Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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*feels bad* I just noticed this new thread! *shame on me*

Butterflied, Miami style? No way. I hated the LV episode, but that could be because I don't like GSR *hops to Shipper Central*.

And I'd love to have a Miami / LV crossover. Athens, Emily and Jorja have become friends since they have been in a movie, dunno the title anymore :lol:.
I actually think if they did a 'Butterflied' style, but put a new twist on it so it didn't seem so similar, it might work. It could be more of psychological episode. -- The corpse wouldn't actually look like Calleigh, but some of the team might think so. It could be Horatio, or Ryan, or Eric, or even Alexx. And then other things start to happen around Calleigh specifically and it'll be kind of like 'Curse of the Coffin' only more freaky.

:lol: None of that made sense so feel free to be confused.

Oh, wouldn't it be a great Miami episode if she had to work strictly with say, the night shift or another day shift instead of her usual CSI colleagues? :eek: (If not, don't mind the randomness)
Sorry if I offended anyone with the E/c reference I will not do it again :D

I think it is soo cool that Jorja and Emily are friends. They did a movie together? Someone do to tell the title of that flick!!

I would love to see Jorja and Emily act together again in a CSI ep...I think they would have great chemistry since their characters tend to be a little opposite of each other.
As Luna already mentioned ( ;)) the movie starring Jorja and Emily is called "Forever Fabulous" and premiered in 1999.
Here's a pic with both of them:

Teheee! :lol: So cute!
Hi-New person to the Calleigh thread!
^^That picture/her expression is hilarious :lol:
I love to see Emily in shows/movies other than CSI:Miami
Like Big Momma's house 2
Its interesting to see a different character than Calleigh. :)
The movie looks funny just from that pic!! what was it about? Her expression and Jorja looks funny too!!

I agree, I love seeing Emily in things other than CSI Miami. Big Momma's House 2 was funny...I loved the scene where she dances with Martin Lawrence/Big Momma! :lol:
^^ I know! It was so strange to see Emily in a funny movie like that since she is so serious on CSI:Miami. When she danced, I almost fell over :lol:
I actually think if they did a 'Butterflied' style, but put a new twist on it so it didn't seem so similar, it might work. It could be more of psychological episode. -- The corpse wouldn't actually look like Calleigh, but some of the team might think so. It could be Horatio, or Ryan, or Eric, or even Alexx. And then other things start to happen around Calleigh specifically and it'll be kind of like 'Curse of the Coffin' only more freaky.
That made perfect sense to me :p

Teheee! So cute!
*squee!* I agree.......I'm on a new happiness high today because of that pic! :D

It was so strange to see Emily in a funny movie like that since she is so serious on CSI:Miami. When she danced, I almost fell over
I am gonna have to see that..! :D *rents out from video shop* :lol:
ok so i figured something out today and thought I'd share. Did anyone ever notice that when they show Emily's name in the credits that it evloves from a math equation and I finally figured it out: 3a1&# 8722;x=(A9Xy)

I watch too much CSI:Miami
Yeah. The Math Equation actually equals out to their names. The entire orginal cast has it and Togo.

Speaking of weather girl, I might have something of interest in my laptop that might be cute.

Anyway, love the picture from Forever Fabulous. I've been trying to find it to buy it or rent it, I want to see it so bad.

Sorry, I don't have any fun facts. *shrugs*
Just a picture from somewhere. I don't know where it came from, I've had it since my obsession with Emily started back in 03 or 04.

Emily On Extra!

I think it's cute, considering it plays into everything well. In my world she hosted Extra for a day. I dunno. I'm nuts. Anyway, ENJOY!

That is such a cute picture. I don't think I have any fun facts either...

But does anybody know all of the movies Emily has been in? I would not mind renting every single one of them. :D
if you go to Yahoo and search her name, the IMDB website is one of the results. That site will tell you every movie and tv show she has been in and what character she played in them.

She was in Big Momma's House 2, Body Shots, The Big Tease, Guinevere and Breast Men just to name some.

Check out the website...it will tell you more :D
That is probably one of fav scenes of the whole movie where she is concerned!! Another is with the little boy when he jumping off the bed onto the floor and she is all non chalant about this kid throwing himself off a bunk bed.....her expression is priceless.

One of the best things about Emily is her ability to get a point or emotion across with just a simple facial expression.
I know she is great at acting!!! My god that dancing!!! How about when they went to the spa and she got embarassed? And she really had her kids tied up in all the extracurricular activities and she changed.
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