Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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Welcome to the thread animequeen23! :D I hope you're having a lot of fun here. :) Though I need to mention that while we do discuss the interactions by Calleigh with other characters in the show, any discussion about relationships/pairings can be done seperately in their own warm and cozy threads down in Shipper Central. There, you'll be able to discuss the prospect of Calleigh and Ryan with oodles of their fans. ;)

Oop, looks like Katie got here at the same time. :D

Thanks for the info _Calleigh_. :D A great addition to Talk Emily. She sure seems like a busy woman, and I hope her schedule will slow down one day so she can take a breather. :eek:

As for Calleigh this season, I still think she needs to lighten up a bit more. I've noticed her tone is softer but the way she treats suspects and victims is such a difference from previous seasons. She does seem to get a bit more irritated at the stupid criminals, whereas earlier she would have treated them with respect and...Not yelled at them. (Ie: When she got tiffed at the man who drove away after his kid died. - No Man's Land, I believe? - Her reaction was understandable, but she's supposed to be an objective CSI.) It seems like the job is getting to her a little, which might lead to a mistake someday.

Yeah, I know others might not agree, but I think that because she has seemed a little more irritated latedy via Eric getting hurt, she lost evidence in 'Going Under', her disagreement with Jake during a case, reporters following her around, etc. she seems on the edge of snapping. We all know she isn't perfect (though she may seem it!), so I'd actually like to see a flaw in her sometime this season, lol.

I'd like to see her actually really lose her cool one day. Not only is it great angst for those angst whores ( ;) ) but it's some great development into her character. -- That's just how I feel though.

Other than that, I don't think she needs too much this season, but she does seem to be rather forgotten through all of Natalia, Eric, and Horatio's bits. So I do agree that she needs something to set her apart from everyone else, but they don't need to lay it on thick. :p
speed_cochrane said:
I'd like to see her actually really lose her cool one day. Not only is it great angst for those angst whores ( ;) ) but it's some great development into her character. :p

I think that would make that ep so much interesting because Calleigh rarely breaks into tears, and she's never lost her cool, so that would definitely be very interesting. would love to see that!!
Yeah Calleigh is the type of person who holds everything in until it all snowballs and then everything and anything bursts out in one big emotional tirade....So I think it would be really interesting if they were to do that to her character b/c Calleigh can be a little uptight sometimes and a nice long cry or angry outburst might help cure that.

Plus, I just think it would be really cool to see her flip out and stuff...ya know get a little emotional. We saw some of it in Man Down but I would like see more.

We know Emily can do it, they just need to give her the chance!!
I would love to see Cal explode- Eric and H aren't the only ones who have had things boiling up inside them, waiting to burst- and Cal would be great an emotional wreck. I'd love to see her given a side-story. :D That would make for some great TV and Emily would be great like that.

I haven't yet seen her in anything other thn CSI: Miami but I would love to- I've gotten so used to her as Calleigh, I think it would be incredible to see her as a sillier character, or maybe in a thriller- Emily would have to really work hard because after a while you grow into your character. :)
To answer Dutchie:

I saw yesterday death pool and one moment when she was walking to Ryan about the money i really thought about Calleigh like your such a bitch now, you could say it different to him. Okay he made a mistake but how many times he did it wel. So its a shame they made her look like that. Because she was so sweet in the beginning with Eric at the pool and nicer. But i also think its okay for her to get angry, it was very controled but i didnt liked her like that.
Thanks Nathalie, I think she had the right to get mad though. This could've brought her in serious trouble with Peter Elliot and his bosses. I agree that she could have brought it different but under the circumstances I think she handled it well. Besides, after that she took the fall for him so that shows her sweet and caring side again. :)
I saw the ep too, I thougt it was fantastic... She was really angry at Ryan.. great episode, and she was so sweet in it...
Death Pool was awesome. How Emily did the angry scene, just wow :D And her interogation scenes were very well acted :D
I, too, didn't think that Calleigh over-reacted in "Death Pool 100". On the contrary, I loved it! ;) Very well acted!

Also, I finally made a clip of Em's recent appearance on 'Regis & Kelly'. I know I'm not allowed to direct link to it, so if you wanna watch it: It's online at our Emily board ;)
Emily doing an angry Calleigh is always awesome. She always plays it perfectly. I just wish they did angsty or upset Calleigh more often...like in Man Down. I thought she did an excellent job with the hospital scenes and I only wish we saw it more often.
Yeh, i agree, the hospital scene with Delko was extremely well acted and very moving! But, i suppose, its part of their job as a CSI to hide there emotions, and the writers do a brilliant job of selecting when they decided to show a characters emotion, which makes a greater impact than if they did it all the time!
hi everybody!
i'm alex from italy.
i have only 4words to say:emily sei la meglio!!
translation:emily you're the best!!
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