Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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Awww Mike I'm totally jealous! That is awesome that you got to meet Emily and that she was that sweet! That's great! I gotta say though that doesn't suprise me that she's that sweet...I saw an interview with her on Ellen the other day and she was so freakin' adorable and cute and Southern...it made me smile for the rest of the day! Awww, I just love her! :D
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Those are nice pics....... Emily looked fantastic! I love that dress.
(Mike was very handsome too :))
I'm sooooooo jealous.
I have two of her interviews with ellen on tape! I'm insane I tells 'ya! or maybe just obesessed? One of then was when she was in a weird costume (y'know Creepy skull mask and the whole thing) and the other one I can't really rmemeber that well. But they were both hilarious and she was exactly as Mo described her! :D In the one I described she sung a little too! :p
Leels, you can't jump in here and squeal out such thing and not give an explanation! (also because it's a little spammish :D).

Anyways, I'm still dying after the pics from Self. *insert drooling face here* As soon as I saw them I melted. I printed the one with the skates and sticked it to my Holy Wall (aka "whole room", aka "Emily's temple"). *goes back staring*
I thought I didn't need an explanation... *pouts*
Bullet_Girl was talking about that Ellen clip with Emily wearing that costume - and in that clip Emily said "I am the beastmaster!" twice....
Thought you'd get that...

*goes hiding* :p
Leela said:
*runs in*


*runs out*

Wow, that's a lot of sentence for $29. May I ask what kind of shoes you're wearing? :devil:

Dude, I want to participate in the project, but I have no freaking clue what to do for it! :confused:
CSI_Ali said:
Wow, that's a lot of sentence for $29. May I ask what kind of shoes you're wearing?
The shoes I'm wearing belong to an entirely different beast...
Ok, if you really wanna know; I'm wearing pink/red fluffy slippers. Hehe!

Dude, I want to participate in the project, but I have no freaking clue what to do for it!

Didn't you read my uber-long info-thing?
Just do what I say in there!! :p
Leela said:
Things that should NOT be on the card:
- Indiscretions (Marriage proposals, sexual advances etc.)

:rolleyes: You really threw me up the proverbial creek without a paddle with that. :p

Just kiddin', I'm sure I'll think of something. Actually, I had one idea, it's not bad, but I have no idea how I'd actually go about making it. I'll get back to ya. :D
Ok, I think we shouldn't discuss this here ;) The mods will come and punish us!

Speaking of punishment - my slave Jules dug out the most awesome new Em pics! Here's one:


...and yes, that is the Windows logo behind her! ;)
that is an awesome pic of Emily. I love her hair in the pic. When and where was that taken? and what is up with the Windows logo?
It was at some kind of Windows Vista launch party I believe. I love her hair now it's just that teeny bit shorter; it has more shape instead of being dead straight. Not that I mind it either way, but it's a nice change. :)
According to Jules infos, who found those stunning pictures after intense research :D they were taken at "The Windows Vista Lounge Day" in L.A. on the 25th January. I don't know exactly, but I think it has s/th to do with the new Windows Vista Operating Program. (more at EmilyProcter.de)

Eta: yeah, I knew, too slow again :D :p
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