Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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thanks Kellygirl ...I've seen it some months ago...it was from a collection of pics from the magazine CBs "Watch!"...she was also inrviewed :D (when she compared CSI:Miami and Scooby Doo....it cracked me up :lol: :lol: I couldn't stop laughing :lol: ....)
probably this is the best one from that colection :D .... it really shows how elegant she is in her movements ... maybe also because of the years she spent dancing :D
Kellygirl those pics of her are bril,i have the same problem when it comes to trousers i'm only 5ft 4ins :(

Went on that website to find out about my name,it was created in the 17th century by the playwright Colley Cibben based on latin meaning lovable :)
I'm 5ft 2ins hahah. Know how you feel.
She makes a fab model, not too thin like the silly ones. That and she's so pwiddy ;)

I love dancing. Anyone know what type of dance she did?

from the position of her hand in that pic....I think it was classic dance :D
She degreed in journalism and dancing...as far as I know :D
Lol I'm 5"5 but I still have to have my trousers shortened, short legs :lol: ... yes I'm also curious about the dancing I used to do tap :D ... Florry can you post a link to where I can find the other CBs Watch piccies? Loved the Scooby quote also :lol: ... Awww HC loveable :cool:
Wow thanks Florry that cover shot is georgeous and the article is really indepth ... got a bit confused by the pics of Tony from NCIS mixed all the way through though :confused:

:lol:"You know, CSI is really just Scooby Doo," she jokes. "Without a doubt, I'm Velma. 'Everyone get in the van! We gotta go! Quit fooling around!' And Horatio [David Caruso] is Fred. And Alexx [Khandi Alexander] is Daphne-she even wore the head scarf!":lol:
well... HC_4_my_birthday ....I'm pretty sure....it was classic hand..also because of the position of her hand in the previous pic :D...and also because she degreed in journalism and dance :D ....as far as I know :D

Kellygirl ....Tony from NCIS was kind of commercial for the article (especially for clothes and accecories :D)...
the piece you quoted from the interview...relly cracked me up :lol:
I appreciated also the words the CBS - woman told about Emily :D
Florry86 said:I'm pretty sure....it was classic hand..

:lol: ermm do you mean a classical hand position as in she must have studied classical dance am having rather naughty thoughts :devil: ... as for Tony I got that eventually :eek: at first I thought he was gonna do a cameo and got all excited :(
KellyGirl said:
Florry86 said:I'm pretty sure....it was classic hand..

:lol: ermm do you mean a classical hand position as in she must have studied classical dance am having rather naughty thoughts :devil: ... as for Tony I got that eventually :eek: at first I thought he was gonna do a cameo and got all excited :(
OMG!!! :eek:...well...I meant classic dance...because of her hand position :lol: :lol:...I'me getting mad :D...no worries :D
I'd love to see her in a movie set in the 30's or 40's - she so totally looks the part. It's also nice that she's a "real" woman and not one of those stick models like adorelo said. Come to think of it, all the ladies on CSI:M are built like real people and not stick figures. Hooray to their casting director! :)
HoratioStalker said:It's also nice that she's a "real" woman and not one of those stick models like adorelo said. Come to think of it, all the ladies on CSI:M are built like real people and not stick figures. Hooray to their casting director! :)

True ... come to think of it Vegas and NY suffer from that a bit, but Miami seems to have got off scott free :D yey Miami :cool: ... hmmm time to move to Miami (yes I do know its not filmed there always :p) and set up an interview :lol:
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