Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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Discussion about Calleigh's interaction with Jake as it pertains to an explicit episode is fine, but any speculation beyond that should take place in their appropriate threads down in Shipper Central. :)
One thing I love about Angry Calliegh is that it gives Emily a chance to show what an incredible actor she really is. when an actress is given the chance to show a wide range of emotions you see how natural they feel with their characters. Emily has a certian charm about her when she's playing cheery Calliegh and you can se the authenticity of her character when she gets angry. Emily has what our Drama Prof used to call Sole through Soul, where you can feel her character straight through from her feet to her intensly beautiful eyes. Emily completely radiates a sense of character and truth. I'm sorry if I make no sense what so ever, it's getting late and I've been on my feet all day, but I finally have a job myself. yay!
Ref: 2nd pic from the link above: How does Emily do that?! She's wearing overalls, a baggy t-shirt and a cap, yet she still manages to look incredibly beautiful!!

Thanks for the pics Leela, they're great!
Leela, love those pics, they are great. She is looking so hot in that outfit. your so right Callacrap about how she does it. But i wish i could do that. ;)
Ummm wow did you see the outfit she was wearing in tonite's episode Triple Threat? Holy crap one time when she leaned over on the table while questioning a suspect I saw a little more than I needed to know.

Wait until I tell my husband. He is going to die - DIE I SAY - when he finds out that he missed a great boob/cleavage shot! He loves bewbies!!!!
As I guy I can say this RaCk2ThOuSaNd6, most guys do. :D Honestly, today I'm gonna be my usually less then proper highschool (or just graduated) boy self. The outfits Calliegh wears shows off just enough of her perfect body to still be professional (sort of) yet show her as the totally HOT woman she is. he he, you've offically been privy to the stupid side of Chris Miami. don't kill me girl. :D
Hello tonight show was very funny in my opinon to much boavista not enough Calleigh but when we did she her YOWZZA loved the white suit it showed of her girls greatly and loved the long hair
Thanks for the link...those are great pictures.

I love her sunglasses in this pic. And holy effing crap, George Lucas is in a few of those pics with a Han Solo t-shirt!!!
Yeah that one scene in the inerrogation room it was like :eek: helloooo cleavage!! Her white suit was nice though.

They seriously need to give her more color more often. I mean they either have her wearing all black or all white....then once in a while they throw in a colored shirt. It needs to be evened out a little bit.

But of course, as always, she looked beautiful!!
Thank you so much Leela! I'm very curious on which place she ends with the race :) Emily seems a good driver to me :lol:
Hey, I know I'm also supposed to add some meaningful content to my posts, but I just spent an hour capping yesterdays's episode, so.... sorry.. nothing usefull except 71 Calleigh PICS!
Okay I have a very big problem with how they are using Calleigh, she's by far (besides Horatio) my favorite character mainly because Calleigh is strong, smart and she's a bit flirty without being overly flirty.

Now the problem is (and I don't know who to blame here the writers, producers ect) in the last couple of new episodes they have mainly used her as "window dressing". Not cool, if you want "window dressing" use a character that doesn't have a backbone, Calleigh has never really presented herself as that, and I really wish they would just stop doing it!
^ I feel the same way. They seem to be putting her in ridiculous outfits and using her as a prop, while they give Boa Vista more lines and scenes where she doesn't even belong. Whats next Calleigh without her guns?
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