Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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Emily/Calleigh #9: CSI: Heaven
Emily/Calleigh #9: Horatio's Angel
Emily/Calleigh #9: Goddess of Cuteness
Yeah guys! Move on! Fantastic new suggestions, delkolover and Dynamo! (though your second one is a bit shipperish, so I guess it'd be better to skip this one, before anybody feels offended ;) )

I think we'll collect some more and then make a poll, okay?
Hi Tristianna, welcome to the lovely Emily/Calleigh-Thread! :D

In a short time (a day, two days, I guess...) you'll have the option to attend the poll which we first have to start, so stay tuned here and then vote for your fav title ;)

Meanwhile enjoy spreading the Emily/Calleigh-Love, we are always happy to welcome new addicts! :lol:
Calleigh___x said:
Video of Emily at the People Choise '07
at youtube!
link removed by mod.

Due to potential copyright infringement, we request that people not link to CBS material not uploaded by CBS itself. Thanks guys! :)
Hey, Vera, wasn't the 'Emily: one word says it all' one ours? We made that up together didn't we? :lol:

I like all of them, there's so many thread titles that would fit. We'll see when we get a poll.

Soo how was Calleigh in 'Throwing Heat', since poor poor me can't see it yet?
cinegirl said:
(though your second one is a bit shipperish,)
I see your point but it wasn't meant to be. I was thinking more along the lines of Charlie's Angels, the mysterious boss and the lovely detectives. But I can see how others might think it is shipping.
Dutchie said:
Soo how was Calleigh in 'Throwing Heat', since poor poor me can't see it yet?

Gorgeous. I can't seem to say anything less of her. :p I love the curls+light blue combo... She looked amazing!
I saw pics of her in throwing heat and I was like.... *leans in a little closer to the screen*

She's beautiful as usual :p

But, I have a whole plethora of blue clothes and none of them loook as good on me as they would on her *sulks in a corner* :lol:
:lol: yeah Nikki, you're right, we came up with it on one of this rarely days we talked on msn - we have to repeat it! :D *hugs*

Ah, now I see Dynamo!(I hope you know that I didn't want to corrupt your title? *hugs*)
But to resume this Charlie's Angel idea, what's about:
Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!' :lol:

Ah, last thing: Nikki, here's the link to Leela's photo gallery, leads directly to the caps from 'Throwing Heat' - I have to say, sure, she looks stunning, but I like it better when her hair is a bit less curly... *runs away from horrified people who want to slap me now*
Thanks everyone, but (surprisingly enough) I didn't mean just her looks, there's more to her than looks. (No really :lol:) I actually meant more among the lines of behaviour or kick ass scenes or anything...of course without getting shipperish.

Dynamo, I have to say I didn't get that title either, but now you explained I do ;) Vera that's funny. Didn't we have a thread title or suggestion once saying 'Heaven's missing an angel' or something like that? It makes me think of that.

[ot]And yeah we should do that more often![/ot]
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