Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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Hey Vera, *waves* thanks for quoting me :lol:

Yeah I want to see the movie when it comes out. Emily directing ánd acting in a DOUBLE role? :eek: I'm sure it will be brilliant.

I never get to watch TWW, but I did watch Family Plan. Cheesy as the storyline is, Emily was great in it, and I actually ended up liking the movie. She got to punch the bad guy, yay :D What I liked about the movie was the amount of emotion Emily got to put into the role. CSI:Miami misses that, we do have some of those episodes of course, but not a lot. (And certainly not enough!)

Like I said before, YES Emily is beautiful and stunning etc. etc., but that's not all there is to her.
hey, everyone......

WOW, okay, I'm very happy now....I already knew about her producing and starring in that movie, but hearing it again has just made my day :p
Yes I really think CSI Miami doesn't give Emily enough of emotional roles. I would like to see the writers expand her character in that repsect. In the little scenes that she has had to put her emotions into she has done a fabulous job and I think they need to expand and utilize her talents more in that area.
delkolover said
Yes I really think CSI Miami doesn't give Emily enough of emotional roles. I would like to see the writers expand her character in that repsect. In the little scenes that she has had to put her emotions into she has done a fabulous job and I think they need to expand and utilize her talents more in that area.

Agreed. It would be really great for her to have her own storyarc and kick it out of the park. She's tremendous in every scene, but it always feels to me that she doesn't really have the chance to make the scene her own and give it all she has. There just doesn't seem to be enough room on the show for her to do that.

_Calleigh_ said
C'mon, there's so much to say about her, I don't think y'all can see only her beauty... For instance, what do you think about her first experience as a producer?

I think it's a great opportunity to show everyone how trully talented she is as an actress and as a producer. We've often seen her in CSI:Miami as the once bubbly Calleigh and she portrayed a more stoic side of the character, which was all good and dandy but when it comes down to things, her talent can and has gone far beyond that range.

If I had the chance to see the new movie that Emily is producing/starring in, I'd probably be really impressed with her performance. I know she's exquisitely talented, and it's about time we saw her shine on her own. :) --If you ask me, she really does't need CSI:Miami. She could be in anything and I'd watch so it's one of the reasons I'm excited about this new movie. I also love how involved she is in the community.

She has been spotted at many awards shows, charity events, she's a runner, and she designs her own home. We've even heard from Mike that she's extremely appreciative of her fans. Emily really is a role model, and most people don't give her the same appreciation that she gives her fans. (Not speaking about anyone here, but we all know those people who place stereotypes on a pretty face)

Personally, I'd rather discuss aspects about her as a whole, and not just her beauty. I have no problem with people admiring her beauty, but there is so much potential to talk about the characters she's played, and see her as a person a little more. I'm not saying we have to get in depth, but a little more than "Wow she's hot great picture!" might be a nice change. :)
Does anyone know if Emily is going to be a the Grammy's tonight? As of late she has been going to all the other award shows so I was curious if she was going to be at this one. :D
darkeyez I love the pics you posted and thanks for them.

Nikki , your so right about the movie family plan, maybe not the best movie ever but Emily is great in it i loved her in it and wished just for a second that i could be the guy who kissed her. I also like Body shots.. She was so funny in that movie, and it was on again this weekend here. But he i have it on dvd.. The only movie with her i still wanna see is submerged but i cant find it any where in the stores around here... argg.. But okay i love her in everything she plays and i hope that some day i also can hear some of her music that would be so cool.
I'm watching it right now, but I doubt Emily's going to be there. :( My sources did not even mention any possible appearance, so I'll just sit back and startle at every blond curl I see around. :lol:

Maybe she's going to pop out of nowhere just to delight me with a new dress. :D I believe I've mentioned about one or two (gazillions :rolleyes:) times I deeply admire her taste in fashion... *cough* apart from her looks at the 100 Episode Party... I didn't like that dress, nor her make up.
(Man, this Grammy thing is boring me to sleep... But I've just caught Gary Dourdan after a bunch of unknown faces, so I'll stay tuned anyways... A girl can dream. :p)
O - M - F - G! :eek:

Just finished watching Man Down, and I think that if I had had an Oscar award into my hand and Emily had been in my reach, I would have given it to her at once. How great was she?
Please, someone help me say brilliant!
As I've already stated many many times before, she proved one more time there's more than meets the eye and her pretty face is not just pretty, but also very expressive and communicative. She moved me to tears while sitting by poor Eric at the hospital. Her voice cracking when she said "Hey Eric... It's Calleigh." tore my heart. I can't remember the last time I was so affected by a fictional character. You could see Calleigh fight to force everything within her walls and not to lose the control, and you actually felt a little like you were bearing her sorrow. I don't know how Emily does it, but it was at least an Emmy deserving performance.

*cough* Double post, but that's necessity. ;)
Aw, was it that great? I'm so jealous, couldn't see it, so please tell me more: her reaction after hearing that Eric was shot etc., every little detail ;)

*sighs* after reading that her acting was such awesome I'm even more excited for her movie - double Emily, double chance to show her skills!
I am sooo happy they finally gave Emily some emotion to act out. Her character has always been so hard and to the point but last night her humanity and soft side prevailed. I felt the emotion she felt when she visited Eric in his room and when she was talking to Alexx.

Kudos to Emily on a job well done!
I was a bit overzealous after watching 'Man Down' and made 109 caps of Calleigh *coughs*
They're - as always - HERE!
Great manips of Emily DianaRowen

Leela as always thanks for posting the caps...you always work so fast!

When she leaned over to talk to Eric last night in the hospital it was like hello ladies :eek:. I maybe a woman but even I would have woken up with those in my face!! :lol:
Thanks for the beautfil manips of Emily DianaRowen. Very beautiful.
Leela you are fast. Thanks for the caps. :)
And delkolover, I completely agree. Very shocking. Suprised Eric didn't have wandering eyes, even in his state. :lol:
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