Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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'Death pool' I remember the episode (guessing when celebs will die) but not Calleigh yelling at Ryan :( ... can you remember what was actually said?
Basically, i cant believe you played the death pool, you put the entire lab in danger of an investigation and 'the buck stops with me, have you got it?' haha

GO CAL!!! xx
Oh right I remember now because he gave her a fake $100 note he got from the boat :lol: rhymes *hums to self*'I'm a poet and I don't know it' :cool:
haha Yeah. This season has been goood for Calleigh. She smiled alot more haha. Te earlier seasons were where that Southern charm was strongest. Now shes one fistey girl!! :p
True ... I'd like more of a mix though I like her positive attitude (at the risk of sounding like my grandparents) its refreshing, but

then again her take-charge persona is very sexy too :D Love her accent too ... seriously I could listen to her read the dictionary

and stay rapt :lol:
I dont get why people like our accents lol. Maybe coz I'm used to it... It's just odd to hear lol.

But I know what you mean. She has such a sweet/strong personality. She is a truly wonderful character. But then Emily is too, very sexy, i think. The reason I became an actress :)
Emily attended the Creative Arts Emmy Awards yesterday! She looked fab as always!

Some more pictures over HERE! ;)
I guess that goes both ways in the US I always get asked to 'say that again' to the point where I don't want to speak at all and I don't get it :lol: ...

yeah love Calleigh's character it just seems a little unbalanced at the moment, but I guess thats partly cause of the recent more serious storylines ... not seen Emily in anything else, but a mate is bringing over a copy of 'big momas house2' soon :D ...

so you're an actress? Theatre or more commercial? Calleigh inspires me too but enough about that :devil: ....

am watching a TV show called 'who would you want to solve your murder?' I keep tellin my TV "Calleigh d'uh!!" :lol: but its basically reminissing about all the great Tv cop/detective shows of the past tho there has been a couple of CSI nominations tho 'Grissom and Horatio' ;)

Oooo thanks sooo much Leela :D !!
OOOOH thanks leela, your a star-lett!!!! Great pics as always :):)

Well caleigh is going through a lot. I mean she has no one then suddenyl has 2 romances , both of whom are HOT!!

yeah, I act. Theatre mostly, though I have done some extra work/ TV movies. Bit busy with learning at the moment though. I'll get back into it once I'm settled.

Hell yeah, If I was killed, I'd want Calleigh to work my case! Definatly, she'd be this avenging angel who comes and finds justice!!!

Big mommas house 2 is so funny! shes great, though I forget the name of her character???

Thanks for the pics, Leela! She looks gorgeous, as she always does! :D

Love your website, Leela!...I just keep forgetting to tell you! :)

Big Momma's House 2 was hilarious. :D Emily played Leah Fuller in the movie. :)


Luv yall...

Me too!! Leela I am seriously considering setting up a cult in your honour :D ... found the website before I even knew about 'CSI Talk'

Leah Fuller <- can anybody tell me more about this character? Am gonna see the movie soon but an curious is she very diff to Calleigh?
Leah, that's it!!! Haha, I was thinking Laura, but that was the otehr movie.

Leahs cool. Very funny. Uptight though. :p

I'm with you Kel, We need to thank leela more.. Maybe a medel or a trophey or a castel OR *gets over excited* Ok, I'll stop...
Leah Fuller was hilarious. She was called "Mrs. Fuller" like, the entire movie. :)

Emily made me laugh so hard, especially with the dancing scene... :lol: I'm so used to seeing Emily as Cal... holding a gun, interrogating suspects, etc... that her character seems unexpected. :D She's awesome... :D


Luv yall...

Yeah her character in Big Momma's House 2 was sooo the polar opposite of our Calleigh. The chore board was hilliarious. Emily dancing was great but it was hard to see her as totally uptight very anal retentive person.

I love the son who jumps off the bed...Emily's facial expressions in that scene are great.
Thanks Leela for the pics :lol:
and yeah...I loved that movie :D ....she was so hilarious when she introduced her children :lol: :lol: ....
P.s: Welcome to all new people :D
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