Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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Well I think that if you're not a natural blonde and you dye your hair, you should keep dying it because I either like it one way or the other! And either way Emily is beautiful, and I think she is probably a natural, but I am not sure. Anyways, she should stay that way.
Emily is a natural blonde, but she has lighter blond mesches to get a brighter colour. :) Unluckily my blond's too dark to enlighten it with such meches. :eek:

Anyways, have I ever said I adore this pic? She looks so natural and pwetty. *melts*

Having looked at many of the fake smiles on the red carpet at last night's Golden Globes award show, it is always great to see Emily's beautiful smile.
hmmm....shes at the golden globes this year?! *squee!*

That's the only other awards ceremony shown in aus besides the Arias and Emmys :p
No, I don't think she was there. The only CSI star I saw in the IMDB red carpet photos was Sophia Milos (a.k.a. Yelina). I was just comparing Emily's smile in the photos posted here to those of the other actresses seen there.
She was at the Globes? Crap, now I'll actually have to watch all that Red Carpet crap they show on the E! Channel. Anybody have any pictures?
I watched the Golden Globes last night and alas she wasn't there :( I can only imagine how beautiful she would've looked on that red carpet.
Well actually she WAS at the Globes! I've seen pictures of Em at an after-party! Most gorgeous dress EVER! Very glamorous, golden-brown long dress!! Just pretty!!
Don't have a pic right now, because I'm at work right now (as always *lmao*)
damn it i missed the globes .. i'll go and see if they re-run them :S
looking forward to your pics leela! i wanna see that dress !! :p
oh i and i love your icon CSI_Ali i have actually never seen that commercial :(
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