Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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Hey thanks for the info guys :D really can't wait to see the movie now ... polar oppesite eh should be good as I said havn't seen Emily in anything other than CSI ... well a few interviews, but not her being anyone else will be nice to see her 'acting' whenever you watch a series you always wind up unconsciously feeling the actor must really be like the character they play :lol:
oh i love Big Mama's House 2!!!!!! and i loved the dancing part!!! it was so funny!!! and yes i agree she was way oppostie Calleigh!!!! but it was so great!!! i loved it!!!!! and nice pics Leela!!!! she always looks so great no matter what!!!
I loved Big Momma's House 2! I spent all this time laughing! I laughed in the dancing scene especially coz its so NOT Calleigh. It was hilarious. And I also thought she looked reli pretty in the not CSI clothes. Lol.

I also loved the son who jumped off stuff. THAT was funny.
Am sooo annoyed two episodes shown in the UK this week were the same (the one with Walter Resden and Horatio becomes a suspect) :mad:!! Different channels but still I looked at the paper on Monday all excited yey 4 episodes on this week and two were the same :(

was a good episode tho :D
Know what you mean Kellygirl last week they changed the epi from Crime Wave to Killer Date,a bit of info for you as ur in the Uk i have found the best tv mag to buy is What's on tv it gives you what season it is and the epi :)

watched Going Going Gone last night Calleigh scenes were brill liked the way she handled Jake
Hey ya, thanks for that its always easier when you can see the season :D .... hate it when they change the episode last min :mad: especially if it was a really good one *pouts* .... I'd never seen 'going going gone' before you are so right about Jake she delt with him very well :D was really scared when she got shot :eek: even tho I know she was going to be ok :lol:
Yeah, he put him in his place. I was like GO CALLEIGH!!

People say they don't get why she stayed down even though she was ok. You know, when she didn't get up for a few seconds.

But if you've just been shot at, it's a survival thing. Stay down til it's safe! And people are qestioning that, why? lol
adorelo said:
Yeah, he put him in his place. I was like GO CALLEIGH!!

People say they don't get why she stayed down even though she was ok. You know, when she didn't get up for a few seconds.

But if you've just been shot at, it's a survival thing. Stay down til it's safe! And people are qestioning that, why? lol

Hey ya, :D its not just that Kevlar stops the bullet penetrating the body, but its still like being kicked in the chest by a horse :eek:.... she was probably winded ... poor Calleigh :( ...

"A bullet-proof vest accepts the energy from the bullet and dissipates it so that only a small portion is passed on to the actual target, the person who is wearing the vest. That small portion of energy will probably still be enough to knock the wearer flat on his or her backside, it still hurts a lot, and will almost certainly leave a very unpleasant bruise at the point of impact. But if the vest has done its job, the bullet has not penetrated, and the person wearing it gets to walk away essentially unharmed."

Ooooo *3 eyed alien stylie* piccies thank you CalleighSpeedle :D

I'm watching 'Nailed' on Living at the mo love it when Calleigh intervenes between Ryan & Eric talk about mothering instinct :) ... trouble is you can see although they listen to her they can't help, but respond like children ... :lol:

Ryan: why do you always take his side (ish)
Calleigh: Funny he says the same about you *sigh*.
ya know for not being an extremely tall person Emily has *amazing* legs. She and I are the same height (5'3") and my legs look absolutely nothing like hers :lol:

Thanks for posting those pics. :D
Hell yeah she does :D ... Did you like my very scientific Kevlar defense? How dare people critique our Calleigh's reaction times :mad: ;)

I guess leg length just depends on the person I'm 5"5 and I have such short legs I have to have all trousers and jeans I own shortened :mad:
thank you so much calleighspeedle for posting those pics....
she rocks....no matter if she is "short" :D

About Calleigh being shot.....yeah she stayed down to keep her safe and probably also for the pain...poor Calleigh :(.....but after that she looked like if she hadn't been shot :eek:...I don't get it :eek:
Florry86 said:About Calleigh being shot.....yeah she stayed down to keep her safe and probably also for the pain...poor Calleigh :(.....but after that she looked like if she hadn't been shot :eek:...I don't get it :eek:

Well if it is just like getting a nasty bruise once she said 'I'll deal with you later' to Jake the scene cuts away and when we see her next walking with Natalia it could be a few hours later so she'd probably feel much better just a bit achy :)

By the by I did you know the name Calleigh - is English it comes from Caleigh meaning pure :D
Aww cute Kelygirl. My sister is caleigh Calleigh too, I will tell her when she's older that she's pure hehe. :)

Yeah, I loved your scientific defence :) Very nice! Haha

Great pics btw! So pwiddy!!!

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