Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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Leela, that's an awesome sweet pic of Emily. Come to think of it, I've never did realise she can look so sweet even only with light makeup (maybe I have seen too many of her event's+photoshoot pics that's why :D)

In that Windows pic, she looked like the sweet gal next door (you know, I really, really won't mind it's my door :lol: )
I love that bit, Leela. I totally got it as I was reading the posts. I still laugh when I watch it :p

Just a random question, but do you think shed be good in a role as a secret service agent e.g. The Sentinel?

I know what I think :D
hi all newbe here Calleigh is goddess i am glad she has turned into major butt kicker this season i hope they keep bringing it on big time, major change from first season i lkied how she was dressed in first season espcially in kill zone yowzaa
I think she would kick ass as a secret service agent. Although the outfit wouldn't be too flattering for her..no low cut tops so no way for her to look sexy.
delkolover said:
I think she would kick ass as a secret service agent. Although the outfit wouldn't be too flattering for her..no low cut tops so no way for her to look sexy.
Tell that to Sydney Bristow of Alias or Emma Peel on The Avengers.
Oh, yeah....ALIAS kicks ass! But not as much as our Emily! :D

I have ALIAS the PS2 game....it gets me thinking of what they'd put on Emily if CSI:MIAMI were to come out on a game like that :p

EDIT: I wonder if Emily has ever done Ice Skating ? Because if she didn't....I'm pretty good at it and I could teach her a few things..... :p :devil:
Here in Holland we have al those programs with Ice Skating and then actors, actresses and people like that, participate in the program ;) Would be fun if they make a CSI version with Emily and a lot of other actors and actresses of the three other shows :lol:
CSI Willows you totally beat me to saying that :lol: It was the first thing that popped into my mind. 'icedancing with the stars: CSI style'. LOL. I'm terrible at iceskating, I can barely stand. Hey Luns, didn't we talk about this once :confused: It rings a bell.
Maybe they could also do a dancing with the stars CSI style, I wonder how good Emily or David Caruso would be?
I think it would be fun to watch either dancing or skating
I can't pariticpate in the project :( I live too far away.....and in a totally different country. someone send her my love :p

It would be funny, but I could totally see a bunch of them doing it. I watched Torvill and Deanes Dancing on Ice when it Aired in Australia and I got some sweet......cold, but very sweet CSI:M/Emily dreams hehe
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