Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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Yeah, but I don't wanna get in trouble (again) for taking things off topic.......soooo.....

If the Emily/Calleigh was put into a contest similar to Dancing on Ice or Dancing with the Stars (Aussie TV. meh) What songs would she choose for each style of dance? (e.g. foxtrot, waltz rumba...)

For the three I mentioned as examples, I'd have to go with (for the foxtrot I am lost on that one lol) Waltz would be John Mayers 'Gravity' and for Rumba it'd be Tom Jones' 'Sex Bomb' ROFLMAO :lol: I had to ad that one hehe
darkeyez thanks for those great pics i love them she is so cute behind a laptop.. I wish i could chat with her. hihi I'm so happy wiht those thank you so much..
Emily was in the Sun-Times's Sunday celeb insert, Fluff...unfortunately it was in "Fashion Puh-leez"...she had some kind of short silver dress with black vertical stripes. They said she was doing an Energizer bunny impression lol
hmmmm.....I have a scarfe that looks like it was made out of the same stuff shes wearing :devil:

She does look great in anything, something only a true Emily fan could say :p

I had to add that bit because I consider myself to be :)
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