Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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Did anyone see the Live with Regis and Kelly this morning? I want to know if Emily spilled about anything for the rest of the season or if she spilled about the upcoming movie she is filming.
Thanks again Leela !!..I like the way she is dressed!...It's pretty nice!..

delkolover ,presonally I haven't seen it!..I hope that she said something interesting about her movie or anything else about her! :)
I was disappointed about R&K this morning. Em was on for about 10 mins. She talked about her band, and how she is learning to drive a stick shift for a charity race that she is involved in. Ryan Seacrest had more time than she did. But I can't complain I love seeing Emily.
Yeah, I saw it too, Loved seeing her there, but there wasn't anything that interesting, I was kind of hoping for more. But it still made my day.
I love her outfits, she's always so stylish! It's like she's a model undercover. :lol: And that one in A Grizzly Murder was great. I mean, she really looked great in it. I wish TPTB could do that also in the other two shows. Calleigh's style is always the best.
does anyone know what she was wearing when she was on Live with Regis and Kelly? Better yet, does anyone have pics? I was a little bummed to hear she only got like ten minutes on the show. I mean you can sum up Ryan Seacrest in two words: American Idol....nuf said right there.
That is way cool. Sad to say I work nights so I'm not up that early to watch R & K.

I have to say I didn't see the singer bit coming. But I think it's way cool. A decorator, talk about staying busy. I don't have the patience to for that. heehee.

Her character is such a strong one, she has a rough exterior but on the inside she's soft. I'd really like to see Calleigh come to the forefront for a while. Not that I don't like the other characters being in the forefront, it's just that I think they could take Calleigh in some good directions.

I'll try to think of some but right now it's 3 am bed time!
That magazine scan is probably the same Leela has on her site (and Jules, of course ;)). She looks good in it, but then again...when doesn't she? :rolleyes:
I have never seen or heard anything of her music though, I don't think they have any CD or anything out. I would love to find it once though.

Oh and Leela you posted a lot of awesome pics in a short time! Be careful, don't overload me with Emily-love! :p

So now we're not getting any new episodes for a month, I think it's good to ask: What is your opinion about Calleigh so far in this season? And then I don't mean: 'there was way too little Calleigh', I mean the parts where she was in, how did you like them? Was the storyline they wrote for her good? Did Emily play it well or have you seen her better? And of course, is there anything from the season so far that you'd like to see continued?

I'll answer my own question: So far, I'm pretty content with the storylines. I loved Calleigh being in charge for the day in 'Rio', and Emily played 'Going Under' wonderfully. I'd like to know more about Jake and her. Personally, I dislike Jake. A lot. But I DO want to know why they broke up in college, and why she said the things she said in GU. I think the emotion in Man Down was also very, very well played by our Emily, and well that's the last episode I saw so I really can't say more :lol:
Dutchie said:
Oh and Leela you posted a lot of awesome pics in a short time! Be careful, don't overload me with Emily-love!

Muahahahaaa, Death By Emily-love! I think it would be a great way to die, wouldn't it? ;)

Sooooo, be careful because I just did another big update on our site! :p
Love the new clips and pics Leela!!
That clip about season 4...I guess it was something that never came to fruition b/c I don't ever remember that happening. It is amazing how much stuff eventually gets cut out when the eps finally air. They should put out a dvd of all the scenes and extras that get cut out of an ep....that would awesome to see.
Muahahahaaa, Death By Emily-love! I think it would be a great way to die, wouldn't it?
That would be one of the best, Leela :D

I've actually now seen "Rio" and "Going Under" so I can finally comment! :D

I thought she did great in Going Under, even though I knew she was gonna survive and whatnot, I must admit my heart was poundng in my chest :p I knwo that has something to do with the way it was shot and whatever, but Emily played a huge part in it too! :D and Rio was one of my favorite epis.... *being topped by "Going Under"* *mentions something about justice coming to the world* :lol: She was brilliant as usual :D
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