Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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Yeah, I don't think Calleigh over reacted at all in that episode. I think that anybody who were to find out that there collegue was doing something like that would get upset.

And I agree once again, I love angry Calleigh. I also love upset Calleigh to. I loved it in Going Under when she pushed Jake down to the ground, agressive Calleigh rocks.
*cough* No one-line posts, guys! This thread is for d-i-s-c-u-s-s-i-o-n, remember? ;)

Anyways, I completely agree. That wasn't an overreaction at all, imho, and I did love how she dealed with the whole thing. Angry!Calleigh was great to see and I'd love to see her so fuming again, someday... Ryan being incredibly irresponsible apart, I loved that scene. It showed how Calleigh can kick ass as much (if not better) as H, and that is why he should take another couple of vacations to Rio, in the future... Calleigh is an excellent boss and, among the three shows, she's the best woman to head a team.
I can see Ryan and Eric rival (how weird, uh?) to make a good impression, Natalia follow her back like a faithful lapdog (lol, I like Nat, but she is a lapdog), and many other interesting things (such as Cooper's pathetic attempts to hit on her :rolleyes:).

I'll start a petition and write to TPTB: at least another ep with Cal as a boss.

Cause Southern blondes lead it better. ;)

P.S. Ciao Alex! Nice to see you around here. ;) Welcome to Emily's Holy Temple. :)
Isn't it funny to see how this thread dies when no one posts a picture?[/sarcasm]

Callacrap, if you know not to doublepost, then use the edit button next time, eh? ;) Unless of course the time had run out. That is a nice picture though.

Upset Calleigh is a subject often used in fanfiction (I can back that up :lol:), but not much on the show. Which is a pity, because I know Emily could pull it off wonderfully. But who knows what the writers have got in store for Calleigh? All we can do is wait and see. And hope :p
I've been reading all of the talk about Calleigh getting angry and how it's great. -- Because it gives depth to her character and it certainly gives Emily a lot to play around with. BUT (And I always seem to do this :p) I'd like to see one episode where she's completely nuts and peppy. :lol: Maybe I just miss overly happy Calleigh. *sigh*

And Nikki, I half agree with you about upset Calleigh in fan fics. Yes, there are a lot out there who portray her as an angsty/upset/happy/sad character but we've also been seeing that a lot in season five. I can think of at least three or four instances where she has gotten really peeved and I've said "Sheesh, wouldn't want to get her mad." I do agree in a sense though they the stuff they're giving her could be less motononous. Ie: Blank expressions, random emotion and then nothing in the next episode. If you get what I'm saying. :lol: If not, then don't worry about it. I'm sick. :p

But I really do hope she gets something great this season story-wise. I'd like to see her in charge again and maybe another personal storyline. (I'd actually like to see one that only lasts one episode instead of spanning an entire season. It leaves things much more open and diverse for her throughout the rest of the season)
Yesterday we had this epi with Natalia's ex hubby in it and i thought Calleigh was very nice to her, never accepted that from her. But it was so sweet like she took over H his job with looking over the people on the lab.. I was proud she is getting so much better every epi.. Loved it..
^ She was great yesterday :D The scene where the blonde boss of the model agency died was very impressive :eek: When she said to Eric that it was cyanide, the look on her face. It was just such a sad look :( Made me wanna hug her. And just like you said Berylla_Nienna, she's taking Horatio's job to look after people over :D Calleigh is always the one who cares for people, no matter what situation they are in ;)
Gosh, I loved that episode!
especially when Calleigh was talking to Natalia, that was so sweet :) And of course this quote:

Calleigh: would you take you shoes of please?
Man: What are you gonna take off for me?

Calleigh's reaction to that question was so... cool. I mean, when a man would ask something like that I would be comepletely red and I wouldn't know what to say..

Gotta go,,
Byee! :lol:
Maartje said:
Calleigh: would you take you shoes of please?
Man: What are you gonna take off for me?

I was laughing so hard when this scene was on TV :lol: Like you said Maartje, her reaction was: I'm the detective here and you are not :p Kick-Ass Calleigh :D
Kick ass Calleigh rules and I wish we got more of her. I love her in the ep "The Score" when the guy is trying to run his game on her:

Calleigh: "Well I do type almost as well as I shoot" smiling and then her smile drops "Your game doesn't work on me"

Also in that ep when the guy takes his shirt off in front of her and she never breaks eye contact....as if to say 'please....not in a million years!' :lol:
hi everybody.
i have a question. what you think about cake(calleigh and jake).
i like this couple, i realy like the change of calleigh in front of her ex boyfriend.
i know that a lot of you are carwasher......but i think that jake character can help us to know much about calleigh private life...what you think?
I'm not a carwasher, or a cake supporter, but I do think it'd help us know more about her personal life and stuff, yeah.....

EDIT: Just incase you were all curious.....I am a Talleigh by OTP, but DuCainer ever since Lost Son :p
LOL, yeah I'm a CaRWasher, but I agree that Jake is an oppertunity to learn us more about Calleigh's past, which is the only reason I can appreciate Jake being on the show. I do not want them to actually get something so, I guess I could say I'm okay with Jake, but I don't like CaKE.

Somehow I think this will lead to a ship debate though. We'll see.
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