Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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YAY Shadowfax, take all the time you need ;) I'm actually honored that you even started writing it. Thanks a lot!

Vera, me a living manual? A living person with a brain that seems to remember only useless (well, as you see not so useless :p) facts about my favorite show/persons/couple. But it forgets everything else. :lol:

I so want this episode. I'm impressed that Emily can cry on command. I can try, but it usually doesn't work. *envious* Come on RTL, go on broadcasting season 5, I want to see Man Down!

BTW Luna, orchids...yeah that fits. Somehow yellow tulips seem too...wild for her, don't they?
My computer at home chrased and onley in the weekend and at school I can computer :(
I'm so sorry for not posting so long, great new thread and great pic's everybody :) I love the new name of the thread so much! And I can't wait to see 'Man Down'
Well, gotta go, my teacher is walking into my way,
Keep on sending those beatiful piccies :)
Maartje :)
I haven't seen Man Down yet...but I was browsing Leela's Emily's site, and saw those caps while Calleigh's in hospital, beside Eric's bed...she looks like she's talking to Eric, think that's the part Luna's and Nikki's talking about...

Even though I didn't get to see the epi yet, but the look in her eyes...redden, trying hard to be in control of her emotion, just that look make my heart break :(, now...I just have to decide whether I want to see that epi or not :eek:, too much emotions erupted, worried I would also cry when I saw that scene...*Jue's never a cryer when watching TVs, have to maintain that reputation :D*

I looked at all the caps, and realised Cal was in a sad-serious look almost throughout the whole epi, even some of her light smile also seems to be in fluttered with sadness, call me a sadist, but I really think she looked even more stunning when in that sad mode.
Okay, sorry about this, but I have another question. Does anyone know if Calleigh's ever mentioned what her favorite restaurant is? If not, can anyone tell me if she had any type of favorite food (ie: Italian, Chinese, Mexican, etc.)? :confused: Thanks.
I can't remember her ever mentioning something like that....but I always thought of her as a mexcian/spanish food type of girl. I don't why but that is how I have always seen her.

Can't really picture her as an Italian food lover. Although she does seem to me to be a burger and fries kind of girl! Don't ask cuz I really don't know where that last one came from! :lol: Maybe it is b/c I am a burger and fried kind of girl.
Hehe I like Mexican and Chinese. I can imagine her being a spanish/mexican type food lover (does that make sense? Grammer....grrr) and yes, she could also be into burgers and fries. I kind of imagin Cal in a bar with all the guys drinking beer and eating chili and laughing and...just cuz she's so imdependant and kind of lives with the guys.

Sorry, I just ramble, no help being done here. :) I don't think she's ever mentioned it, I would remember.
Hmmm... so that's two votes for Mexican food. Anyone else think differently? The same?

I can see her doing the burger and fries thing over drinks with some of the guys too, though. But I'm thinking more in terms of a romantic dinner. :rolleyes: Where would she want to go for something like that?
Even for a romantic dinner/date I still have to vote for the mexcian/spanish food. :D Who is taking her on this date? think about it that way too....sometimes it helps.

I know I have more than one type of fav restaurant and sometimes it depends on 'who' I am going out with that night. I know if I was going out to dinner with my girlfriends they like Italian but with my boyfriend it's a steakhouse.

Ok I am done rambling :D
Oohh...what were you thinking? ;)
Well, maybe Chinese or Japanese food. I can sorta picture her eating like sushi or some fancy dish...
Honestly, I wouldn't know, but Cal seems like she could just go for anything. She doesn't seem picky, but then again i could be completely wrong. :) Sorry I couldn't be of any more help.
Well, I'm currently writing a fic, and a very sexy CSI *cough* points at her icon/banner *cough* is taking her out to dinner. I don't want to get into details b/c I can't get shippy here. :p

But I'll take your advice, delkolover and cainesugar. If Calleigh seems flexible, then I'll have to go by what I think her date would want for her romantic dinner and go from there. :D
Hui! *can't wait for the fic!* :D
Hm, Calleigh is a southern girl - what's the typical southern cuisine from North Carolina? I guess "far away from home" she would love to eat s/th that reminds her at home :D
cinegirl said:
Hui! *can't wait for the fic!* :D
Hm, Calleigh is a southern girl - what's the typical southern cuisine from North Carolina?

Honey, I think you're a little confused... Cal and Emily are both Southern, but the first is from Lousiana and the latter from North Carolina. ;)
Anyways, I see Calleigh as an "easy food" girl (maybe cause Emily is like that :lol:), which means ready dishes, pizzas and quick stuff. On the other hand, the typical Southern cuisine involves loads of meat (especially in BBQs) and multiculltural receipes, many of which very faithful to the English tradition, and obviously strong Cuban and Mexican influences... So I guess Calleigh quite fits in it. I can totally see a white-blond haired little girl with long plaits running to her dad with a baby gator and ask him for some BBQed meat for her "little fwend". :lol:
:lol: aah, you know, I'm tending to mix up things (and names) *giggles* But thanks for clearing me up - again! ;)

Aw, poor little baby gator! :eek: But I'm completely for the BBQ thing!
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