad energy in a healthy way, though. I would just climb to the nearest bell tower with a rifle.
Wow...ok, I don't even know where to start here.

First thing, I am so sick of the split screen stuff, seriously...it really bugs me.

Why have they been color coordinating Ryan and Eric? :confused:

Good things: I think we almost saw a return of S2 Calleigh. She was great in this episode, I thought. I liked how she got the info from the car guy, and how she was almost sisterly in her concern for Ryan at the end. I also liked how she was kinda hard on herself for not realizing that guy was involved...it was great to see some kind of emotion from her.

Ryan...I liked this storyline, and I know I say that a lot about storylines involving Ryan, but it's true. I was so sure his 'freezing' was going to be related to his eye, and for a minute I thought we weren't even going to know why, that it was going to be one if the things left hanging. I do think it was a somewhat plausible reason for him to freeze though. He's been off the street and in the lab for awhile, eh, I dunno.

What purpose did Natalia serve in this episode? *sigh* I'll back up Susan's question though...did they show Eric snapping at her, or was this dialog just an excuse for her to be in the episode? I don't recall being out of the room anytime the show was on, and yet I don't recall him snapping at her. :confused:

Marisol...ugh, this whole storyline is driving me bonkers. I also thought it was wrong that Eric was ordered to stay behind at the scene instead of being allowed to go to the hospital to see about his sister. I won't repeat what everyone else already said about her house, the fact that she was even at the spa in the first place, or that she stayed with H instead of Eric, but I agree with everyone. It's just rediculous. And that 'there's still time' scene at the end...that was just beyond bad.

ETA: Thanks for answering the Natalia question, Carol. That was really bugging me. Oh...and I think Aaron is the mole too.
The Calleigh and Ryan scene was great. When she walked over closer to him I thought she was gonna hug him. And when she walked away...I wanted him to stop her and ask her if she wanted to get a beer. The writers are toying with us again. I think they are so cute together.

Horatio and Marisol...OMG...I just wanted to puke.

Marisol: Oh Horatio, I've never had a baby
Horatio: Well, we can have one right now if you want.
Marisol: Horatio, I so believe it when you say it.
Gazing into the Miami skyline....how stupid. What kind of relationship to these to have anyway? Are they seeing each other or does he just offer himself to whoever hasn't had a baby? Totally ridiculous scene.

I'm just waiting for Natalia to start stalking Eric. She's nuts...she needs to just leave him alone. He's moved on, like he always does.

Stetler...wonder if he believes Ryan's story since he is always trying to find some dirt on Horatio? Ryan did hesitate before he said that he didn't have a clear shot...sounded like a lie to me. I don't get why Horatio was insistant on that answer. Would Ryan have gotten in trouble for not taking the shot?

Enough for now...I'm too tired to think clearly...
Oh yea! I forgot to mention the color coordinated shirts again. What the heck is that all about???

Carol, going back to something you said. I compltely agree about the still scene at the end. I kept waiting on H to hug her or them to talk off together or some kind of MOVE...........that was ridiculous. Completely cheesy and just plain dumb.

I also forgot to comment on the Calleigh and Ryan scene at the end. That was sweet. Calleigh is such a caretaker and I see Ryan as a little brother to her. I loved it. He needed that. I wish she'd hugged him though. That would have been perfect.