Episode #419 'Driven' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

I thought Horatio's response to M saying that she never had a baby was "You could do that now" (guess I heard wrong)
I agree with everything ya'll said... the episode seemed like a someone was freebasing when they wrote it. They are trying to turned into a something i don't know what but they need to stop and turned it back to the kick ass show it was.

The first part was sorta contrited... i mean would you think he would have let Eric go and be with his sister at the hospital since he knows how close they are.. and then the ending what a bunch of bullsh*t they don't he even look like that are in a believable relationship let alone one tha can produce a child... and I'm no medical doctor but having a child while you are terminally ill wouldn't that be harmful to her health???

And what the heck was going on with Eric and Boa Vista i mean did i miss something or blink what freaking argument..

I'm glad to see the old Calliegh coming back she so rock

Ryan I'm beginning to like him a little bit more with each eppy

And one more thing, H covers Ryan's ass without ever asking any questions later??? WHat kind of boss is that??? That was totally out there

Uh correct me if I'm wrong here but didn't H do the same thing for Speedle not once but twice? His gun jammed both times and calleigh knew it but wrote it up differenly and H knew it? Correct me if I'm wrong here. Don't remember the 1st ep it happened in but the second time was "The Lost Son" Gun jammed from not being cleaned so he couldn't fire. Costed him his life. The 1st time H bought him a cleaning kit for his gun. I thought that was very fitting.
*ducts the flying stuff* I liked the ep, though the case was kind of whacked really, in the overall I am not saying it was the best ep, shows have their good and bad, but I wouldn't necessairly say it was all bad.

Take Ryan freezing up, just because he was a patrol cop doesn't mean he won't freeze, heck there are real cops that would tell you at some point in their lives for no apparent reason they just froze, and really didn't have a clear reason why.

Personally I liked the conversation between M and H at the end of the ep, if we didn't know about the pregnancy plan that has been put out, one might take that as H just giving M, hope/faith that illness doesn't mean your already dead.
But since we all know about that *Shrug* everyone has their opinion on it.

While I disagree with the putting down (which is how I took some opinions sorry if I am wrong) of what she had to say
Marisol: You know...it's funny, I've been fighting this stupid cancer, and I don't know, I guess I never really thought about things.
Horatio: Like what things?
Marisol: Like what I'd be missing. This morning that woman...she was shot right in front of me. Sometimes I think I've been trying so hard not to die, that I forget to live. There's so much I've never done..

There are alot of people out there who are and are not sick who wonder this, but for those who are dying (though we all will die sometimes) it becomes alot more into focus, and a need to be done.

As to her house, okay so what was she doing before the cancer diagnosis? could it be she had plenty of money maybe paid it off, granted eric went broke trying to help her, but what gets me is how often did eric stay on someones couch, when it is apparent his sister had a house big enough he could have stayed?

The "I will go to the hospital, I need you here at the scene", I don't think it was H's way of keeping eric from M so much as eric is the type that when upset he needs to work, to work through it, and lets face it boss or not he didn't object to it, and before anyone says well he was ordered to stay, when has that stopped any of them from saying "whatever I am going". Eric didn't do that, he went on to work.

Like I said while I didn't really get into the case so much I personally liked the overal in certain senses. As to M looking to damn healthy, I won't go there.

Disclaimer: I respect everyones opinion and there are some I do not agree with as I am sure there are some who will disagree with mine. Thats life and thats what keeps the balance in it.
Ok, reinactment of last night:

Marisol: I've never had a baby
H: It's not too late
PAUSE!!!! (TiVo)

I sat there, for like 2 minutes just stareing. I was in complete and total shock. Im not exactly sure why though, because I knew they were getting close and that nasty crap, but still. That disgusted me and continues to do so. I hope I'm not offending anyone, but I though that was VERY disturbing. Like, out of this world disturbing. I realize my reaction was a bit over-the-top, but my something just does not play right at ALL with this H/Marisol relationship. GROSS

The best part about the epi: Ryan!! Always a relief. I must admit I was somewhat dissapointed when the freeze wasn't a result of his eye. I knew they weren't going to go that way with it, but I was still a bit disapointed none the less. I think its just that they havnt closed it properlly. They seem to think its like the mole story line that they can keep going and sometimes mention it, sometimes make a huge deal out of it, and sometimes not mention it at all. I think thats ok, annoying but ok, with the mole business. But not with his eye. That's my opinion. So, I hope they do something with that soon.

Overall, I liked it. I loved the Ryan/Call moment. That was really nice because it's usually Alexx that talks to Ryan but I guess ever since the perscription thing, they wont be talking a whole lot until its settled. So that was nice and then BANG!! M/H thing. Thouroghly gross.

Again, this is my opinion and it if offends anyone or you don't agree, I'm sorry.

Have a nice day everyone!!!
I completey agree with you. The episode was a little whack.Well actually VERY whack. Which, I hate to say it, but I've kind of noticed they don't always think things through very well. Again, my opinion, but a lot of times, these things just seem far fetched.
I deffinately had a problem with Marisol looking so healthy. I mean, I know personally that people start looking pretty bad, pretty fast. At least, all the people I knew with cancer got bad fast.
I have other opinions on the show, but I don't think this is the right place to discuss it.

Omg, Pusher, I just read your post! SO TRUE!! I felt that way aobut most of the show as well!! The only parts I liked was with Ryan...

The show has REALLY changed. The writers almost seem desperate. It has serious potential.. but they are screwing it all up. Personally, I'm ashamed to watch it in front of my dad because we have always been huge Las Vegas fans and then decided to watch Miami. It was awesome at first but when they di stupid stuff like this, he asks me why I still watch it. Simple answer:
1) I love Miami
3) Alexx
4) Call

Other than that, I think the show is going to the dumps. They have great ideas, but something just ain't working. This epi, for the most part, proves that!
My review of the episode.

It was a fairly good episode, nothing too...terrible happened. Marisol's thing with Horatio? Alright...fine...I don't care anymore.
agree with you speed cochrane i dont care anymore with the h/m deal whatever its happening BLAH dont wanna think about it. MAN how was that scene with calleigh and ryan that was sooo cute.
The Marisol/Horatio scene actually had me laughing for about an hour because frankly its quite ridiculous, but it's CSI:Miami. It doesn't have to make sense right?
I guess Eric and Ryan were tired of wearing orange. So purple is going to be their pimp.:lol:

Marisol, she really is freacking driving me nuts. Her and Natalia should go riding off into the sunset. Honest to flippin God.
I'm just waiting for it to be revealed that Marisol is, in fact, a scheming con artist, milking her gullible brother and boyfriend for thousands of dollars and selling pot on the side.

Marisol: I've never got to travel... *bats eyes pleadingly* I accept certified cheques, money orders, visa, and AMEX.

Yeah and maybe next week Ryan and Delko will come to work wearing matching dress shirts.

Delko: Ah nuts.
Ryan: How did this happen?
Delko: I know you want to fit in, but you're going a little far.

HAHAHA IvoryRaven and speed_cochrane , thats some of the funniest stuff I have ever heard! That was good. And, I'm beginning to agree with you guys that are just not careing about it anymore. I'm loosing respect for miami as a drama. As some of you have mentioned, its getting more comic than dramatic.
HAHAHA im still thinking about that thing you said Speed. hhahah about the shirts that is.

hahahaha wow, im a dork
hahah ok later people.
Teehee you called me Speed :lol: What an honor haha.

Well if you're a dork, we're all dorks here. :D