Just because you think G/S have chemisty doesn't mean everyone sees that. It isn't fact, its an opinion. They are cheesy, and fake, and it makes the show rediculous...why one earth would Grissom do that?? Ah!
Another opinion.
I've been reading this debate from a distance, as I have been doing with most of the "discussions" on this board. I rarely get involved, because then I'll just get attaacked, as does everyone else who does not agree with a certain viewpoint.
And in this case, I see value in many of things that all of you have said. First of all, QTR is correct, in that if you added up the GSR scenes, they would not take up all that much time. You can't say that those scenes dominate the entire season, because they are not the focus of the show. Even if we keep the relationship in mind, so what? There is more to CSI than Grissom and Sara (and for the record, who the heck cares who Grissom dates. They are both adults, they are both consensual, and really, ten years isn't that big of a deal. I know people who married someone 20 years older/younger than them, and who cares? Also, although they may have had a friendship dynamic, Sara has consistently asked Grissom out throughout the years. That takes away the father/daughter dynamic).
Moving on. The science. Despite what definition you use for psychopath, psychopaths are unpredictable. I am in the mental health field, and I have worked with real psychopaths, and with people who have conduct disorder. We can go off of a working definition for various disabilities, but you know what? People don't always do what we expect of them. Ask any therapist, or any mental health professional, or even anyone who works with individuals who have disabilities. The moment that we start classifying (in the stereotyping sense) people, the moment we stop seeing what might really be going on.
Procedural science. Medical personnel were on the ambulance. Of course they were. Who drove it? Who sat in the back with the person? Medical personnel.
Regardless, I still love this season. I think the characters ARE developing, and are learning new things about not only themselves, but everything/everyone around them. I don't get not watching a show that you love, just because... well, I don't know. To each his own, I suppose.