Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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Callacrap those pics were awesome thanks so much for sharing....same to you toocalleighspeedle

You guys rock!! :D
Of course I like it, but: *cough*ontopic*cough*

So tomorrow night's a new episode of CSI:Miami, namely Man Down. I am hoping for some good scenes, I'm dying for them. Last new episode I saw was Going Under and that was FULL of Calleigh. :D
I missed Going Under, unfortunately. :( Really want to see it. She had a car accident or something, right?

Love the magazine pics. She looks stunning!
Callacrap said:
I have the full episode if you want me to email it to you or w/e, message me! ;)
Exchanging episodes by email, videotape, disks, or other means would break copyright laws and are not permitted to be discussed on this board.

Episodes will be rerun quite often and eventually released on DVDs. There will be plenty opportunities to see it. Or check out CBS.com to see if they are still offering it for free LEGAL download.
Dude, even in 'Going Under' there wasn't enough Calleigh. She really hasn't had one episode that was all about her. They need to give her something like 'Weeping Willows'.

Yeah, I think 'Man Down' might be really good for our girl. Any time Calleigh shows a bit more emotion it's excellent, she was seriously on the verge on becoming cold in Season 4, she seemed so robotic. The writers really do need to give Emily more emotional moments, she'll act the pants off of them! I've been watching Season 2 of The West Wing constantly at the moment, and I can't get over how good she is in it. Her final scene in 'In This White House' is wonderful. I'd really love it if she cried in this too. I love that she's as tough as nails and takes no crap but that doesn't mean she can't have an emotional side. I'm hoping what happens to Eric brings a bit more out of her.

I <3 teh Ainsley. :D
CSI_Ali said:
Dude, even in 'Going Under' there wasn't enough Calleigh. She really hasn't had one episode that was all about her. They need to give her something like 'Weeping Willows'.

I <3 teh Ainsley. :D

You are so right, something like 'Weeping Willows' would be very interesting :D Ainsley is so cool, I loved Emily in the West Wing :D
It is kind of hard to wish for that right now since everything seems to be about Eric....not that I mind cuz I love Eric but it would be nice to see a long running storyline for Calleigh/Emily that lasts more than one Ep and doesn't involve her father (cuz I think that has been done to death).
Oh, I do want her father to come back! That has always given us good episodes, not to mention it's a chance for us to know more about her past and family. Who knows, maybe we'll find out where her mom is (and why her father said he loved her too much to get drunk again, long time ago) or we'll see her brothers! Wouldn't that be awesome?

Of course, I'm all for Emily/Calleigh storylines, including her father or not.
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