Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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Happy Birthday, Katie! :)

I've got two pics from two different Em movies (I'm in a cap-making mood...)

From 'FamilyPlan':

(Horrible movie - but pretty Emily *lol*)

From 'Submerged':

(Average movie - very 1930s-stylish, classy Emily!)
She looks great as a brunette. I never saw Submerged and from what I heard about the movie (ie her being a brunette) I didn't think the color would suit her but it did.

And yes you can totally see the tape holding her dress in one of the pics!!
Aww thanks everyone for the birthday wishes.

Leela, those caps are lovely. That first one...hmm...i'm not sure what to say about that hat though. Its different. lol. Thanks for posting.
speedmonkey2 said:
That first one...hmm...i'm not sure what to say about that hat though.
Add a mask and she could be Lady Zorro, if Catherine Zeta-Jones decides to quit the film series. But a mask would cover up a part of that lovely face.
I like her blonde, and I liked the whole brunette look as well. Heck, she could make any hair colour look sexy, even blue or pink. Mmmmm Emily as a punk girl... now that's hot :p

Laters, tigger_willows xoxo
I think I like Emily as a blonde mostly. She is a natural right? Looks like it. Is her hair really as blonde as it is on CSI or is it a little darker?
She was blonde in 'Body Shots'. I saw that one. That movie was crazy and Emily just made it all that much better.

But, I do believe that Emily is a natural blonde. I think her mother is brunette - not sure though - and I've never seen her father so, no telling there.

And if it's fake, I want her hairdresser because that looks damn good.

I think she is a natural blonde...cuz she doesn't hae dark roots. I am a brunette with blonde highlights and believe me when the blonde grows out it is dark.

But then again if it isn't...I agree, I want her hairdresser!!
If Em isn't a natural blonde.........then she's fooled me. I used to have the same colored hair, but I got stupid and had to go dye it lol. I agree that Emily looks good in any color. She'd look good in multicolored hair! lol
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