Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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I loved Emily in the West Wing, especially when she is dancing Blame it On the Bossa Nova, if anybody wants to see it is in youtube!!!
Emily was phenomenal on TWW. :D She's so much more different than Calleigh, and I like that there is a diversity that we can see Emily in. :) We all know what she's capable of, so I'd like to see a little more of her bubbly and crazy side on CSIM. :p

I really hope Calleigh gets a good storyline this season. Don't get me wrong, I love it when her dad shows up, but it seems that it's the only storyline they can pull off for her as kind of a side-line plot. It's always in the background. So I'd like to see Calleigh up at the forefront a little more, maybe working a solo case but it being the case A, instead of the thrown-away-in-the-back-of-the-episode case B. :lol:

We've seen that Calleigh has been made out to be in charge when Horatio isn't there, so I think if she went solo on a case - a high profile/interesting case - we'd really get to see her shine. Anyone else have thoughts on it?

Like Nikki said, we haven't seen her mother either, so it could be a great potential for a Calleigh driven story. :)

Season five has been very shy of Calleigh storylines, and she hasn't really been showcased since season two and three. (even then, it was because of Hagen's death, or her father. Gosh that woman needs something happy to deal with!) Well, we did get the Jake thing which gave us a little more history on Calleigh. I thought that was interesting, but they kind of left us hanging with that plotline. Sheesh, continuity these days. Is it so hard? :rolleyes:
ahhh Emily in TWW. Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic role for her. I absolutely love Ainsley Hayes. And i love how she's completely opposite of Calleigh. Whenever Emily gets tired of Miami or the show ends and Studio 60 is finished, Aaron Sorkin should make a spin off of WW and put Emily on it w/Rob Lowe because that would simply be heaven. The two of them were awesome together and I don't know about anyone else but I would totally watch Ainsley Hayes kick Sam Seaborn's behind for an entire hour. Lol.
OMG that's the bestest idea someone ever had! The bestestest!!! That would be more than heaven! That would be two heavens! At least! "Bipartisan Presidency - The Ultimately Awesome Sam And Ainsley Show" Heh. Three Heavens!

Ok, the Leela almost shuts up.
I don't want to get on anyone's nerves *cough*, but I noticed a few new Emily fans here and I wanted to let everyone else know too: This is your last chance to join our "Send Your Love To Emily" - project! You have three more days to join and after joining you'll have about a month to design/paint/draw/write/ your greeting card/paper, which will be sent to Emily (together with everyone else's greetings) in one big book....
So, if you ever wanted to tell Emily why you love her and her work, or if you simply want to send your greetings, be sure to take part. The banner-link in my signature will lead you directly to the project!
Ok, NOW I'm really gonna shut up!
Heh, look what I found in amongst my pictures:


Sam & Ainsley was <3.

God, I loved The West Wing so much. I loved all the characters in that program. For me, Ainsley stole Season 2, and Emily interacted fantastically with everyone on that show. I might have to go digging for some Ainsley photos later.

"CJ Cregg thinks you kill your pets." :D
CSI_Ali said:
"CJ Cregg thinks you kill your pets." :D

Leo: "...You don't do that, do you?"
Ainsley: "No, I don't kill my pets. I don't have any pets. I was thinking about getting a pet- But that doesn't matter!"

:lol: Ainsley is such a cutie. :lol: Too bad she had so little screentime. :rolleyes:

I do hope we're soon getting more Calleigh, because I honestly miss good Calleigh episodes like The Oath and Body Count, or even Under The Influence. Emily's such a great actress, why won't they let her have the screentime she fully deserves? :rolleyes:

Oh, and... Yes, Sam/Ainsley was pure love. ;)
Oh, I do want her father to come back! That has always given us good episodes, not to mention it's a chance for us to know more about her past and family.

I agree on that point, dutchie :D

Dude, even in 'Going Under' there wasn't enough Calleigh.

I better collect all my Calleigh moments and put them into a montage for you then :D
Oh I loved Ainsley on TWW. She was so incredibly different from Calleigh and Emily did a wonderful job portraying them both.

calleighspeedle how could we not like the pictures you posted? Emily is love in every sense of the word. She's so gorgeous... thanks for sharing!
Its a shame for myself i never watched tww because i didnt know she was in it, i've i have know i watched it.. *cries* i wish i could she it still, she must be great in it after all i read about it over here.. Maybe some day i find a epi with her in it.. I hope so..

and to make it up to myself some pics i like to share and love to watch to:

YOWZZA that was a cool show tonight and Emily was very smoking tonight loved the outfit and she was super tough Calleigh i hope somebody got pics from that show loved the boots
I've only watched the promo and I have to say for a moment I thought I had the old Calleigh back... Light make up, simple attire... Jeez, she was more beautiful than ever. Now I just can't wait to watch the whole ep tonight. *is excited*
How 80's were those boots!! I think my sister and I both wore those back in the day! I just couldn't get past them and not in a bad way. 80' trends seem to be making their way back so it wasn't toally out of place. Altough how do you wear those to a crime scene?!
She did look great though and Holy Cow Cleavage!! The first scene where she bent over I was like :eek: hello girls!! :lol:

They tend to like to put her in all black, which is kind of odd considering it is Miami and well, HOT out! Either way she looked amazing
Yeah I love it whenever she wears white! I mean she looks beautiful no matter what but white is her best color in my opinion. :)
The boots...someone said they were wonderwoman boots...there's an idea for a thread name..." Home of The Wonder Boots"
And yes, it is Miami. Speaking of black *cough, Horatio, cough* Ryan and Eric dress appropriately...Natalia too, and Calleigh sometimes...Alexx even does, but Horatio is always in black. Okay, back to Emily, she did a great job and I can't wait to see her reaction next week.
Oh man, you don't know HOW jealous I'm right now of all of you who could see the epi! I want to see those boots, too, see Calleigh showing emotions again, of course the whole action - please calm me down with posting some screen caps soon, otherwise I might explode :D
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