Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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Bullet_Girl said:
I can't pariticpate in the project :( I live too far away.....and in a totally different country. someone send her my love :p

It would be funny, but I could totally see a bunch of them doing it. I watched Torvill and Deanes Dancing on Ice when it Aired in Australia and I got some sweet......cold, but very sweet CSI:M/Emily dreams hehe

That's funny Bullet_Girl, when I watched 'Dancing on Ice'in Holland I thought exactly the same thing... what if Emily would be a contester in Dancing on Ice??
:lol: that would be great...
I just joined the site, so I'm going to plant myself here. I completely adore Emily, she is a fantastic actress and a beautiful woman. She is a big part of the reason I watch CSI:Miami. I missed what 'project' bullet_girl was talking about, but I will be part of this thread so y'all be seein' me around.
Thanks for the pictures :D and awesome banner, BG!

and welcome chris_miami hope you enjoy your stay and stick around!
Chris_miami said:
I missed what 'project' bullet_girl was talking about, but I will be part of this thread so y'all be seein' me around.

Hi Chris, welcome here!
The 'project' is something I came up with. We're all (well, a lot of us) working together on a 'book of greetings' that we're gonna send Emily. Something to show our 'collective' love ;) All the planning etc takes place over at EmilyProcter.de. I won't post more here, because I don't want people to complain about me pimping my site :p .
But -since you asked - if you want to participate, just click the banner in my signature!
I just got home from my first day of school. :( lol

When I was supposed to be dissecting a graphic or some technical crap I was making emily banners instead hehe :p

Wow......we're only like 2 or 3 pages away from a new thread....have we started a poll or anything?

Thanks, for that CathStokes :p I try my hardest hehe
I just made a delko poll. I'm all polled out. :D
People start brainstorming ideas for names! (I'm better with the males lol)
hmmmmm..... I'm totally lame at making things like that, unless its a shippy thread....hehe....or a CG (Carmine) thread name, then I can click my fingers together and I have 5 or so very dirty sounding thingies to go on the new thread haha
Well as long as it's not too dirty in here, we should be okay for thread names. ;)

Also there are still 90 some posts left in here, so take your time. There's still plenty of Emily/Calleigh discussion left before a new thread name is needed. :)
Thnx Calleigh_x! :D She was so cute at the PCA's from 07 :) I don't get those people who wrote that her dress wasn't beautiful :confused: I think it fits Emily great and that's just her style ;)
There are always going to be critics out there criticizing what the actors and actresses wear....but my personal opinion: the dress was just sooo Emily. I mean it fit her body type perfectly as well as her personality. It was much nicer compared to what some people wore that night! Cameron Diaz anyone!!
Calleigh x thats so cool i love it and thanks. She is so cute over there and i love to listen to her voice.. She is just to dawn cute like that. love it.. Thanks
Oh yeah, that dress...I was just like :eek: and *drools*, in a good way, so those critics don't know what WE like, isn't it this way? *giggles*

Okay, who mentioned the near ending of the thread? Bullet_Girl, right? Thank you for reminding, I made a try to catch up some thread names we already mentioned - if they were meant for fun or stated seriously, that doesn't matter :D
Here we go, that's it by now:

Emily/Calleigh #9: Beware The Hotness, Southern Style!

Emily/Calleigh #9: 'The cutest "Nothing! Nothing!"Woman God ever created'

Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Making drooling Calleighians queuing up to be a suspect!'

Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Can't seem to get rid of drooling suspects!

Emily/Calleigh #9: Neverending Hair Perfection!

Emily/Calleigh #9: "Emily: one word says it all."

Aah, that was really hard, my eyes are burning now, but I can't find anymore thread title suggestions - we have been lazy! ;)
Hm, perhaps we can take one of our fav quotes we've posted here, what's about

Emily/Calleigh #9:'Nascal muscus. And it isn't even my birthday!'

or s/th else... :)
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