Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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Ya know I just thought of something funny...I watched Kill Zone the other night and related it to the fact that now in just about every ep Calleigh wears all black.

Now if you remember correctly, in that ep Calleigh said she didn't look good in all black! And now the stylists on the show are dressing her pretty much in all black!!

I just thought that was funny...that's all. :D
Hehe, no that was when the laptop exploded from the sheer heat generated by CaRWash. (I'm a migrating shipper, what can I say?)
Oh you were joking! Sorry. :)
So that's 3 for Mexican... and some easygoing food maybe? I think I could work with that, but we'll see. Personally, I would've gone for Italian, but that's just me. Perhaps all that garlic wouldn't be good for kissing, eh? :devil: :lol: So maybe Mexican would work just as well.

And there is actually a difference between Southern BBQ as we know it vs. North Carolina BBQ. I won't get into the difference here, but maybe some of you know what I'm talking about. ;)
delkolover said:
Ya know I just thought of something funny...I watched Kill Zone the other night and related it to the fact that now in just about every ep Calleigh wears all black.

Now if you remember correctly, in that ep Calleigh said she didn't look good in all black! And now the stylists on the show are dressing her pretty much in all black!!

I just thought that was funny...that's all. :D

Remember I mentioned that in th other thread.
Shadowfax said:
And there is actually a difference between Southern BBQ as we know it vs. North Carolina BBQ. I won't get into the difference here, but maybe some of you know what I'm talking about. ;)

:lol: Yeah, well, in NC if you say "Let's have a BBQ!", you say "Let's have a whole, huge roast pork and douse it with sauces and dippings!" :lol:

Back to Emily, in order to keep the discussion going, Geni (aka speed_cochrane, aka DA Mob *cough* Mod ;)), Nikki (aka Dutchie) and I have decided to start the so called Talk EMILY. What is it? Well, it's a weekly post where I'll put some basic info about Emily, her life, work and hobbies, and anything you are interested in learning about her. Of course, if anyone would like to request some particular topic about Emily, just ask, and you'll be answered. :)
In this first post we'll start with Emily's story and her first steps as an actress.

Talk EMILY #1 - Biography Of A Star


Our beautiful and talented Emily (full name: Emily Mallory Procter) was born in Raleigh, North Carolina, on the 8th of October 1968, from William and Barbara Procter (who got divorced when she was only 2), and is the youngest of her two brothers. She graduated in Journalism and Dance at East Carolina University, and her parents paid for her acting lessons in LA for two years. Emily also took voice lessons because of her thick Southern accent, which she still couldn’t erase (luckily, I might add). Her first employment was as a weathergirl for WNCT TV in Greenville, NC, but it was by moving to LA that she got her first remarkable roles in movies like Jerry McGuire and Breast Men.
A good step in her career was taken when Emily got a recurring part in The West Wing, where she starred for three season as the sassy “Republican Sex Kitten” Ainsley Hayes. Thanks to this excellent chance, Emily was soon noticed for her brilliant and witty acting skills and a few years later, also incited by her friend Jorja Fox (who co-starred with her in the movie Forever Fabulous), she accepted the role of the charming Ballistics expert Calleigh Duquesne in CSI Miami, which soon became the most watched show in the world, providing her a considerable increment of celebrity and visibility.

[END PT.1]

So, what do you think about our beloved Emily being a weathergirl for a small local TV in her homecountry and eventually escalating to her current CSI role? And what about her family support? Do you think it would have been different if she hadn't had her family on her side and Jorja's incitation? Just share your opinions. ;)

Next on Talk EMILY: Even Southern Belles Have Hobbies.

Stay tuned! :lol:
OMG, I love that! so cute! :p

and about the weathergirl thing..... all great actresses have to start somewhere, don't they? :D

Maybe I should go check out my local station... :lol:
YAY we started :p I'm also resposible for this whole circus but I have to say I didn't expect Luna to take it this far. :lol: Just to clarify, the meaning of this whole thing is that posts in this topic become somewhat longer and more on-topic and in-depth. We have to show to the other people around here that we Emily addicts can do more than just say: "Wow she's pretty." And I'm sure we can!

I read in an interview that Emily asked Jorja about taking the role and Jorja told her to do so, and she eventually did. I have to say: thank you Jorja! What would CSI:Miami be without of southern beauty bullet girl? A lot less interesting, I bet! I would've loved to see her as a weather girl, I can just imagine her southern accent predicting that today will be a sunny day :D I'm with Luna here, luckily! I love the accent!
So, she's 38? Wow, I can't believe that! I always thought she looked looked like she's in her early 30s. :D

And actually, NC BBQ is vinegar-based and looks naked (plain) - yuck! And Southern BBQ's the tomato based one that has spices and stuff that gets your fingers all messy when you eat it. I think BBQ in the Northeast or in California though is more of a verb and means cooking something out on the grill. :)

Back to Emily... that's an excellent bio so far. I love the fact that she's from NC too and that she majored partly in dance. :D Good thing Jorja convinced her to take the role.
CSI:Miami without Emily,no csi:miami! ;)..

So,they are friends with Jorja?I didn't know that!

I knew she was telling the weather before being an actress :)..Have you ever seen her doing that?
I love this idea! It's really great to hear more about her life and see where she started off- great idea, guys. :) I had noc clue she was a weather-person, I somehow can't picture that!
And about being friends with Jorja, thank god! Sometimes the best are discovered because they know someone!
Anyways, great idea guys! Thanks! :)
I've always like to believe that things happened for a reason, or something like "Life's a chain of events"...

Lookin' at Emily's profile, as a weathergirl, as a movie actress, parts in West Wing, and finally landed on that reputable role of hers in CSI Miami, I think all these events, jobs, roles, friend's incitation, whether big or small things led her to who she is now.

Actually I think if a person has it, he/she has it, irregardless he/she's working with a small local TV or a big TV corporation. Even if Emily's still a weathergirl, I believe she would be a damn good one.. *sounds familiar huh? :D*

Yah she's pretty of course, or charismatic I would put it, but I like her not just because of that outer appearance, guess many of us aren't too. As I have mentioned earlier, just by looking at her teary Man's Down screencaps's already making me feel sad, that woman sure can act well! And though I've never met her in person, her cheerful and unpretentious interaction with Mike just make me like her more...

And oh, Geni, Nikki and Luna, thanks for stirring some new fresh waves here! :)
I watched a video of her when she on Regis and she talked about her weather girl gig and she said the tv station she worked at had no idea how old she actually was even though she'd been working there for 2 years!! It came about b/c she needed to take the day off b/c she was in charge of doing the rushes for her sorority and the producer asked her old she was b/c she said sorority and said 19!! They had no idea she was only 19!! Of course the guy gave her the day off. :lol:

I just thought it was cute little funny anictode to share! :D
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