Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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The actual scans are here and here!

But here's blend I made ages ago from those scans, so that the whole group is on one pic:

Edited by mod per the 480px guideline ;)
Re-edited by Leela after resizing the pic ;)
I think it is soooo cool she is in an 80's cover band. I just wish they would put out a cd or something b/c I would love to hear her sing!

She really is the type of person to not sit around and relax...where does she find all the energy? :lol:
I think it's amazing that Emily is in a band. She's really multi-talented. Maybe one day Hollywood will see how great she is and cast her in a musical movie. If they ever do a hollywood version of Wicked, I think Emily would be the perfect Galinda. Any broadway fans would agree. I love the emotion she puts in her characters. It's always very natural and authentic. She is a really talented actress and a very beautiful woman with so much to give to the show and the world. Thank you for the lovely pictures!
Well thank you guys for answering my question...oh wait you didn't. Let's get the discussion going again, and show everyone that we are just as capable of a nice discussion as any other thread. I'll quote my question and answer again.

Dutchie said:
So now we're not getting any new episodes for a month, I think it's good to ask: What is your opinion about Calleigh so far in this season? And then I don't mean: 'there was way too little Calleigh', I mean the parts where she was in, how did you like them? Was the storyline they wrote for her good? Did Emily play it well or have you seen her better? And of course, is there anything from the season so far that you'd like to see continued?

I'll answer my own question: So far, I'm pretty content with the storylines. I loved Calleigh being in charge for the day in 'Rio', and Emily played 'Going Under' wonderfully. I'd like to know more about Jake and her. Personally, I dislike Jake. A lot. But I DO want to know why they broke up in college, and why she said the things she said in GU. I think the emotion in Man Down was also very, very well played by our Emily, and well that's the last episode I saw so I really can't say more :lol:

And Leela, that's a way to kill me :p 20 episodes in Hawaii? Was that a joke or...what was Calleigh supposed to do in Hawaii? :lol:
I wanna see!

okay, I put it on my icon, thats not the exact one, I couldn't find the finished version :( so thats like the 2nd draft :p But I love it anyway :D

EDIT: Has anyone ever listened to The Rogue Traders' "White Lightning" ? :lol: I love the song :p for two reasons, the first one is obvious ;) But the second one is I love how they manipulate Natalies (main singer) voice... and make it sound more "Electronic" :)
Guys, I'm going to just mention something in here really quick. As much as this place is great to meet up when we have new information about Emily, and new pictures, it's also a place where we can read and discuss other people's posts as well. I've been seeing a lot of one-liners on the previous page, and not a lot of discussing.

Some posters come into this thread expecting some actual discussion about Calleigh/Emily to be happening and all they're seeing is a few lines of *drool* and *gasp*, along with a few posts of more than three sentences. I'm not saying it's everyone, but please keep in mind that this is a messageboard and it's main purpose is to have some serious discussion once in a while. ;)
^ You're right speed_cochrane! ;) Thanks for mentioning :) And thanks for putting those scans on the board Leela! :) Would be fun if the whole band comes around in a episode of CSI:Miami :lol:
Now, guys, we have to do something about this, because I don't think Emily would be pleased if she read all of this. We should really at least try to talk about HER and not just her undeniable beauty. :) Please, let's do this, and everyone will be content and happy (Emily above all :lol:). Now, here we go with a little help:

Talk EMILY #3 - Charity, Cards & Country Music


Socially committed as she is, Emily has supported several charity events and is a habitual volunteer when free from filming and taking part to celebrity events. Even back in her college days, Emily used to be a kitchen soup volunteer, and her success doesn’t seem to have changed her generous Southern soul. But Emily’s charity commitment does not stick to public events.
Grown up with her father’s passion for poker, Emily inherited his ability with cards and often organises poker nights in her living room with her friends, practising for her occasional appearances in Celebrity Poker Showdown, where five celebs compete to money to donate to a charity of their own choice.
The most recent news announced that this year Emily is going to produce a country music noir movie called Dollars, where she’s also double-starring as twin girls called Dollarhydes. Dollars is Emily’s first producing experience and her 2007 schedule seems to be pretty busy, but she reassured her fans she’s not renouncing to her holidays, especially because she never misses the chance to take the first flight back to her beloved Raleigh to visit her family her friends.

[END PT.3]

How many other actors do you know who do this? I can count only two on my fingers at the moment, one of them is Emily, and the other Jorja Fox (good friends and good girls :)). Share your opinion about this, it's indeed a big issue, imho.

Next on Talk EMILY: Make your bid, whatever you're interested in hearing will be on. :)

Stay tuned! ;)
Thanks for the Talk Emily,
Talking about charities in Regis and Kelly didn't she talk about doing a charity event where she has to drive a sort of nascar car that is manual so she has to learn to drive again, it was something like that, correct me if I'm wrong.
But I would love to see Emily driving in a race!!
Is there anything this woman can't ro won't do?!! She is awesome. I mean she decorates, is in a band, runs, and now she is going to drive a nascar car type vehicle for charity!! Someone give this woman an award, seriously. I want to know where she gets the energy for all this and still manages to stay so perky. :D
Dutchie said:
Well thank you guys for answering my question...oh wait you didn't. Let's get the discussion going again, and show everyone that we are just as capable of a nice discussion as any other thread. I'll quote my question and answer again.

Dutchie said:
So now we're not getting any new episodes for a month, I think it's good to ask: What is your opinion about Calleigh so far in this season? And then I don't mean: 'there was way too little Calleigh', I mean the parts where she was in, how did you like them? Was the storyline they wrote for her good? Did Emily play it well or have you seen her better? And of course, is there anything from the season so far that you'd like to see continued?

I'll answer my own question: So far, I'm pretty content with the storylines. I loved Calleigh being in charge for the day in 'Rio', and Emily played 'Going Under' wonderfully. I'd like to know more about Jake and her. Personally, I dislike Jake. A lot. But I DO want to know why they broke up in college, and why she said the things she said in GU. I think the emotion in Man Down was also very, very well played by our Emily, and well that's the last episode I saw so I really can't say more :lol:

And Leela, that's a way to kill me :p 20 episodes in Hawaii? Was that a joke or...what was Calleigh supposed to do in Hawaii? :lol:

Hmmm...what do I think of Emily's storylines so far this season? I actually liked the whole her hummer going into the water storyline and the Jake storyline. I know a lot of people just don't like it because ohhh it Calleigh and Jake and that's wrong to some people. And that's fine. But I think that storyline shows another side of Calleigh that we've never seen before.

We got to see a little bit of the behind the CSI type with Calleigh's relationship with Hagen.. But the one with Jake shows more of her past and I would love to see more of her past besides just the part about her father. I think we all know all about that one already.

I also loved the part in Going Under after her hummer went into the lake she was just sitting there. I'm not really sure why I loved that scene so much but I did. I loved how she was all concerend about the evidence, "But the evidenece is umm" or something like that. Its been awhile since I've seen that episode.

But I was disspointed in the way that the Jake storyline just kinda died. I mean he comes back for one case and then its like ....did he die undercover or something and we just don't know about it yet. That's what I hate about these Miami writers they start something and then they don't finish it.

ANyways I'm almost positive that made no sense to anyone else but me. But those are my views on Calleigh's storylines so far this season.
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